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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. That will be because your drives are SSD's.

    Wiping the free space of SSD's is not needed because of the way that SSD's work, nor is it recommended to wipe SSD's.

    Wiping the free space of a drive writes data to every unused part of the drive. (Wiping the entire drive writes to every part of the drive).
    SSD's have  a finite number of writes and so doing a drive wipe frequently can shorten the life of an SSD.

    CCleaner will however still let you run one pass on an SSD, but it will warn you about 'wearing out' the SSD - unless you have chosen in the settings to hide warning messages.

    PS. There is no need to use more than one pass to wipe any drive these days, whilst multiple passses used to ocasionally be prudent years ago that is no longer the case.
    The multi-pass options are still there in CCleaner for HDD's simply because they are left over from years back, and because some people do still believe that it is somehow an advantage to empty the same space more than once.

  2. I have just tried it here and it only saves the files from the tab that is currently open.
    That will be so that if you are using more than one browser then you can save a seperate list for exch browser.

    For example, IE tab open (actually it shows Edge here):

    Only those 2 extensions are saved to the text file.

    Firefox tab open:


    All of the Firefox extensions are saved to the text file.

    If that isn't what happens for you then please come back, and if you can explain a bit more what you are seeing.

    EDIT- Are you still using a non-standard browser (7star)?

  3. If it is CCleaner for Android bought/registered through the google store then no, it will be a subscription activated through google and you will not have a licence key.
    (That's just the way that the google store works).

    So in that case you will need to purchase a licence key to register CCleaner on a PC or Mac.

    However if you have purchased a multi-device CCleaner Pro Plus, or CCleaner Premium, licence from the CCleaner website then that key can be used to activate/register CCleaner in Android rather than subscribing through the google store.

  4. Você verificou sua pasta de spam de e-mail? Pode ter ido parar lá.
    Onde você comprou sua licença, na página oficial do CCleaner ou em outro lugar?
    Às vezes, vemos casos em que as pessoas cometeram um erro ao inserir seu endereço de e-mail, portanto, os e-mails não podem alcançá-los porque estão sendo enviados para um endereço de e-mail errado.
    Você precisará entrar em contato com o suporte para resolver problemas de licenciamento. Você pode enviar um e-mail para eles: Support@ccleaner.com

    Have you checked your email spam folder? It may have ended up in there.

    Where did you purchase your license, from CCleaner official page or from somewhere else?

    We do sometimes see cases where people have made a mistake when entering their email address, so the emails cannot then reach them because it is being sent to a wrong email address.

    You will need to contact support to resolve licensing issues.
    You can send them an email: Support@ccleaner.com


  5. See: https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020674812-How-do-I-manage-my-CCleaner-subscription-#how-do-i-manage-my-ccleaner-subscription--0-0




    CCleaner is registered, but you can't see the Manage Subscription button:

    This is because you don't have a subscription-based license, or we canceled the subscription. In either case, we don't automatically renew your subscription. We remind you to renew your license manually once you reach the end of your agreed license term but don't automatically take any payments from you. 


    If you are still having issues then email support@ccleaner.com for help.

    However if you think that you have been charged on an already cancelled subscription there is something that we do occasionally see:
    If you paid by PayPal then check if you had set up a recurring payment with PayPay.
    If you have set up  a PayPal recurring payment then PayPal will still take that payment even though you have cancelled you subscription with CCleaner.
    You may have forgotten (or hadn't realised) that you had also set up a recurring payment with PayPal, and until you cancel that PayPal will still take the payment.

    If that is what has happened here then PayPal have your money and not CCleaner, so you will need to contact PayPal to cancel the recurring payment and ask them for a refund

  6. If you still have ccleaner installed on another machine then look in Options>License key.

    Or enter the email address that you used to purchase CCleaner into this page: https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup

    Of course that won't work if you no longer have access to that email address.
    In that case  you should email support@ccleaner.com from a different email account, they will want to know what that original email address was.

    Or you could just use CCleaner free until you get your outlook back.

  7. It is interesting that the recovered files are NOT zeroed.

    New data being written where they used to be is a possibility, though more often I'd associate that with HDDs.

    I'm still trying to grasp just how this stuff works with SSD's so don't quote me, but 'Dynamic' and 'Global' wear leveling can also move old but still existing data into the storage blocks where the deleted data used to be.

    (Probably misleading but think about it a bit like trying to recover from a HDD that has been defagmented after the files had been deleted, Recuva can 'see', from the Logical Block Address still held in the MFT, where the deleted files used to be on the drive but it can't tell if something else has later been moved into that address).

    It's further complicated by the fact that the SSD built in controller doesn't actually store things at the LBA, instead it maps the LBA to a Physical Block Address where it has actually put the data., either when first written or when moved for wear levelling.

    In the end though the thing to take home is that it's almost impossible to recover deleted files from a SSD.

    Just to note that by contrast you can usually recover deleted files from a thumbdrive, I've done it myself, they don't have TRIM or wear levelling. (although some high end industrial thumbdrives do have them).

    Let us know how you get on with Irfanview for the images.

  8. I assume there's no backup which is why you are trying to revover them.

    Recovering deleted files from a SSD is almost impossible, almost because there might just be a very slight chance.
    As yu suspect TRIM and wear levelling come into play.

    You say that the recovered filesizes look about right, but did you have 'Secure Delete' set in CCleaner which would have overwritten the contents?.
    Have you tried opening one in a text edior/hex editor to see if it's all zeros?

    You could try Irfanview which can often open damaged image files that other viewers won't open.
    If it does open then 'Save as' will save it correctly so that other viewers can then open it.

    The PDF's would be another issue though and I wouldn't know what to suggest.

  9. You have a corrupted Recycle bin.

    It is nothing to worry about, it's just something that can happen in Windows, most people never even notice when they have a corrupted bin.
    (Unless they use a cleaning tool which says there is always something in the bin).

    It is easy to fix, see here for how to fix it:


  10. These Sales come and go, you usually only get the sales pop-up notification once. (Some people complain if they get it more than once).

    I suggest that you email support@ccleaner.com explain what has happened with PayPal and see if they can still give you the sale price.

    Google translate:
    Deze Sales komen en gaan, je krijgt meestal maar één keer de sales pop-up melding. (Sommige mensen klagen als ze het meer dan eens krijgen).

    Ik stel voor dat je een e-mail stuurt naar support@ccleaner.com, leg uit wat er met PayPal is gebeurd en kijk of ze je nog steeds de verkoopprijs kunnen geven.

  11. Good thought @hazelnut.

    But no, I just tried it and they are still there after a 'Clean now' in Storage Sense.

    I've looked a bit more at what these particular Defender Backup files are.

    I haven't checked them all, but the 4 that I have checked are duplicate copies of the'live' files in use, rather than being old versions.
    The contents of the 'live' files and the backup are identical on the 4 that I checked.

    Presumably Defender has the backup there in case something happens to the live copy, or maybe as a double check of the integrity of the live copy?

    As they appear to be reserve/reference copies, rather than old versions, then I for one will be leaving them there.

    Deleting them would also be pretty useless if they are needed reference copies, and so Defender then has to recreate them again.

  12. Thanks for the report.

    I hadn't looked at it before but just gave it a go.

    On Windows 10 here it found 8 out of 10 files (sounds like a commercial) to delete in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Definition Updates\Backup"

    But as you say running a clean did not actually delete any of them.

    If I try to delete one maunally in File Explorer it asks for elevated 'System' permission to delete it. (I am already admin).

    I've flagged it up to the staff for the developers to look at.

  13. They are fine here, (2 different computers, one CCleaner Pro one CCleaner Free).

    It looks like yours is trying to display 2 different icons side by side and of course the column is only meant for one icon so you are seeing half of each.
    eg. half of the the Thunderbird icon and half of the Internet icon; half of the Chrome icon and half of the Applications icon.
    I'm not sure what the one with Firefox is?

    That's an odd one. What do the Internet and Applications icons look like in your CCleaner?
    Is the Windows Tab also showing double icons or is it just the Applications tab?

    To rule out it being a Windows glitch I'd do a 'Restart' (not Shutdown) of Windows to see if your Windows icon cache needs a refresh.

    If a Restart doesn't fix it then you can delete the icon cache files and Windows will then rebuild them:

    Let us know if that doesn't put it right.

  14. Please note that only Piriform Staff are permitted to use the CCleaner logo as their avatar.
    In fact they have to use it to show that they are staff members.

    The use of 'CCleaner' in the username is also restricted to staff members.

    These restrictions are stated at paragraph 3 in the forum guidelines which can be found in the menu bar above the forum.


    On this ocassion - Please feel free to re-register with a new username that does not breach the guidelines.

  15. Good to hear that it's working for you now.

    So the problem was a disc error/fault preventing Windows defrag from reading the disc, and the Disc Error check has fixed it.
    TBH I had thought that you might have replied that you'd already run CHKDSK when doing SFC and DISM.

    Hopefully fixing a disc error will have also improved your startup speed.

    Sometimes it's better to give a list of things to check all at once rather than one at once which takes longer as posts go back and forth.
    Your answers are good, not much at startup, plenty of disc space, you don't say what the PUP was but fair enough if it was unwanted.

    Something to note is that using more than one defragmenter isn't going to improve defragmentation.
    Every one of them uses their own algorithm, there's no set standard, so will just reorder things as it wants regardless of what the one before did.
    You could spend hours defragmenting and ordering the files one way with one app, and then another way with another app, and then .....,

    PS. I know what you mean about the removal of the drive map from Windows Optimize and Defrag, watching a defragmenter drive map is a bit like watching someone play Tetris and you can still watch it in Defraggler and others.
    But it doesn't really have any function it's just a pretty graphic and maybe reassurance that something is happening. But for all you know the app could just be moving coloured brocks round and not even touching your drive 🤣
    It also gives it's own issue of people trying to get their drives 'perfect' - everything in a solid block at the start and nothing fragmented.
    It's a Holy Grail, only going to happen on an external drive not on a system drive, But that doesn't stop people trying and then complaining about the defragmenter when they can't achieve what can't be achieved. (Well maybe very very rarely).
    Probably that's one of the reasons why Microsoft removed it.

    PPS. I must have saved hours since I switched both my laptops internal drives to SSD's. No defragging of those just a trim which takes seconds.
    Of course I still have the old spinners as external drives, so still Defraggler for those.

  16. All I can say at this moment is that both Windows defragmenter and Defraggler work fine here, I can launch and run either one as I choose.
    Uninstalling my Defraggler does not affect Windows defrag in the slightest. Neither does reinstalling it.

    You seem to have 2 seperate isssues here, the slowish startup, and then the Windows defragmenter not launching.
    They are probably not related, but might be.

    3 minutes for startup can seem a long time these days, but even only 5 years ago was often considered reasonable.

    "Why is my computer slow to start" is one of the top questions asked online, and that's because there can be a multitude of reasons.
    From a simple setting, through to too much bloat loading, system or hardware problems, up to even malware.

    Have you had a look at just what is strating when you startup?
    For example do you maybe have Edge pre-loading, even though you may never use it?
    What about other background apps and bloatware?

    I'd suggest running AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes to start with, it can quickly get rid of that junk/bloatware, adware, etc.

    In windows Settings go to Apps>Startup and see what is turned on there that could be slowing things.
    If you have things that you don't use turned on then turn them off.

    You could then also look at Tools>Startup in CCleaner to see just what else is loading at startup, there are 4 tabs there.
    You can also disable and enable them there if you are sure that you don't want them running at startup. (Don't use 'Delete' all it does is remove them from that list it doesn't delete them).

    Next to the defragmenter.
    As Hazelnut asked what type of drive is it? What size is it? How full is it? Right-clicking the drive in File Explorer and selecting Properties will tell you the Capacity and the used/free space on the General tab, the Hardware tab will give you the model number of the drive from which we should be able to tell what type it is.

    While you are in the Properties go to the Tools tab and see if the defragmenter will launch from there. (And maybe run the Error checker too, it can take a while depending on the size of the disc, but would rule out another potential cause of problems).

    You said that you were not happy with the Windows Defragmenter for various reasons, can you expand on those reasons just it case they might be relevant here?

    Step by step, do you normally launch the Windows defragmenter? You mentioned from File Explorer above?
    What do you see when it fails to load?

    And finally for now, have you tried booting into safe mode and seeing if it runs there?





  17. Mmm, next time before you clean do an Analyze and if it skips Zoom then before cleaning look in Task Manager and see if there is anything Zoom related still running.

    Although I do have Zoom on this machine I've only ever used it once, to attend a funeral service remotely, so I'm not very clued up on what kinds of processes it runs.

    One thought though, are you logging in with a Zoom account or are you using your Google or Facebook account to log in to it?

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