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Posts posted by hazelnut

  1. 27 minutes ago, Orerockon said:

    You haven't heard of that? A 10 second search results in more than one person with this exact same issue. Including me. Surely there's a canned fix for this without having to go through a back and forth with your support?


    Please post in this thread where @MeganCCleaner will deal with it for you.


  2. Quote

    Microsoft is rolling out a new tool called 'Resources monitor' that will allow you to free up resources in Windows 10 using Xbox's Game Bar.

    This new resources monitor works just like the traditional Task Manager, but it sits on top of running games and allows you to kill background processes without having to leave your game



  3. Quote

    Adblocking extensions with more than 300,000 active users have been surreptitiously uploading user browsing data and tampering with users’ social media accounts thanks to malware its new owner introduced a few weeks ago, according to technical analyses and posts on Github.


  4. The new October Feature Update for Windows 10 has arrived.

    Installed very fast for me, downloaded, installed and then a reboot in under 10 minutes.

    All seems ok so far.

    By the way you have to manually ''Check for Updates'' to get it.

  5. 25 minutes ago, noend7 said:

    Hazelnut... I've been working with compuers since I was in graduate school, in 1959, so please don't patronize me.

    And you did not answer any of the  Qs I  asked you.

    "You are copying your files and user docs over not yourself (if you know what I mean)" No I don't know what you mean!, as the sentence makes no sense.

    Now, if you  can tell me what in my  profile, other than the (now presumably repaired) permissions, might be messing up CC I'd really  appreciate it.

    Otherwise, the program simply isn't  worth any aditional  effort, Since Glary  Utilities provies  a reasonable replacement.



    I can assure you that I have in no way patronised you, I have done everything I could to try and help you.

    When you asked the questions you did above I assumed that it was because your knowledge of computers was not as good as you say it is.

    The video I linked to did explain things quite well.

    I will leave it to you now.

  6. There were some Win Updates yesterday. Can you just have a quick check to see what build of Win 10 you have? Mine is 19041.572.

    You can find out yours by clicking the Start flag bottom left once, and immediately type the word winver and click on what comes up.

    (you don't need to type the word into a box it does it all automagically for yo)

  7. I don't know what happened to your machine, all I know is what you tell me, that is CC will work with a new profile and not the one you have now.

    You are copying your files and user docs over not yourself (if you know what I mean)

    I understand if you feel it is too big of a jump for you to want to take.

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