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Everything posted by Icedrake

  1. That's what I would recommend too. IMO, that's the best free firewall out there.
  2. Hey looks pretty clean and minimalistic from the screenies (if they are real). I wonder it it'll have a taskbar type thing. Otherwise, how would we see things we minimized? And will we be able to use our normal Windows keyboards and mice, or will there have to be whole new types. Looks nicer to me than Windows 7 (no offense Microsoft, Windows 7 is great and better than XP, but the Google Chrome OS looks nicer).
  3. Nice wallpaper CeeCee!
  4. Man why couldn't the US just switch to the metric system. It would make everything so much less confusing.
  5. Sorry I meant about 3 ft, not exactly. A yard is equal to 3 ft.
  6. Sorry I meant about 3 ft, not exactly. A yard is equal to 3 ft.
  7. It's also equal to 3 ft.
  8. Any idea why it got fixed with a system restore?
  9. New Build: 10.00.1708. Can't find where to download it though.
  10. Yeah I switched back to NOD32 a few months ago, I take my last comment back. It's worked out great. Avira is still almost just as good as NOD32 though. Only downside to the free version is that it doesn't have a webguard/shield type feature which NOD32 has.
  11. Deviantart.com. Well, most of them, like Novus, which I'm also using right now.
  12. Just a few minutes ago, my internet suddenly disappeared (literally). My little internet icons in the taskbar, like the Wireless Network Connection icon, still said I was connected to the internet, but if I opened IE or Opera, I couldn't go to any page because they thought I wasn't connected to the internet. I restarted my computer, but the weird issue was still there. So I restored my computer to a restore point I had made this morning, and now everything is normal again. I wonder what happened. Anyone have a guess? EDIT: This post is from 8/16/09
  13. New Build: Clicky! I keep switching back and forth between browsers. This latest build is now my fastest browser; it's faster than my Chromium.
  14. Oh. All this talk was about CCleaner? Lol, I thought all this talk was about a new feature on the forums! LOL! I do like the Result Panel in CCleaner though.
  15. Yeah. Good thing someone brought it back to life.
  16. It's in: FirefoxPortable\Data\Profile. It should be a file called bookmarks and it should be an HTML Document.
  17. Just download the latest Chromium build. Link: http://build.chromium.org/buildbot/snapsho...rel-xp/?C=N;O=D
  18. I just updated my Chromium to the latest version today, and guess what? Now Chromium is not in version 1, or 2, or 3, it's in version 4! It's wicked fast btw. Faster than my Opera 10 B3.
  19. I'm confused. What is this Result Panel you guys all keep talking about?
  20. Another nice one, thanks Abu.
  21. I found out about it when I was reading some of the comments on the latest Opera Desktop Team Blog post: Clicky! Are you sure it's not working for you? I just checked and I can download it just fine.
  22. Wow that sucks. MS Word 2007 is the best word processor I've ever used.
  23. Dunno. Some people probably assume that getting malware on their computer is something that will never happen to them.
  24. Opera 10 Beta 3 is out! Download link here: ftp://ftp.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1000b3/...nt_b3_Setup.exe The Opera Desktop team Blog doesn't have it because Beta 3 hasn't been officially released yet. It's so fast! *Falls over in amazement at speed* I'll be using this for a while!
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