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February Desktop


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Hey Folks it's the 7th of Feb down under here in "good ole" Aus.................here's my effort

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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Until @DennisD reclaims the throne, you will have to be Keeper Of The Thread @Tasgandy :)

Backup now & backup often.
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Three things are certain; Birth, Death and loss of data. You control the last.

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Thanks for that................BUT "where are you DennisD" :ph34r: here's hoping that your OK and just on a holiday/studying/cooking/working hard............etc. :D  :D  

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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no-one seems to know - he has gone dark....

Backup now & backup often.
It's your digital life - protect it with a backup.
Three things are certain; Birth, Death and loss of data. You control the last.

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Taken from the Windows Themes 'footpaths'

Looks like my place before I trot out my ride-on mower.................looks very peaceful Hazelnut.................is that your "weekend hideaway?" 

Always With Kind Regards


"one is never too old to listen & learn"

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No, it's the Piriform Holiday Camp :)


How'd you come up with that one, and where are the campers to live in because I don't do tents (and would prefer a quick getaway vehicle) especially in the middle of nowhere.  :lol:

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No, it's the Piriform Holiday Camp :)


Now and again a break from the Piriform Factory must be restful. 



Do they have activities like canoeing, hiking, campfires with hotdog and marshmallow roasts?

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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The camp is just down the lane in my screenshot.  It is very popular :)


Lots of activities such as pear picking, crop monitoring, keeping the livestock registry up to date, cookie baking and of course general cleaning of the camp (sometimes has to be done twice if its very messy!!)


Just the type of holiday folk need to recuva from the stresses of modern life.


Pets welcome :)




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Lots of activities such as pear picking, crop monitoring, keeping the livestock registry up to date, cookie baking and of course general cleaning of the camp (sometimes has to be done twice if its very messy!!)


That's camp? Sounds like being homeless and doing everyone elses' chores.


to recuva from the stresses of modern life.



No. Those ARE the stresses of modern life. Hazelnut, there's these places called spas. :lol:

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here a nice wallpaper - very edifying



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Ccleaner-->System-Requirements; Ccleaner FAQ´s; Ccleaner builds; Scheduling Ccleaner Free


Es ist möglich, keine Fehler zu machen und dennoch zu verlieren. Das ist kein Zeichen von Schwäche. Das ist das Leben -> "Picard"

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 I love aquamarine shallow water caustics.

(The enveloping surface formed by light rays reflecting or refracting from a curved surface, especially one with spherical aberration.) :)


You've been reading the back of cereal packets again haven't you Corona?   :lol:


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Your d-top Lulu. I love aquamarine shallow water caustics.

(The enveloping surface formed by light rays reflecting or refracting from a curved surface, especially one with spherical aberration.) :)


That's exactly what I was thinking. 

The CCleaner SLIM version is always released a bit after any new version; when it is it will be HERE :-)

Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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1. Capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action.
2. Sarcastic or cutting; biting: "The caustic jokes ... deal with such diverse matters as political assassination, talk-show hosts, medical ethics" (Frank Rich).
3. Given to making caustic remarks: a caustic TV commentator.
1. A caustic material or substance.
2. A hydroxide of a light metal.
3. The enveloping surface formed by light rays reflecting or refracting from a curved surface, especially one with spherical aberration.


So many descriptions, I thought I'd single the one meaning out from the rest. I couldn't make up that description on my own. :D

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Screenshot from my latest toy, a Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12 running Nova Launcher. This thing is pretty awesome if you are in the market for a bigger tablet. I would say its too big to replace my ipad for traditional tablet tasks like reading, browsing, games,ect. but its obviously better for video watching. I got it because I wanted to test out the new Micrsoft Office for Android, because unlike iPad, Android has full mouse support. I think for someone who lives in Word/Powerpoint like I do this could replace a laptop no doubt. Its fast, great screen, and has pretty stellar battery life.


It definitely wont replace my iPad for most stuff, but for productive stuff the mouse support is huge.

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Your d-top Lulu. I love aquamarine shallow water caustics.

(The enveloping surface formed by light rays reflecting or refracting from a curved surface, especially one with spherical aberration.) :)

Very nice. I have a few more floating but none that I can use as a desktop (too low quality). 

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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