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Everything posted by LuLu

  1. LuLu

    My uncle's computer

    One problem with that lol. I can't connect to the internet with his PC and as far as I know, he doesn't have a rewrite drive for me to transfer the log onto and post from his laptop. He's already bought a new ethernet card anyhow. If anything, I install the new one for him and I get to keep the old one for one of my home grown systems I've yet to build. lol Now his laptop on the other hand...THAT I would like to do a log for because I know he doesn't have any safety stuffs set up on it. But there's no point when I don't have access to it unless I'm at his house. So if anything was found, I wouldn't be able to fix it right away. But I will probably set up the firewall and spyware/malware programs on it while I'm there just to make sure everything is clean.
  2. LuLu

    My uncle's computer

    Well he doesn't do much on his PC other than email and banking, but you never know. I'll have to ask him what he's done in the last month with it. Maybe the answer lies in there somewhere. Thanks for the help!
  3. LuLu

    My uncle's computer

    I'll give it a go. I was also thinking of trying the "release" and "renew" option in the CMD prompt, but I've never had to use that before so I don't want to screw something up and make things worse.
  4. I know you love those girly colors. lol
  5. Ok, I'm gonna try to keep this short and hopefully someone will be able to figure this out. My uncle installed a Belkin wireless router like 2 months ago (Compaq running XP). Well, for the past month his desktop will not connect to the internet but his laptop will. The laptop connects as a "strong connection" at 54mbps. His desktop shows as "little or no connectivity" at 100mbps. When I right click on his LAN and use the "repair" option, it tells me it cannot renew the IP address and to contact the network provider. Now I told him to call Road Runner like 3 weeks ago when he told me about this problem and he never did it. So today I go to his house and I call Road Runner and tell them what's happening. They refresh the connection and yadda yadda yadda and in the end they tell me I have to call Belkin because Belkin has to set the IP address or some such mess. So, I call Belkin and am on the phone for probably 2 1/2 - 3 hours with this guy named Ichbar. I tell him what's happening and he has me connect the laptop directly to the router. He asks if I'm connected to the internet and I tell him yes. He says ok go here, here and here and download this firmware update. So I do all of that and then we putz around with update and whatnot. So after we've set all that up he says "And are you able to connect to the internet using your laptop now?" and I was like "Yes. I've been able to connect to the internet the entire time. The desktop is the one that won't connect". So he says "Ok connect the desktop to the router and then let me know what happens". So I connect the router to the desktop and it still comes up with "little to no connectivity" at 100mbps. So I tell him and he says click "repair" under properties. So I do and once again it tells me to renew the IP address and to contact my network provider. So I tell him and he says "I am sorry for the problem but I cannot assist you any further". So I guess what I want to know is A) can I manually input the IP/gateway/DNS addresses myself with the information I got while "pinging", should I try to reinstall the Road Runner stuff (assuming we can find an install disk) or C) do I have to install a new ethernet card? I'm at a loss and am ready to throw his PC through a wall. lol Any takers?
  6. That's pretty awesome. But for some reason I'm only able to view a handful of each smiley...like the first 4 or 5 down the line. Is that how it looks for everyone or is my browser broken? lol
  7. Cool link. That Solargraph image is outstanding. Back in my high school photography class we did a similar thing, only ours was taken over a 24 hour period. The effects from a pin-hole camera are pretty cool. Everyone in the class had some really neat pictures.
  8. Another site... ShoutCast
  9. Oh yes, Tamarindo. See it in my surf mags all the time. I'll get there someday...
  10. Aaaahhh I'd love to go to Costa. Don't want any part of the cheap hooch though. lol I just wanna go for the beaches and waves.
  11. If you're into reggae/Jimmy Buffett/ type stuff, you can always try Radio Margaritaville.
  12. Glad I'm not the only one. lol My cousin and uncle both have Vista on their laptops and say they have nothing but problems. I think I've finally convinced them to replace it with XP.
  13. Cool. I love internet radio.
  14. At least you still have a way to get online. Old XP is better than no PC at all. lol
  15. Really? I've never had a problem...but then again I always have my cookies off soooo... You got that right. haha
  16. haha that's awesome! guess i'll have to in search of one for myself.
  17. www.live365.com slacker radio
  18. Hey somebody actually voted for mine this time. And NO I didn't vote for myself.
  19. LuLu

    Happy New Year

    4 1/2 hours to go here, but what the hey...
  20. Oh definitely. That's why I opted not to divulge personal information during our short correspondence. If he wasn't going to give up the goods, neither was I.
  21. Exactly. And that's why I specifically asked for his business name and address/phone number. When he wouldn't tell me, I knew something was up.
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