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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. DotA is alright, but I've never heard of Heroes of Newerth before. What's that all about?
  2. Another way to make your computer run faster is uninstall programs you don't need and run MalwareBytes Startup Lite: http://www.malwarebytes.org/startuplite.php It'll give you a list of startup items that are safe to disable on your computer, and you can disable them to increase startup speed (you can also choose not to disable something if you want it to start up). Also like Aqua said, run a defragger for your computer about once a month or so, and regularly use CCleaner. It'll help to keep your computer fast.
  3. That's true. So, how do I disable the Groove service (what a weird name)? EDIT: Aha! I found how to add and remove Office components. So I removed all the ones I didn't need and kept the ones I did need. Yes! Plus I always have the installation CD, so I'll be able to add anything if I need it.
  4. Here's a download link to Wine from Softpedia: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Emul.../Wine-148.shtml I was reading a forum post about using regedit through wine, and a person gave an answer and he said: Hope that helps in any way.
  5. I just finished installing Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise edition, and it's installer didn't have an option to customize the installer, so I have all the components of Office installed, OneNote, Access, Publisher etc. Out of all the ones: Access, Excel, Groove, InfoPath, OneNote, Outlook, Powerpoint, Publisher and Word, I only ever use Excel, Powerpoint and Word. So, is there anyway I could remove the Office parts that I don't need and keep the ones that I do need? Found this from Microsoft but that only tells how to add components, not to remove them.
  6. I googled your issue with Safe Mode not starting up because of the crcdisk.sys issue, and I found that other people have had that problem too: http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=607761 http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums...db-3e1811899ce6 Those are just two of the many: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=chro...p;q=crcdisk.sys Hopefully you'll find the answer to the crcdisk.sys issue within a topic, and you can get into safe mode to uninstall KAV. http://social.technet.microsoft.com/forums...e-72f22b180093/
  7. I just checked it too, and the Gmail account creating page didn't look anything like the picture in Hazel's link. I was also thinking that it might be for specific regions/countries too. (Btw, I only checked the actual account making page, i didn't make an account just to see if the email verification thing happened, it might be after the account making page.)
  8. I find it faster than Opera for some reason. Weird. Use AdSweep with it to block ads: www.adsweep.org
  9. Yeah it's different than SrWare Iron. Here's the download link: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/snapsho...rel-xp/?C=N;O=D Download the latest build and install it. It also doesn't have any of the privacy issues like Chrome.
  10. That's lame. Good thing I already have a lot of Gmail accounts, like 1984. My main one is named after my Piriform account name: Icedrake.
  11. All of the Opera 10 Beta versions have been using too much memory for me, and they've been sluggish for me (the program itself not the internet), which is why I switched back to good ol' Chromium. Works great!
  12. Link: http://www.askvg.com/fix-ico-files-not-sho...ndows-explorer/
  13. MVPS Hosts File Updated on July 27, 2009: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
  14. Here's another image hosting site that has worked for me in Opera and FF, and Chrome: www.imgur.com
  15. Nothing will make me switch to IE8 anytime soon.
  16. Happy Birthday Firey and tcoffeep!
  17. Don't use McAfee. It's a system RAM hog, because it uses a LOT of RAM when it's running in the background. I recommend you switch to another AV. Some good free ones are: Avast, and Avira. If you are paying, then you should go for NOD32, (or you can stick with free Avast and Avira, as they are just as good as NOD32.).
  18. Nice program Razz! Great job!
  19. Link: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/archives/2009/0...cense-worth-40/
  20. All of the Age of Empires series games are also very good, but none of them are as good as Warcraft III and it's expansion. Don't really like DotA. Sure it's a good map, but I like having to manage your base along with managing your army, whereas in DotA, you just mainly manage your army, and you barely manage your base.
  21. Icedrake

    Info on avast 5

    The new interface looks very snazzy. I think I'll test out the beta version of Avast 5, and then switch to the final version of Avast 5 when it's released in October.
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