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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. You can tree Treesize Free to see what your largest directories are
  2. I only have cats, but my cat Moose is bigger than a lot of dogs. http://imgur.com/a/UkXX0
  3. Winapp2.ini

    Time Zones

    if you straddle the international date line, you can have your birthday twice
  4. Make sure that %AppData%\Mozilla and %LocalAppData%\Mozilla folders and all their sub folders have been removed from your wife's account
  5. It's always wise to make sure you double check what you're removing in the registry cleaner. CCleaner's is fairly "safe" but it's an inherently dangerous task. good to know CCleaner is an ice breaker though, that'll come in handy at parties
  6. Are you logged in to the Chrome browser with your Google account? If so, log out, as CCleaner will be unable to delete this information (it's held on Google's servers and restored to your browser upon opening)
  7. If you have Wipe Free Space enabled, it may have left some files in the root of C:\
  8. Winapp2.ini

    Time Zones

    I'm of the firm believe no one actually lives in CST or MST, which makes me question why my TV commercials mention the time in CST (7, 6 central!)
  9. I never had any problems dirty flashing the drivers in the past, CCC just wouldn't update this time around. Probably best to clean flash drivers though..
  10. http://i.imgur.com/3XzHiRU.png support for colored emoji on Windows 8.1 landed in nightly. ☀ ☁ ☺ ❤ ♥ ✌ ☝
  11. If you're logged into your Google account inside Chrome itself, it by default retains much of this information server side. Try logging out of your Google account within Chrome and trying again.
  12. Winapp2.ini

    Time Zones

    Servers are in Texas, I believe. USA has 4 time zones (EST, CST, MST, PST) Servers fall into the CST zone, I think (I've read they're located in San Antonio). When I'm not logged in, the time shows as EST-1 on the forums, which seems to support this.
  13. The site preferences entry in CCleaner deletes your saved remote content settings (at least in Early bird). I feel like it's a relatively recent change. Essentially deletes the list of websites you've allowed to load remote content on your machine. The file in question is permissions.sqlite Thunderbird 31.0a2 (Earlybird) CCleaner v4.14 Windows 8.1u1 Pro fully patched
  14. What versions of CCleaner and Chrome are you running? This is a known issue with older versions of CCleaner when used against newer versions of Chrome
  15. I had trouble installing the 13.6 beta drivers, running this in safe mode fixed the issue entirely. www.wagnardmobile.com/DDU/downloads.html (works for AMD, Nvidia, and Intel graphics driver suites)
  16. I've never used them, I use mouse4/5 and f5 for those functions. I think it's a more mobile-friendly change (folks who use fx mobile will see the same context menu on desktop.. i guess)
  17. I think he's referring to the first email which came in as a block of text. My understanding on the Useless File Extensions entry is that his purpose in it is to scan the drive recursively for common junk file types, have their locations reported and hopefully converted into specific entries by the community, I think.
  18. Email To answer the last two questions in the email: I'm not a moderator, though Nergal is. No photos that I'm aware of. Even the CEO's LinkedIn page is absent a photo. The devs are oh-so-mysterious
  19. Landed in nightly, new context menu http://msujaws.wordpress.com/2014/05/27/experimenting-with-context-menus/
  20. So I suppose even if it were compromised, they'd have a tough time getting that fact out there since they have no public personas, huh..
  21. Interesting theory, should be neat to see how this all plays out
  22. Seems AMD is forcing users to move from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1...
  23. It's the follow up from the original emailer who I suppose saw that his came through not-so-well. Forgot to post it when I got it, I feel badly if back_track did all that decrypting by hand
  24. AMD 14.6 beta is out http://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/latest-catalyst-windows-beta.aspx?cmpid=social24760556
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