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Everything posted by LuLu

  1. Do any of them have Pitfall? Yeah, I'm old skool. lol
  2. LuLu


    1984, you're awesome. Thanks!
  3. LuLu


    It would be if I was using it for music, but since I'm not that won't really work. Besides, dipping my toes into this will prove to be a learning experience, and I'm all about learning things. So yeah, I think I'll be giving this a go thanks to everyone who's been offering help and tips.
  4. LuLu


    Gotcha. See, I told you guys I didn't know anything about this stuff. I really miss the days of free Napster and AudioGalaxy.
  5. LuLu


    Oh ok. So they kinda work together then?
  6. LuLu


    Great info guys, thanks! How do I set up a static IP and then forward ports to it? Again, I'm illiterate with this stuff so I do apologize for dumb questions. Also, what is the difference between Bit Torrent and UTorrent?
  7. LuLu


    Oh I scan everything I download...even if it comes from a trusted site. lol I'm paranoid I guess, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm not really looking to download music (though now that you mention it I might if I actually give this a go...lol), I'm just on a search for some videos for a friend of mine (and for myself). Will ipfilter.dat hide my IP address or do I need to install something else to do that? Obviously I don't know much about these sorts of things and want to cover all my bases before diving in.
  8. LuLu


    Hey thanks for the responses. Another question I have is since IPs can be seen/tracked, can something like Peer Guardian and ipfilter.dat help with security issues?
  9. LuLu


    Probably a very stupid question, but does anyone here use BitTorrent? As far as privacy goes, how safe is it? Anything I should know before attempting to use it? Help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
  10. Hey it was great knowing you. But I'm sure you'll be back. Good luck on your expedition!!
  11. Hey congrats! And good luck.
  12. LuLu


    Just wondering if anyone here is familiar with MyWebTattoo. It's a free download for images you can put on webpages and stuff, but it's an .exe file so I'm hesitant to download it. Anyone know anything about it? I Googled it but didn't find much of anything on it. www.mywebtattoo.com is the link if anyone wants to see what I'm talking about.
  13. LuLu

    April Desktops

    Not usually. Sometimes during the winter the wind is cold, but for the most part it's not...especially during the summer. LOL
  14. LuLu

    April Desktops

    Tunerz, that's a pretty cool wallpaper. Here's mine. I may change it later on but haven't fully decided yet.
  15. LuLu

    New forum skin

    I thought my computer was broken for a minute when I first saw the new skin. lol The old one is easier on the eyes, but I really do love the lime green color of the new skin. I don't know which one I'll be using. Decisions, decisions...
  16. Oh I know. I'm an old pro at this, believe me. lol Just got out of the whole thing when I got hurt at work a while back. But now I'm getting my sh*t together and getting back in shape. I cook very healthy, and have for years. My mom had a heart attack back in 1997 and that's when all of our habits changed. I *do* indulge in fast food/junk food once in a while (aside from my mcd's bagel of course), but 99% of the time it's a home cooked meal (usually some sort of a chicken dish with fresh veggies). So I'm good.
  17. lol and so is just about every other fast food place out there. But I enjoy them and will continue to eat them from time to time.
  18. I'm a Nokia fan as well, but it'd be a cold day in hell when I spend $650 for a cell phone (or any other electronic device for that matter). $650 is a trip to the Keys or a 5 day cruise to the Caribbean or Bahamas OR a brand new surfboard with all the extras. lol Shoot, $650 pays ALL of my own bills for the month and leaves me some extra pocket money.
  19. That's what I used to do when I was a hard core exercise buff. After my morning workout and shower I'd have some scrambled eggs or a veggie omelet and either fruit or whole wheat toast (depended on what was available in the house). These days, I'm just now getting back into working out (and I only get to go to the gym at night) so I get to have whatever I want for breakfast. lol I usually grab an egg and cheese bagel from McD's but if funds are low, I make scrambled eggs or an omelet. Or I'll grab cereal. Again, depends on what is available in the house. My preferred breakfast would be cheese-n-eggs with white toast, hasbrowns smothered (cheese), covered (onions) and peppered (jalapenos) and a glass of sweet tea courtesy of The Wafflehouse.
  20. Last week my Nokia crapped out big time so I had to buy a new phone. I ended up with a Samsung SGH-a737. I don't know how old it is, but it's been pretty good to me so far. Has a slot for a microSD card, 1.3 megapixel camera, decent size screen, Bluetooth ready, and is a slider-style phone. There are other features (music player, etc) but I won't use them much, though you might. It cost me 75 dollars out the door and I get 50 dollars back from a mail-in rebate (thank you AT&T! lol). It's definitely a good all-around phone. Mine is black and lime green. Yeah, color matters too. haha Hope this helped!
  21. If they really let you go because of your accident, then you can sue. By law they cannot fire you for something like that. The same thing happened to a friend of mine in Chicago (not an accident but he had to be hospitalized and stuff and was out for like 3 months) and he sued his employer for firing him and he won. Don't let them get away with that sh*t.
  22. I was wondering what happened to you. Glad to hear you two are OK. Sending you well-wishes on a speedy recovery!
  23. LuLu

    The Dog Thread

    Or you coulda just called it a blanket or a comforter.
  24. LuLu

    The Dog Thread

    I feel your pain, believe me. My bestest friend in the whole world died on Sept. 4, 2006. Her name was Mandy and she was a Schnauzer/Poodle mix and the best darn dog you could ever hope for.
  25. LuLu

    The Dog Thread

    Dude you have no idea. If the cats decide to climb aboard as well, I get banished to the floor because there's no room left for me. LOL
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