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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. I've been using Disconnect for some time (dropped ghostery because of some bad press on their part), sometimes it breaks pages though.
  2. Adwcleaner "uninstalls" programs in the sense that it deletes them and all their files/registry entries off the machine (in theory). This is effectively the same thing as uninstalling. I think cookie means something more like PC Decrapifier, which lets you queue up and run multiple uninstallers simultaneously
  3. I'm okay with this because the lingering process has been a problem for me recently on nightly, this at least saves me the trouble (I can't complain since I'm using Nightly x64, so it's double unsupported )
  4. Mine grinds to a halt at the thought of class
  5. Is it DefaulMediaFolder or DefaultMediaFolder? If it's the latter, that'd explain why it is not being deleted.
  6. Try clicking on "Content I have not read" on the left hand side of the screen
  7. If you're seriously fiending for this path to be cleaned, you can add it as an include option, but do so at your own risk.
  8. Hi, just some problems with Winapp2.ini, I list them here: %Documents% works in CCleaner but doesn't exist in Windows 7 %ProgramFiles% works for both x86 and x64 in CCleaner... [Ace Explorer Browser*] FileKey1=%AppData%\Ace Explorer\recentclose.ini => %AppData%\Ace Explorer|recentclose.ini [Free PDF XP Logs*] FileKey1=%SystemDrive%IfpRedmon.log => %SystemDrive%|IfpRedmon.log [MS IE6 Installation Temps*] DetectFile2=%WinDir%|msdownld.tmp => %WinDir%\msdownld.tmp [MS Office Picture Manager More*] FileKey1=%AppData%\Microsoft\OIS\Toolbars.dat => |Toolbars.dat [Reddit To Go!*] FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\Packages\*.RedditToGo_*\AC\Microsoft\CryptnetUrlCache\MetaData*.* => ? [slimBoat*] FileKey3=%LocalAppData%\FlashPeak\SlimBoat\history => ? [WinSAT Shader Cache*] DetectOS=6.0 => 6.0| ? via facebook this evening, mostly missing pipes, fixed them up on my end
  9. For photo quality, more than resolution comes into play! Noisiness of the picture, sharpness, etc are all important. 36Mp are useless if it just looks like a really high resolution smudge
  10. JRE8 has also dropped support for XP.
  11. Just a heads up in advance, unless the next CCleaner drops by next thursday, I might be pretty late on updating winapp2.ini alongside it, because I'm moving for and beginning school next week, and I'm unsure whether or not I'm bringing my desktop on move-in day / going to have time between move in and transfer orientation. Hopefully I'll be able to get everything done in a timely fashion
  12. network routing from what I understand was actually the original intent of the hosts file. Everything else is incidental
  13. I switched to SMPlayer a few years ago myself, I don't think I've had any issues
  14. I'm sort of shocked anyone still has a use for K-Lite, given the more widespread popularity of players such as VLC or MPlayer which natively include support for most file types
  15. How did you see $R3OBKCI? It looks like a recycle bin file name, but otherwise files prefixed with $ shouldn't be visible under normal conditions. Either way, this is definitely not a CCleaner related file.
  16. Windows repair tool has been getting updated a lot recently from what I've seen posted to Facebook
  17. Laptops just don't have enough horsepower for me
  18. My main PC: ASUS Z87-Expert mobo 16gb corsair dominator platinum ram Sapphire Tri-X OC R9 290X Intel i7 4770 @3.84GHz w/ Xigmatek Prime cooler Creative X-Fi Titanium sound card System runs on an OCZ Vertex 3 (60GB) main display vg248qe, have two other monitors I use on/off (currently one is sitting across the room with a chromecast plugged into it) Phone/Tablet are jfltevwz running PA4.5 Alpha and a grouper running PA4.5 Alpha Also have a spare gaming pc with an m4a77td, 5770 graphics, phenom ii x955 black edition processor and 12gb corsair xms3 ram, but no harddrives in it I have both a Wii and an Xbox360 but I can't say I've used either of them at all in the last few years, and never really used them heavily to begin with (PC Gaming since I was a child!) I do have a laptop, I believe it is an ASUS K53S but I haven't used it in many months and have never used it much at all. I'd say the vast majority of my time is spent on the Desktop, followed by the phone and then tablet. 360/wii/laptop get about the same amount of use (none) but I suppose laptop would come before the other two
  19. Old games (to use Andavari's example) have TERRIBLE resolutions, the nintendo64 (for example) natviely supported 56x224, 320x240, and 640x480 (interlaced). When you scale that up to 1920x1080, you're scaling that up between 34x4 to 3x2.25 larger depending on the original resolution. If you want to watch SD content, you may have to configure the screen to display the content in a lower resolution to avoid upscaling and ruining the look. One thing I'm not a fan of in modern TV's is frame interpolation, a lot of TVs don't seem to have an option to shut it off and it looks bad to me (when things are shot at 30fps and they upscale it to 60fps it just looks cheap! and sometimes the interpolated frames aren't accurate and there are small graphical errors or artifacts because of it.) I just want to see things played back at their native frame rate!
  20. With MobileSync backups, directory names are unique and not reused, so it may be better to prune the empty directories
  21. I believe SF has been doing this for some time. I think there was a topic about it previously
  23. Windows also manages this folder automatically, it couldn't require cleaning unless there's a problem with an update
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