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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. So to recap, just to make sure we are on the same page:

    1. You have a 5 Terabyte external SSD that failed. (EDIT- The drive had not failed, it was one that had been given to the OP).
    2. The drive is connected to the computer via a powered USB hub.
    3. You have reformatted the SSD, and are now trying to recover the non-deleted video files. (EDIT- The drive is not a SSD).
    4. However Recva  is repeatedly unable to complete a scan of the SSD.
    5. You have changed you settings in Windows to ensure that both the drive and the USB port are not 'going to sleep'.

    Is all that correct, or have I misunderstood something?
    Reading back I see that you never actually confirmed that you have reformatted the drive because it crashed. (EDIT- The drive had not crashed)

    Can you tell us what make/model the drive is?
    Can you tell us what make/model the USB hub is?

  2. I'm just looking back at the screenshot in your first post and notice that it is drive M: which it is saying is not ready.

    Also it is the Source drive (the one you want to recover from) and not the Target drive (the one you are putting the recovered files on).

    How is drive M: connected to the computer?
    M: is conventionally used to designate a networked drive rather than a drive which is directly connected to the computer.


  3. As this is presumably about the same drive I have merged your 2 threads.

    The previous comments still stand, but as you seemed to have solved that sleeping drive 'not ready' issue then I'm not sure why you felt the need to reinstall Recuva?

  4. To reinstall CCleaner:

    1. Download the 'Slim' installer (3rd one down) from here: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
    2. Double click the downloaded 'ccsetup613_slim.exe' to reinstall CCleaner.

    If you haven't uninstalled CCleaner Pro before doing the new install then it will pick up the existing licence key.

    If you have already uninstalled CCleaner Pro then the new install will be CCleaner Free, so you will have to open CCleaner and go to Options>License Key and enter your key to register it as CCleaner Pro again.

    If you didn't make a note of your licence key then you can look it up here: https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup

  5. Your SSD wil be fine.

    You have not damaged it by using Defraggler or by stopping Defraggler mid way through.

    It has just used a tiny bit of the life cycle of the drive.

    Like taking one drop of water out of a lake. You would need to do it many times to make any difference.

  6. No it will not increase the speed of the SSD in any way at all.

    It is unnecessary, but it will not unduly harm a SSD if it is done - unless it is done many times because each time will use up a full write cycle.

    A few times by mistake is not a problem, but doing it regularly will shorten the lifetime of the SSD.

    SSDs look after themselves they have built in software to do that, with a little help from the Operating System (Windows).

    You have no need to Optimise (or Defragment) an SSD yourself.

  7. It should be fine.

    A zero fill only writes zeros to the empty space on the drive which will not harm it at all, drives are meant to have things written to them.

    If you have paused/stopped the optimisation then just close Defraggler.

    PS. Windows will automatically optimise your SSDs itself, I'd just let it do that and not use Defraggler with SSDs.

  8. To begin with - it is (almost) impossible to recover deleted files from a SSD.
    That's simply because of the way that SSDs work.
    TRIM and Garbage Collect zero out deleted files, (not realy but the effect is similar), so although the filenames may be found the files themselves have probably gone for good.

    However if the SSD has crashed then it may be possible to recover the undeleted files that were on it.
    If that is why you had to reformat your SSD then you have a better chance of recovering the files.

    In either case though you have nothing to lose by trying, other than time.

    As for 'The target drive is not ready' that is usually an indication that the target drive is a HDD that has 'gone to sleep' ie. stopped spinning because it hasn't been accessed for a while.
    Simply opening File Explorer and opening the drive should wake it up again.

    If Recuva still says that the target is not ready after you've woken it up then you will have to scan again - but before you do make sure the target won't go back to sleep again.

    Presumably your target drive is connected to USB?
    You can prevent USB connected drives going to sleep, either by changing the Power managment in Windows Settings, or changing the USB behaviour in Device Manager, (or both).
    There are plenty of articles and instructions on the web about how to do that, so I won't repeat them here.

    PS. Is your Recuva up to date?
    There was a 'Patch' update last month, it shouldn't affect the above but it's still good to have the latest version.



  9. Don't you love those helpful error messages that give no clue what the problem might be, just "Something"?

    The only thing I know of that won't even open Performance Optimizer to do a scan is the Portable CCleaner, even CCleaner Free can scan but it can't put apps to sleep.
    Portable can't do it because PO need files to be installed.

    I'd try reinstalling CCleaner, just in case the last install/update was faulty.

    1. Download the 'Slim' installer (3rd one down) from here: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
    2. Double click the downloaded 'ccsetup613_slim.exe' to reinstall CCleaner.
      (Don't uninstall the old one first, if you do that then you will need to enter your key again in the new install - so make a note of it).
    3. See if the Performance Optimiser works as it should with the fresh install.


  10. Was it bought brand new or was it refurbished? (or maybe second hand).

    Where did you download the CCleaner trial from (the URL if you still have a note of it), and what is the setup file called?
    I ask because I've just tried installing the trial 'CCsetup613_pro_trial.exe' on a laptop that has already had it once, and I got a different message box to yours.

  11. Do you mean that you have reinstalled Windows? What Windows version?

    Do you mean that it is your CCleaner licence key that isn't working now?

    Firstly are you entering the correct licence key?
    You can look up your current key here: https://www.ccleaner.com/support/license-lookup

    What error message are you seeing?
    It is possible that CCleaner believes that this is now a different machine, and you only have a licence for one machine.

  12. I assume that you running Health Check in CCleaner Pro?

    That can/will disable some startup apps as part of the 'Speed' section. It only disables ones that aren't really needed.
    'Speed' only runs in CCleaner Pro not in CCleaner Free. When you run Health Check in CCleaner Free you see the following:


    If you want to prevent it happening in future then with CCleaner Pro you will have to always use Custom Clean instead of Health Check.
    To set Custom Clean as the default that CCleaner shows you then: Options>Settings change the 'CCleaner Home Screen'.

    PS. If you do use HealthCheck in CCleaner Pro, but don't want it to disable startup apps, then after a Scan click on the 'Speed' box and you can untick any startup items that it has slated to disable. However you will have to do that EVERY TIME that you run Health Check in CCleaner Pro.

    If you want to re-enable the ones that Health Check has disabled then you can do that easily in CCleaner:
    Go to Tools>Startup.
    You will see 4 tabs containing various startup items and showing if they are enabled or disabled, along with buttons to change that status.
    eg. If they are currently disabled they are greyed out, select the item and the Enable button turns blue so that you can click it to re-enable the startup item.

    Note that the 'Delete' button there removes an item from those lists in CCleaner, so that you can no longer change it from within CCleaner.
    (It doesn't actually delete the task from Windows - at least it didn't last time I checked with a Scheduled Tasks, I 'deleted' it from the CCleaner list but it was still there in Windows Task Scheduler).



  13. It is finding that there has been a free trial of CCleaner on that computer at sometime in the past.
    That will have been recorded on the computer itself, and it wouldn't be recorded there unless a trial had already been run.

    Have you forgotten having a previous trial? Is it possible that someone else has used a trial on that computer?
    Maybe you, or someone else, installed a trial by mistake and then uninstalled it?

    Sorry but no one here is going to help you try to get around that one trial per machine limitation, so that you could then run trial after trial and never pay for CCleaner Pro.

    You can still use CCleaner Free of course, or buy CCleaner Pro.

  14. Could you give some more deatils please?

    What Windows version are you using?
    If not Windows Defeder then what AV are you using (and the version number).

    Are you using CCleaner Pro or CCleaner Free? (or possibly CCleaner Portable).

    What app/which apps are you attempting to put to sleep?

    Is there any more to that error message, or it that all it says?

    A screenshot of the apps Performance Optimiser has found might help, something like this:

  15. 1 hour ago, Aaron Ng said:

    thanks for the replies! Already tried emailing them but thought it will be faster if someone experience this before and could advise😅

    We don't get many business edition users on the forum.
    This whole 'CCleaner Cloud' section has only had 55 threads in the last 8 years, and the last thread posted before this one was in 2019.

    However, because of that, you have inadvertently been given the wrong support options.

    We have given you the general support rather than the dedciated CCleaner Cloud support form which you can find here:


  16. No problems.

    Personally I let Windows TRIM my SSDs, and just have Defraggler now for the ocassional defrag of external spinners. (My old laptop drives put in enclosures after swapping then for SSD's).

    Defragging a SSD will not damage it, and Windows itself as well as TRIM'ing will also occasionally defrag a SSD - if it deems it necessary.
    Defragging a SSD just uses up a bit of the write life of the drive, and while that could be an issue if done regularly (daily say) an occasional defrag is not a great concern with modern SSDs which have much longer write lives than the early ones.

    We don't usually close threads, we just let them drop down the boards as new threads come along.

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