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whats the latest anyones stayed up?


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I used to have seriously bad insomnia and started staying awake anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours from when I was around 5 or 6 years old up until I was 33 years old just last year. The insomnia seems to have cured itself, albeit probably due to me getting older, and now I can nod off into sleep rather easily.

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I believe my record is around 40 hrs, but friends from first year (university) have a little competition going...i think the current record is around 65 hrs, and it doesn't count if you're not being productive most of the time, lots of peops come close around exam time

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For those that think staying awake for long periods of time is "cool" or some sort of stupid "competition" you need to read or print this:

http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neur...eb3/Ledoux.html and do a more thorough search to research the side effects.


To quote one line of text out of the article:

Source: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neur...eb3/Ledoux.html

One of the possible side effects of a continued lack of sleep is death.

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I don't know how long I have been awake without sleep.

But I think sometimes it has been like 24 hours.


But I think you should listen to what Andavari says about this.


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For those that think staying awake for long periods of time is "cool" or some sort of stupid "competition" you need to read or print this:



Interesting reading there Andavari.


I guess I better go to bed now. :)


I somehow manage on about 5 hours sleep, 5 nights a week, and about 8 or 9 hours sleep twice a week, and yes, I do notice the effects of not getting enough sleep.

I think it might be time to try to change my sleep habits now.



Damn I'm tired. :lol:

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