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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. I'm going to switch to AntiVir, but I was wondering if the right-click freeze issue has been fixed yet, because I don't want that on my PC.
  2. Nope, but now that you've given me the idea, I'll remember to do it!
  3. I had a folder called "New Folder" on my desktop with all of my pictures (3000+), and I accidentally deleted it when I was clearing out my desktop. Since it was called "New Folder" I just deleted it without looking at what was inside. When I noticed I'd deleted all of my pictures, I was in a panic. Luckily, I had Recuva, and I got all of my pictures back. Man I am so relieved. (Also learned my lesson about keeping folders named "New Folder" )
  4. I can't wait. Hopefully if buy me a new PC next year (50/50 chance) it'll have 7 installed by default.
  5. Seems like a good website. Those tweaks are very small and you'll probably not notice them at all performance-wise since they don't make that much of a different if you have a lot of RAM. On the other hand, if you don't have that much RAM, they'll help, but not that much. Note: I didn't try it out (me no likey fiddling with registry). Good site though Ishan!
  6. Whoo hoo! WE ROCK! Same with me Ishan, this is also the cleanest, friendliest forum I've ever been to.
  7. You can't really compare XP, Vista, and 7 feature-wise, because Vista and 7 have more features, since they are the newer operating systems. Speed-wise though, I'd say XP is the fastest (so far), with 7 close behind, and Vista far behind.
  8. That's what I use too, it works great!
  9. Thanks TeeJay. Maybe Java just hasn't updated their website yet?
  10. Your video gave me quite a laugh Jamin!
  11. When I go to Java.com, it says the latest update is update 13.
  12. One word: Congradulations!
  13. Goodbye and have a nice trip!
  14. Yeah my desktop is pretty old right now. About 4 years old. That's why I'm getting a new laptop next year. Should I install the update you gave above?
  15. The game is called Glest, and I think my graphics card is VIA/S3G UniChrome IGP
  16. I was going to start playing this game, but then an error message came from the game saying that I had OpenGL 1.2 and that the game needed OpenGL 1.3 or better. So how do I update?
  17. I'm a user of Auslogics (not Auslogistics lol), and it's a very good defragging program. Both Defraggler and Auslogics are good, but I'm kind of leaning on the Auslogics side since it's a lot faster. Defraggler is still a great program. Smart Defrag is also pretty good, but I prefer Auslogics and Defraggler over Smart Defrag. You can also defrag individual files and folders with Auslogics Disk Defrag too. Unfortunately, it does not have the Analysis feature (I don't use it anyway lol).
  18. So is it safe to defrag the pagefile with Defraggler? Or should I just leave it alone?
  19. I'm using Defraggler and I was wondering if I should defrag the file pagefile.sys. It's causing 11% fragmentation on my system, so I want to defrag it but I'm not sure if I should in case if I did it might cause problems in my system. What do you guys think? Should I defrag the page file? Is is safe?
  20. Use Chromium instead. None of the privacy issues like in Chrome. If you want to block ads in Chrome/Chromium/Iron, check my signature. Or go to www.adsweep.org
  21. I'm not sure. I think he uses the PortableApps format from their website, so he has to link to them to give credit I guess.
  22. Nope use it quite often for GIMP Portable, FF Portable, Opera Portable, and some others. Everything I've downloaded so far is clean. The author of the site says he checks everything with KAV. I check everything I download with NOD32 (friend bought me new license).
  23. Welcome to the forusms BMathis! About your SP3 download question: I'm not sure if you should install that version of SP3 since it's probably for IT Professionals and Developers. I think you should download SP3 from it's website in Microsoft: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...p3/default.mspx
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