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Everything posted by LuLu

  1. LuLu

    The Dog Thread

    Couldn't resist adding this one...
  2. Lieutenant Dan's got new legs!
  3. lol I'm sorry. I'm sick so the brain isn't fucntioning properly. But thanks for the warning about the link and all. And by the way, Gimp was a cool guy. LOL
  4. Which one was that? The Photoshop one or the second link I posted??
  5. I also found this one, which I think I'm gonna try out. Reviews are kinda half and half about it, but we'll see. GIMP
  6. I knew someone would figure it out. lol I had gone as far as the "download now" link and when I saw that I had to enter my info I questioned it. Crapola...I don't have 700 dollars for Photoshop. lol Oh well...
  7. Looks like a Lassen painting. Very beautiful...
  8. LuLu


  9. How legit can this be? xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  10. LuLu

    The Dog Thread

    So in light of the Shamus thread, I thought it would be kinda cool for all us dog owners to share pics of our doggies. If you don't have a dog, post a pic of the pet you do have. Gidget at Halloween (she's a Shih Tzu/Poodle mix)... And Shamus looking emo lol... And a rare moment in time. Would have been better if the batteries hadn't died like right after this shot lol
  11. That's what I want to do. But Shamus can't be walked yet. The vet told me to wait till he's had all his shots first in case we run into unvaccinated/infected dogs in the neighborhood. But another option is getting a tie out so they can play together in the yard. So I'm thinking of doing that. I think they'll have fun, but then again, you never know. lol I just think it's funny that my 3 cats have welcomed him into the house with no problems, but Gidget hasn't. She's such a fuss-budget sometimes. But I love her anyway. I call her the Drama Queen. lol
  12. Aahh they're so cute!! I love Boxers. But I'm not allowed to have big dogs. That's so cool that they would wait for you by the window.
  13. Oh how I WISH that was how my two were. When we brought Shamus home on Sunday, my Gidget took off and hid in my parent's room. For 3 days she wouldn't come out unless he was locked up somewhere. Then Thursday night she decided to play with him. They played for a good hour or so, ran each other ragged. Friday morning they did the same thing. But that was it; and she won't stay around him long. She's still having issues with eating and drinking. She will *not* touch the water or food if he's been around it. Nor will she use the wee-pad if he's so much as even walked on it. So I don't know what's gonna happen.
  14. Haha that's hilarious! I love those Teacup Yorkies, but dogs that small wouldn't survive in my house. Plus, they tend to have more health problems than a regular runt. But they sure are cute. And there's nothing better than watching puppies (and kittens) play. As I write this Shamus is trying to steal my flip flop. lol
  15. The funny part about this pose is that his front leg was suspended in mid-air as he slept.
  16. I hope so. She never had a problem with my neighbor's two nutty dogs running rampant in our house, but this little guy has her panties in bunch, so to speak. lol She seems like she's trying to accept him, but my dad said it will take time. What I don't like is that after he's been near her water and food bowls, she won't use them unless they've been cleaned out. Dad says she doesn't like his scent because he's not fixed yet. Not sure if that's the case or not, but it does make sense. So I guess we'll see what happens. If there is still animosity after he's fixed, I'll probably have to find him another home. I hate the thought of that, but my Gidget was here first so she holds rank. And I can't bare the thought of her being miserable all the time because of him. But hopefully they'll eventually be best buds. lol
  17. Oh he's loads of fun. And such a little hellion! He loves chasing the cats and biting their tails. lol Acclimating he and my other dog has been harder than anticipated though. She's not very fond of him in the least. Not sure how things are gonna work out on that front...
  18. Haha I know. Such a long name for such a little guy. But it suits him. Go figure. lol
  19. I know how you feel. We really can't afford it either, but mom really wanted him. Oh well, at least he doesn't eat a whole lot. lol
  20. Oh he is definitely full of mischief! But luckily he's in that stage where he plays for 20-30 minutes and then passes out for about 5 hours. LOL And he is such a cuddler. If you leave the room, he has to be right behind you. If you're standing by the sink or whatever, he'll sit between your feet. He even tried to jump in the shower with me. I'm sure I won't think he's so cute when he takes off down the hallway with one of my sneakers though. haha And to CT - that really sucks about having to leave the new pup. Black Labs are soooo beautiful. She'll probably be huge when you get to see her again.
  21. Shamus O'Reily McGregor, our new 9 week old Miniature Schnauzer. We got him yesterday and he's already won our hearts. Well, not so much the cats and our other dog, but they'll work it out. haha
  22. I've probably already used this one but don't remember. lol
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