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Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. More like this (and most of these to be sure): http://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/top
  2. OP explicitly mentions Software Distribution as never being added, but I formatted it incorrectly and it's inside the other spoiler tag. I'll have to fix that
  3. I saw his sig and checked them out myself, I lost track of checking which of his entries were already included / in ccleaner, thanks
  4. [Thumbnails] LangSecRef=3025 DetectFile=%HomeDrive% Default=False FileKey1=%HomeDrive%\|Thumbs.db
  5. You shouldn't see any betas in the internal updater if you're not on the beta channel
  6. Odd, there are nine betas released during the beta phase. You might be stuck on 32beta until the first 33 beta either tomorrow or tuesday (I run nightly, so I'm not sure how the beta channel handles updates)
  7. Fx 32 is out https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/32.0/releasenotes/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/33.0beta/releasenotes/ https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/34.0a2/releasenotes/
  8. Google logins with firefox borked by http/2 implementation (Google's end) http://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2014/09/02/http2-interop-pains/
  9. Even with filekeys! [steam Installers*] picks up some duplicate stuff sometimes because of the way the vcredist files are named, some of them get picked up by the wildcard, but all of them get picked up by the vc*redist* stuff. broadening the wildcard picks up some non junk though
  10. I just search from the firefox awesomebar, I can't recall the last time I actually went to google.com
  11. They'll both show up, if they clean the same paths whichever is higher in the list alphabetically or langsecref wise will handle the cleaning. I try to rename or remove things when they're included in CCleaner so there's no overlap/confusion. Remember, winapp2.ini is a community effort and not endorsed by piriform!
  12. Alpha, I think. Akin to Firefox Aurora. I only keep it on hand for testing. Firefox 34 Nightly (x64) daily driver
  13. Can confirm on 38.0.2113.0 canary (64-bit)
  14. The only thing that can destroy a Nokia 3310 is another 3310. This process is repeated, until only one remains. The last 3310 will survive the inevitable heat death of this universe, and become the foundation of the next! Book of Nokia 13:37
  15. Not sure if trolling or just ignorant of the truth :s
  16. We could always go back to the much more ambiguous "Finally, that which you've all been waiting for!" from when the thread was first started (4 years ago!!!)
  17. Apps don't even need permissions on android to access the gyroscope - which is sensitive enough to pick up voice under the right conditions! Spooky!
  18. it should be effect, you're right.
  19. Sounds like they're upset that 'don't rehost or repackage CCleaner,' which has been in the TOS for as long as I can remember, was enforced against them.
  20. The analyze and run cleaner buttons will not be available until the Applications list has been populated. This is generally only an issue on slower computers or machines with winapp2.ini installed
  21. I just discovered, while doing some course work, that firefox can copy/paste words from scanned works using pdf.js (firefox's native pdf browser) https://i.imgur.com/1du1tSD.png
  22. I excluded them because Hazel's link suggested that the two programs were not the same
  23. Update en rt tonight, my net at my off campus housing is.. horrendous.. so it'll be up.. eventually (.22/.48 right now.. )
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