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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. Winapp2.ini supports this! See the top link in my signature.
  2. I've been testing out µBlock, personally. https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/tag/
  3. Nope, the bar is hardcoded to white and larger than default for no reason. see: http://imgur.com/a/p4Pub
  4. Yes, that's the one. Looking forward to that one
  5. Any word on when the new repairs (mentioned on Facebook) will work their way in (in the detection phase?)
  6. Fortunately most people actually update their browsers (chrome and IE both do it in the background, Firefox will ask you to do it, etc) unlike Flash. So a lot of these issues can be addressed very quickly!
  7. About time - I've been calling for Flash's death for years, YouTube and Facebook were/are the last major holdouts on moving to HTML5 as at least an option
  8. That too - Windows is expensive, and with Linux becoming more-and-more viable as a replacement for it (inb4 "2015 is the year of the linux desktop") I guess they sort-of have to go free. Should be interesting to see what sort of services they monetize to make up for it.
  9. Shane has been travelling and hasn't had time to update the download on his end, where voldemort draws his magic from
  10. I'm sure they have a plan, but this occurred to me: They encourage win7 users to move to Win10 and Win8 users to move to Win10 they now concentrate a larger share of the market into one system (windows 8, last time I checked, only had like 20% of the market) while also moving people to newer technology, so they can stop supporting older products (XP is probably a lost cause at this point, anyone still clinging to it is probably going to do so till their machine dies - and possibly after.)
  11. Does default.mpcpl contain anything other than the recent file list (eg. configuration settings, etc?) Because the template winapp2.ini does not delete config files, but if that file is OK to delete, there's no reason not to add it!
  12. I like the flat, my only complaint is the Windows-8 styled title bar. I can't see any reason for it at all (it happens to match my theme which is white, but anything else and it would look out of place!) Edit: It's also larger than default for no reason that I can see as well. Other than the title bar, I like the new GUI
  13. All the removed entries were merged into other entries or otherwise redundant because of other entries
  14. They used to work though. Weird that they would change a policy that now breaks some of my site functionality without telling me
  15. I don't recall having gotten a trimmer.exe file.
  16. There are many threads about this. Mods: some sort of merger and sticky? It's getting excessive
  17. Download TreeSize Free or WinDirStat to point you in the direction of the largest folders on your machine
  18. That is the latest version, i copied my local copy of trim.bat into paste2. I'm not sure why no one can access the .bat files on my site
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