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Everything posted by login123

  1. I've thought about that statement for a couple of weeks now, and just cannot see how it will benefit me or any user for that matter for microsoft to learn what ads I click on or what sites I visit, etc. Maybe my own ignorance, but everything has gone fine until now.
  2. You will be assimilated. . . Resistance is futile . . . Seriously, Hazelnut have you uninstalled the updates that download win 10 AND hidden them for your win 7 computers? I ask because I'm wondering how to handle the situation when I finally turn on the win 7 desktop and the win 8 (not 8.1) laptop. It would help to know if that worked for you. I will make an image of the present configurations of course, but it would be nice to stop the updates from asking.
  3. Thanks very much, Derek. What would happen if you skipped step #2? 2.) Before proceeding, you must run Windows Update and make sure your system is completely up to date.
  4. Yep, thats the way it is going. Reminds me of that old metaphor about the "boiling frog". Any benefits from this data mining initiative will accrue to microsoft, not their customers. And I do believe that the dangerous aspects of over-sharing are now exponentially more hugher (if that isn't a word it oughta be).
  5. For sure thats the way it is going. For a long time now, I guess. But the difference here will be the scale of the operation. And when microsoft gets hacked (yes, they have, and will again) more people will lose more stuff than ever before.
  6. Here on win xp there is one registry entry for AutoICS. It is well hidden, a normal regedit will not show it. Fwiw. SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\avast! Antivirus\AutoICS
  7. Not me, mta. Everything I know I learned from Hazelnut & Tas. Dual booting that UEFI system at that time was a bit like wrestling a grizzly bear. Even if you survive, you sort of want to avoid it next time.
  8. It has been suggested that this fix does not work properly. See here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=44380
  9. Looked like a news site at first glance.
  10. dbjes, I also would be very interested in how the live CD goes if you try it. Might be cheaper than a trip to the shop.
  11. That answers it. Thank you.
  12. There is one other issue, imho. Piriform makes excellent softwares available for the whole world, for free. A little support from anyone who can afford it is very nice. I have a related question. Fortunately I have never had to seek additional support but if I do, who is it that will be replying? My pro versions are out of date just now, so I can't check for myself.
  13. Well, guys, looks like time is up for the Piriform Factory Spy. . . . . . Have to bring him "in from the cold". http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=36980&page=2&do=findComment&comment=226886
  14. Took this picture, edited it to remove identifying parts. Raises an interesting question, eh?
  15. An interesting find over over at the Outpost Forum. I will also need the remover file sooner or later, I use Outpost Firewall. So thanks for posting your results.
  16. If those files are deleted by CCleaner then instantly recreated by win 10, the practical result is that they are "cleaned". That is, they are still there, but contain no information. Do I understand that correctly? The other situation might be that win 10 recreates them with all the current information, in which case CCleaner did not clean them.
  17. "Might be kind of hard to ship that many deer all the way to Norway. " . . . It would certainly take a lot of doe. MMMmmUUUaaahhaaahaaha. Opera Mini was the best phone browser i ever used. Better than the defaults at the time.
  18. I would like to see Opera come back. It had huge potential.
  19. Did you search the registry manually for outpost, agnitum, and maybe feedback? I mention feedback because from time to time Outpost creates a file called Feedback.zip. Be careful. As you probably know, messing with the registry is dangerous.
  20. I tried it on win xp. It is not a new situation. If you have been using CCleaner as described in post 1 or post 3 it's possible that you have a set uf useless reg backups. You might check the old ones to see if they contain anything other than "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"
  21. Much of the information you want is here and in the other topics on the same page. http://www.piriform.com/docs/ccleaner/ccleaner-rules/windows-tab
  22. Just tried it. If you open the .reg backup file before you click on "Fix Issue" the last time, the file will indeed be empty. After you "Fix" it, it will contain the backup file, which you can open and read, or reintegrate into the registry. The buttons in order are: 1. Fix Selected Issues 2. Do you want to back up changes to the registry? Yes 3. Clicking Yes and saving the backup creates the file, but it is still empty. 4. In the next window, clicking Fix Issue deletes the registry entry and fills in the backup file. 5. If you click Close instead of Fix Issue, the .reg file remains empty. Hope this helps.
  23. Pretty sure I will upgrade the win 8 laptop to win 10. Nothing to lose except my privacy, self respect, and any semblance of control.
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