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Posts posted by hazelnut

  1. 2 minutes ago, Beerless said:

    It has been claimed by the moderators in earlier comments that CCleaner should not be used on Windows 10 and certainly not on a regular basis but that statement is confusing because in CCleaner's settings it offers to start CCleaner with Windows.

    And further down the Options headings under the "Schedule" tab it allows CCleaner to be run at a regular interval as chosen by the operator. If, as advised here, CCleaner should not be used as a regular tool on Windows 10 why are these options available?



    It's just the registry  cleaner part of CCleaner which should not be run on Windows 10.

    The 'normal' part of CCleaner is perfectly safe to run. :)

  2. Can I just state here that all OPINIONS given here by members and moderators, are just that ...OPINIONS.

    None of the opinions given here should be used as evidence in a court of law.

    We are just users here at the end of the day.

    You need to deal with things on a much more technical level than we are able to give here on our forum.

  3. Google translate..

    I have two computers

    One fixed, CCleaner Pro in French, so no problem

    The second is a very recent laptop, CCleaner Pro in English ..... and I don't really like


    Voulez-vous dire que vous ne pouvez pas changer la langue en français?

    Google translate..

    Do you mean you cannot change the language to French ?

  4. 35 minutes ago, Gilles Beauvisage said:

    I have the same problem on my 2 computers.

    Problem: ActiveX/COM Issue    

    Data: LocalServer32\C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Speech_OneCore\Common\SpeechRuntime.exe -ToastNotifier    

    Registry Key: HKCR\CLSID\{265b1075-d22b-41eb-bc97-87568f3e6dab}

    It is NOT a problem.

    Please read here, it is needed by Windows.



  5. Yes we have been dealing with this situation on the forum already and admins are aware about it.

    For example..




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