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Posts posted by hazelnut

  1. 43 minutes ago, Willy2 said:

    Already have received say 3 "update" messages from Flash itself. Then the program asked me to give my consent to remove Flash. Perhaps I will remove Flash at a later stage.

    Is Flash still needed to play content (e.g. videos) on websites and in my mediaplayer(s) ? Support for Flash is supposedly removed for (a lot of ??) websites (Youtube ?). But videos are still playing well on Youtube.

    Flash hasn't been needed on Youtube for quite a long time. It uses HTML5


  2. Quote

    "Since Adobe will no longer be supporting Flash Player after December 31, 2020 and Adobe will block Flash content from running in Flash Player beginning January 12, 2021, Adobe strongly recommends all users immediately uninstall Flash Player to help protect their systems," Adobe says.

    "Flash Player may remain on your system unless you uninstall it.  Uninstalling Flash Player will help secure your system since Adobe does not intend to issue Flash Player updates or security patches after the EOL Date."



    Make sure you uninstall it. Read the article above.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Jim Studt said:

    When CCleaner runs, either after closing a browser or when I manually clean, it skips all cleaning on the Edge browser, which is not my browser, but apparently runs in the background anyway. How do I force the cleaning?

     To close Chromium Edge, open it and go to 3 dots (top right) and select Settings.. System and make sure 'Continue running background apps when Edge is closed' is unticked.

  4. 14 minutes ago, bnesbittok said:

    Need to create installer that doesn't include a bundler of other applications to allow install to work and not get flagged as PUA:Win32/Piriform/Bundler. 
    Here is link to MS Defender report on why product will be flagged as PUA installer. 
    PUA:Win32/PiriformBundler threat description - Microsoft Security Intelligence

    I believe that Microsoft have already been contacted by Piriform about this.

  5. 7 hours ago, Akakima said:

    2 weeks ago, CCleaner (suddenly) begins to crash.
    I installed it again (many versions).
    Still crashing ...
    Even the install was crashing.

    After much work (even reinstalling Windows) , i finally discovered some filenames was created (by moving things around, not related to CCleaner) with filename too long.
    When deleted these files, CCleaner run OK.

    Hope it helps some other folks.


    Thanks for posting this. It may indeed help someone else.

  6. Need more info.

    1. Where did you get CCleaner from.

    2. Which version free or paid.

    3. Which version of Windows do you run.

    4. Which anti-virus/Security software do you have installed.

    5. Did you use CCleaner before you restarted your machine?

    6. Did you clean the registry.

  7. 9 minutes ago, epicairn said:

    Bonjour à tous,  j'ai la version pro de C Cleaner et je suis obligé de saisir à chaque utilisation ma clé. J'ai beau cliquer sur enregistrer mais ça ne fonctionne pas. Comment faire pour enregistrer ma clé définitivement.


    Google translate....

    Hello everyone, I have the pro version of C Cleaner and I have to enter my key each time I use it. I can click on save but it does not work. How can I register my key permanently?

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