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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. They are both great browsers, both get 100/100 on the Acid3 tests. I used to use Opera 10 Alpha but I switched to Chromium when it was the faster browser on my system. No computer is the same! Still even if it isn't as fast for you, Chromium is still the best alternative to Google Chrome.
  2. Try these instructions quoted from this website. I don't know if they work or not but this is probably your best bet. The part with the download the offline chrome installer, I think it might work with Chromium installed. If not, then I really don't know what to do to help you get Chromium working with Windows 2k. Good luck! These instructions are only if you are installing Chromium. Personally, I think if installing Chromium doesn't work, use Chromium portable from this link: XXXXXXXXXX Once you are on the site, search for Chromium. I use it and it works perfectly, even comes with an updater for Chromium you can use to update!
  3. Back to NOD32 (yay!) since my friend bought me a new license for my b-day which was a few weeks ago. Bye-bye Avast, see you in 6 months!
  4. Chromium is the open source project behind Google Chrome, and it has it's own browser that is exactly like Chrome, but better. I don't think it installs any of Google's crap stuff like it's silent updater when you install Chromium (because you have to update Chromium manually, or you can use the little tool I listed below). Chromium is also always ahead of Chrome with releases (bug fixes, new features etc. etc.), because Chromium usually gets updated every few hours, while Chrome gets updated every few weeks. So, to sum it all up: Chromium is better than Chrome in every way. I'm also a very happy user of Chromium. It's fast, stable, and with the Ad-Sweep userscript from www.adsweep.org, I can also block ads. So... If you want to give Chromium a try, download the latest version from this link: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/snapsho...rel-xp/?C=M;O=D There are different builds of it like a zip version etc. If you want to install it, download the file that's called "mini_installer.exe". If you want to keep Chromium updated download this little (and great) utility from this website: http://dirhael.dcmembers.com/cnu/ It's a zip file so no installation needed. Checked it at VirusTotal so no problems! Well, this has been a lot of typing, but hope you found this useful. I'm a permanent user of Chromium!
  5. I don't stay logged in either, I just use Chromium's feature that remembers what you filled out for a form like username and password (kind of like Opera's Wand feature).
  6. Icedrake

    Gmail spam?

    I just looked at Opera Mail and it said that it only gives for new users 3 megs of storage space. How can you live with so little storage space? In my Gmail inbox right now I'm using about 70 megs.
  7. I guess so, but I'm fine with it! I didn't have to pay $30 to get it. My license also works on all versions of the program, so I don't have to pay a $10 upgrading fee either. I don't think they do that anymore though. They used to have a link in their FAQ page with a question like "How can I get this product for free" or something like that.
  8. I don't think I'm going to be using it. Auslogics Boostspeed has always worked great for me without any flaws, and it keeps my system in tip-top shape. I also didn't have to buy Boostspeed. They gave me a free license to it when I mentioned on another forum how good Auslogics products are (they really are good).
  9. I don't get why people would want to pirate Windows 7 RC when they can get it for free and legally through Microsoft's own website. Makes no sense at all.
  10. Don't even use Adobe anymore. Too slow, too bloated, too many security issues. FoxIt Reader and Sumatra PDF are much better options. Thanks for notifying everyone about the updates though Keith!
  11. Thanks Andavari for changing my subtitle. Also, I don't have anything against the things you listed Slowday. Why? Because I've never tried them lol!
  12. Check out this website: www.filehosting.org Clean website, no ads or popups, 2 gig per sec bandwidth, even allows archive uploads, and has 20 servers. I tested it out and uploaded some files, and I have to say, it worked very fast. The only downer is that to get a download link for your file, you have to enter an email address. It's also very simple and it also has no size limit to the file you can upload (MediaFire max upload size is only 100 megs). Seems pretty good, but I'll still probably use MediaFire, even though this is an alternative. This is quoted from their site about their site: By the way, this is NOT my new alternative to MediaFire (even though I accidentally said it and could a mod please change that to something like: "An alternative to MediaFire"). This is just another good filehosting service.
  13. Losing your job because of a program must suck. Hope you find a new (and better) job!
  14. It says use if you have any problems. I didn't have any.
  15. Happy Birthday Abu! Wait for it... Waaaait for it.... Waaaaaaaaaaaait for it... NOW Creepy eh?
  16. Vista is a resource hogger which is why it got so many bad reviews. A lot of people can't upgrade because their PCs can't support Vista. Which is why Microsoft had to make Windows 7 in the first place.
  17. Looks like it's getting updated again.
  18. I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing, but there's been a LOT of new members lately. Check this out: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?act=Members There are a lot of users with only 1 or 2 posts or even none at all. I mean, seriously, that is A LOT of new members lately during last month.
  19. What's the super deal surprise Andavari? I don't have SAS installed (MBAM Pro instead). If you don't want to post it because it's going to give away the surprise, please PM me what it is, even though I don't have any use for it, I still want to know.
  20. Good thing I'm not getting a new comp (most likely laptop), until middle of next year (most likely). Windows 7 will probably be the default operating system by then.
  21. Man, Windows 7 seems like a great operating system; Microsoft's first operating system success after Windows XP. I don't think I'll be testing it though because I only test operating systems after they come out of their RC/Beta stages into actual on-the-market type stage. Windows 7 will probably be expensive though. Off-Topic: PixPipeline is a REALLY fast image hoster. I uploaded 3 images at a time in a second!
  22. EDIT: Nvm, Rorschach can probably help you out with this problem better than us. I recommend you follow his instructions so you can avoid a reinstall.
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