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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. You can disable it: I have it disabled.
  2. Thanks for the tip Abu, I'm applying it now.
  3. I think you should take both of the tests, just in case.
  4. For me it seems to startup faster than any other previous build of FF.
  5. What do you mean? Is this a registry key that you can't delete by using CCleaner, or is this some type of error message you're getting?
  6. Maybe you could navigate to the folder where FF stores extensions, and delete anything that is related to that extension?
  7. No, NOD32 is just another AV, and it's the best one out there. (I take my comment about Avira back). If you want to block ad's and banners use Adblock Plus if you use FF, if you use Opera use Fanboy's adblock list, and if you use Chrome, or any browser based off of it, use Adsweep (which has been discontinued).
  8. Yeah that's also a great link Ishan.
  9. Now I just switched to NOD32 4, and I'm loving it!
  10. Thanks for the link Hazel. I'll keep that site bookmarked.
  11. Thanks for the link to Winstripe Modern Matt. Great theme, but it's missing the new tab button.
  12. Can you guys give me a link to that theme? Can't find it at the FF theme section of Mozilla.
  13. Nice program Andavari! Thanks for telling us about it; Universal Extractor is a keeper for me.
  14. I was helping out a friend today, and he had a notebook which didn't have a CD drive, and when he tried to boot his computer, an error message came up saying he was missing a file called hal.dll. Couldn't find any method to fix it online, and I was wondering how to reinstall XP on to his notebook, since he didn't have a CD drive. Then I came upon this site, and followed the instructions to make a bootable USB drive that can install XP. And it worked! Now his computer is fixed and everything's working. So I just decided to post the link I found here, because it might help some other person sometime, and considering how long it took for me to find this site, it'll be easier to find too. Link: http://www.liliputing.com/2008/04/install-...i-note-usb.html
  15. 7's system requirements are less than Vista's and even though it says you need 1 GB of ram, that's mainly for the Aeroish look. If you're fine with not having all of the useless Aero special effects, like transparency, I think you'll be able to run 7.
  16. Me too, my FF is also faster than Opera.
  17. Check this link: http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/117229-i...he-rebuild.html
  18. You can also try the CleanSoft Update Checker (I use this one): http://www.cleansofts.org/
  19. Link: http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/TV/06/29/f...dies/index.html Lots of famous people are dying these days.
  20. Sad. I've grown to like that guy from watching the show PitchMen on the Discovery Channel. In fact, I was watching that show a few days ago.
  21. Ah who needs a webshield. I use FF, and I have WOT, so it tells me if a site is good or bad. If I do accidentally get a virus, MSE will take care of it. Can't wait for AV-Comparatives August test results. Then I can see if I should keep using MSE. EDIT: Decided to switch to NOD32 4 (after all, I've always been a big fan of NOD32), because I decided I really wanted a web shield feature.
  22. Icedrake


    I like GIMP, since it's as good as PhotoShop (I think), but Paint.Net seems to be easier to use.
  23. It is, Aqua's quote was probably from when Update 11 was the latest.
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