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Everything posted by LuLu

  1. LuLu

    July Desktops

    I love kitties!!! So pretty.
  2. He was a great comedian. It's sad that he's now gone as well...
  3. You still haven't gotten a chair yet? lol
  4. The're dropping like flies. David Carradine, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcette, Michael Jackson and now... Billy Mays Found Dead
  5. I'll be sticking with XP. A) No need for a change, can't afford a change and C) don't really want a change. lol
  6. OMG I cannot believe you said that. LOLOLOLOLOL
  7. That's why I think it'll be something different....like maybe just natural disasters happening in succession and causing like a global shut down or something. No electricity, no running water, etc. I guess we'll all just have to wait and see. But in the meantime, in that link Ishan provided, we can all go ahead and and stock up on some survival kits.
  8. LOL let me know how that one works for you, and exactly what scanner you use. Try not to get any spyware or anything. haha
  9. LOL @ both of you. Ishan - don't be disappointed if nothign happens. It means you get to live! Icedrake - if you believe in God and do not bare the mark of the beast, then you will be saved. So it's up to you how you wanna handle that one. haha
  10. LOL you never know. I figure it's better to be safe than sorry. haha
  11. Haha I hear ya. I'm long past 16, but still too young to die. haha I do agree it's all interesting though. I've read lots of stuff about it and still remain quite intrigued about it. But like I said earlier, I do believe something major is going to happen. If the worst case scenerio is it, then I have faith that I will be part of those whom God will save. And if I'm wrong and nothing happens...well then Hallelujah let's party!! haha
  12. LOL Are you getting paranoid now? Just kidding
  13. I've read lots of stuff about 2012 being the end of the world. I do believe something major is going to happen, but not sure what just yet. All I have to say though, is beware the mark of the beast...
  14. LuLu

    MagicJack anyone?

    Well it looks like I don't have to set it at a server afterall. Someone else who has one told me to just block the server status 100% (since theres like 5 or 6 MagicJack entries in my firewall program) and it should be ok. And low and behold, it is. Well, so far anyway. lol That makes me feel a little better now.
  15. LuLu

    MagicJack anyone?

    That was my mode of thinking. So I told mom to let people call her, just to be on the safe side. lol
  16. I wasn't one of those die-hard fans, but enjoyed his music nonetheless. All-time fave of course is Thriller. He definitely is a legend and he will be missed; and like others have said, his memory will live on through his music.
  17. Yep; and two in the same day within hours of each other. Strange, but still sad nonetheless.
  18. LOL I don't think he'd last too long here. BTW Corona - hilarious!!
  19. LOL thanks. Sorry I just couldn't resist posting about it. haha
  20. So we broke down and bought a MagicJack the other day to try to save some money since things are tight. Ever since, I've been doing nothing but reading online about complaints and bad customer service and yadda yadda yadda (what do you want for 20 dollar/year service??). But on the same token, I've seen tons of great reviews for it. So far it seems to be alright, at least for us. Plus,I can finally use my nifty fax machine that I got for Christmas. lol But what I'm wondering is this. People have claimed they got tons of spyware/adware/malware from it, though never providing what viruses, etc. they actually found on their PCs. So far my scans turn up nothing but my usual tracking cookies from various websites. So I think I'm alright. But, when you want to dial-out, you have to set MagicJack as a server otherwise your call won't complete. How safe can that really be? I mean, I do have a firewall and virus scans and whatnot, but the idea of making it a server keeps me a little uneasy. Could someone still, theoretically, tap in and get my bank info, credit info, etc? Any takers on this? Anyone else ever use one and have problems or anything? Just curious...
  21. Bwahahaha you just made me almost spit my soda all over the monitor!!!! I needed that, thank you. (ps - if you were actually serious then I most humbly and sincerely apologize and will go sit in the corner with my head down...though I'll still be giggling. )
  22. That would be so awesome, especially since I start school next month. But I'm sooo not into the idea of press conferences and interviews. If they just wanted people to blog about it, I'd sign up in a heartbeat.
  23. I never did play Descent; and The Dig wasn't one of my faves. Now Pitfall, PacMan, Qbert...ooh and Frogger...man I want my Atari back!
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