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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. Looks like these spam server shutdowns aren't doing much to stop the spammers.
  2. I want to use the Luna Element theme. Looks great! Too bad I can't use it since I don't feel safe with any program modifying a system file. I've heard some people have had major system screw-ups with using some of the uxtheme.dll file patching programs.
  3. No. Always keep an anti-virus running (Avast), and an anti-spyware running (i vote for MalwareBytes).
  4. Do you mean Internet Explorer? And no, I don't think Windows Defender only works well with Internet Explorer.
  5. You can use Avast! but I'm not sure if you should be running the real-time protection of two anti-spyware programs.
  6. What do you mean you don't use explorer? Windows Defender is definitely better than using Ad-Aware though.
  7. Oh, sorry then! I thought he/she was asking about how to search in Vista.
  8. Here's how to do a search in Windows Vista: Link: http://www.askdavetaylor.com/search_for_fi...dows_vista.html The original website has screenshots of the stuff I quoted.
  9. Wow Fireyone! That theme looks awesome! Even better than Royale it looks like! Downloading it right now! EDIT: Downloaded it and tried it. I don't know what to say about it except that it... IS TOTALLY AWESOME! Thanks Fieryone for this theme! It's perfect for me! Now Royale, and Embedded are my favs!
  10. Um this is a pretty old topic that you just brought up. Also, ask your question in the CCleaner section of this forum.
  11. I found two awesome looking themes for Windows XP, and they're signed by Microsoft, so you don't need your Uxtheme.dll file patched. The themes I found are called Royale and Royale Noir. I'm using the Royale theme right now, and I have to say, it looks GREAT on my computer. Much, much better than any of the themes that come default with XP. Link: http://www.istartedsomething.com/20061029/royale-noir/ Here are the instructions on how to use the themes: You can use both the Royale and Royale Noir themes from the Royale Noir file. Both theme screenshots: Royale: Royale Noir:
  12. Icedrake


    Kantaris Media Player: Link: www.kantaris.org Note: I haven't tested it since you need .NET Framework installed to run it, and I don't want to install .NET Framework unless it's absolutely necessary.
  13. Here's another free media player that's like VLC and GOM. It's called Kantaris Media Player, and here's what their website says about it: Here's some more info about the player from their about page: I haven't tested it, since you need .NET Framework 2 to run it. Here is the link to their website: www.kantaris.org What do you guys think about it? Seems nice!
  14. Also like it how it displays the random image at the background and gives information about it. Big +. Also loads very fast too like you said Dennis.
  15. No problems here yet. No right click freeze issue, update issues, nothing. Everything is working like a dream!
  16. Me either. Ho ---> No update issues yet. EDIT: I meant no update issues yet.
  17. Hm... That's a pretty weird problem. Chromium works fine for me. Like you said, it might be your firewall or something else blocking Chromium/Iron from accessing the web.
  18. Opera is once again now on my list of favorite browsers. My favs are: Chromium, and now Opera 10. Also blazing fast. Must be the fastest browser out there now! Personally though, I hate Opera's new look. It's so ugly and way too silvery. Barely any color. Ugh!
  19. LOL! First Post: Looks good! Second Post: Eh, seems ok. Third Post: OMG I don't like it. Lol! From your reviews Ishan, looks like I won't be trying it.
  20. With the link to the fix you gave Abu, you have to uninstall the Shell extension. Anyway, I installed Avira yesterday, and so far, it's working perfectly. Right after I fixed the little popup ad issue, everything was working like a dream. Avira also uses less resources than NOD32. So far I'm liking Avira better, since everything in it is better than NOD32.
  21. 1. I think that is a good idea, since CCleaner already has a lot of useful utilitys like the Registry cleaner and it's uninstaller, something to manage startup items would be good! I agree with you on this one Ishan. 2. 50/50 on this one. I think it's a good idea, but doesn't CCleaner save registry backups in My Documents? (I don't know, never used the Reg Cleaner). If it doesn't save the backups by default in an easy place to find, I think your suggestion is good. Something to add to your suggestion: Maybe an option that allows you to choose the folder where you store the reg backups? 3. Good idea, I like it. What would be the point of it though? 4. Eh... I dunno about this one since I've never seen that option in CCleaner (that's probably because I haven't looked for it lol!). 5. I like this suggestion a lot. This would help users out a lot, instead of having just the programs listed. By the way, for your last question/quote, CCleaner's uninstaller isn't supposed to be like an uninstaller that removes the leftovers of an app after it's uninstalled. The CCleaner uninstaller only launches the program's default uninstaller. So, overall, I like your suggestions Ishan!
  22. Switched to Avira, since it has better protection than NOD32. Plus uses less memory.
  23. Hey! That's the same problem I had! After installing IE 8, my system slowed down a lot, and when I removed it, everything was fine again.
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