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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. There is no difference in functionality between Pro and Pro Plus.

    The 'Plus' is the number of machines licenced, and also licences Pro for other Piriform softwares on those machines.

    A CCleaner icon in the hidden section of the system tray indicates that you have 'Smart Cleaning' or 'Automatically update CCeaner' (or both) enabled.

    So it comes down to the drivers.

    What drivers are they?

    What version does CCleaner say is installed and what version does it say is available?

  2. There a very few Mac users on the forum, I don't know why that is.
    (Maybe they are just less Mac users overall? or maybe they are just not as keen to help others as Windows users are?)

    The official way to contact CCleaner support is to send them an email; the address is support@ccleaner.com

    I don't have a Mac, and we don't get that pop-up in CCleaner for Windows, but I suggest that you click the 'Show Me' button and go through it.
    Usually with things like that then going through the 'show' sets a flag to say that you have done it, which then stops it nagging you.

  3. 6 hours ago, graywoulf said:

    Looks like I have to do this every time I run Health Check. I think this should be a "sticky" setting.

    Health Check was always meant to do a 'default' clean with few options to customise what it cleans.
    It's intended for those who just want to do a basic clean without having to change any settings themselves.
    In it's early days it was called 'Quick Clean' and then 'Easy Clean' for a few months. (Before the 'Speed' and 'Security' sections were added and it became Health Check).

    If you want to change what gets cleaned or not everytime that you run CCleaner then you need to use the more advanced option of Custom Clean.

    Custom Clean has lists of items that you can tick/untick to specify what gets cleaned or not, that 'sticks' until you change it again.
    It also allows you to include items not on that list, or exclude particular files that would otherwise get cleaned.

    Eg. to prevent Custom Clean from emptying the bin you would untick it in the list for Windows-System.
    Custom Clean would then always leave the bin alone until/unless you tick it again.
    Note though that Health Check always uses it's own cleaning rules.
    Ticking/unticking things in Custom Clean does not change what Health Check cleans. (If it did then there would be no point in having both).


    To set Custom Clean as the default that CCleaner shows you when you open CCleaner go to Options>Settings and change the CCleaner Home screen.

  4. 1 hour ago, lmacri said:

    I have no way of knowing if an employee is even monitoring this thread,

    I spotted that there was one of the developers logged on and reading this thread about 2 days before v6.14 came out.

    He didn't  post anything, but is it a coincidence that a few days after that the welcome screen dissappeared again?

  5. The error message shows over 4 Million Terabytes to be recovered, it's hardly surprising that it says there is not sufficient disc space.

    Look at the 'Last Modified' dates of the files, you have some dated as from 1970 which shows that Windows can't determine their date - and most of the rest have dates in the future. Obviously something wrong there.
    Look at the fies sizes, some are showing minus values which can happen for files that have no file extension. (it generally indicates a 32bit intiger for a filesize of greater than 2GB).

    I believe that your problem probably stems from the fact that you say the disk is RAW, had it crashed and you are attempting to get the 'live' files back?

    3 hours ago, Hikmet said:

    I cant even recover 1 excellent file from 4tb raw disk

    A raw disk has no file table, so Windows cannot know what the files on it are are or any details of them.
    Which will be why Recuva is showing them as just a file number with no extensions, and the crazy dates and filesizes.

    If you are trying to get the 'live' files back from a crashed drive then the way that I've been able in the past to recover the undeleted files from a HDD that had crashed and become RAW format was:

    1.  'Quick Format' the drive with Windows.
    2. Recuva can then recognise the drive as one with a valid file table.
    3. Use Recuva in Advanced mode to search the newly formatted drive for non-deleted files, and restore them to another drive.


    As with any attempted recovery there's no guarantees, but that method worked successfully for me - although a very small number of the recovered files were incomplete.

  6. Reinstalling Chrome was probably the only way that you were going to fix it.

    We recommend that you don't regularly use the Registry Cleaner with Windows 10 or 11, only use it if you have a specific problem.
    The Registry Cleaner is meant as a tool for fixing things if there is a problem, it is not meant for regular use.

    Using any registry cleaner will not speed up your machine in any way, and only saves a few KB of disc space.
    Using a registry cleaner on a healthy machine can even 'break' it, as you have found.

    Windows 10/11 changes the registry too often to make using any registry cleaner 100% safe.
    You might get away with using one occasionally, - but using one regularly can and does lead to problems.

    For the official Piriform advice on using the CCleanerRegistry Cleaner see this: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804

    Here is Microsofts' advice on using any Registry Cleaner:


  7. It is not a problem, but make a note of your licence key before removing CCleaner from the old machine.
    Open your current CCleaner Pro and go to Options>License Key - make a note of the key.

    1. When you have the new machine up and running download the current CCleaner installer onto it from here: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
    2. Double click the downloaded installer and it will install CCleaner Free.
    3. Open CCleaner Free and go to Options>License Key.
    4. Select 'Activate new key' and enter your existing key.
    5. That will register/activate CCleaner Pro on the new machine.

    Once you have CCleaner Pro on the new machine you should then uninstall CCleaner Pro from the old machine unless you have a multi-device licence (CCleaner Pro Plus, CCleaner Premum, etc.).

  8. Sorry, I had missed that this was CCleaner for Android.

    As I posted above, you can contact CCleaner Support by email at: support@ccleaner.com

    However I'm not sure if they will be able to help in this case?

    As you purchased through Google Store using PayPal then it is Google who have taken the money and PayPal who would normally issue any invoice.

    (If you had purchased a licence key directly from CCleaner, say as part of CCleaner Pro Plus, and then used that key to 'activate' CCleaner in Android then that would be different).


  9. 10 hours ago, Sergej said:

    I received a message via Paypal service . I bought a cleaner for 180 days .

    Are you saying that you actually purchased CCleaner?
    (180 days is not a usual licence period for CCleaner, although 'specials' are ocassionally available).

    Or are you saying that PayPal has taken a payment for something that you didn't purchase?
    If PayPal have taken your money for something that you didn't purchase then you will need to contact PayPal about that.

    If you did purchase CCleaner using PayPal then did you set up automatic payments with PayPal?
    If so then PayPal will take the automatic payment until you cancel it with PayPal.


    You can contact CCleaner Support by email at: support@ccleaner.com
    But if you have never purchased CCleaner, or if it's PayPal who have taken an automatic payment, then you will need to sort things out with PayPal.

  10. Most websites do it, in Europe it is a legal requirement needed to comply with the GDPR data protection laws and many websites just implement it worldwide.

    It's one of those ideas that at the time seems like a good idea for peoples privacy, and it does make website owners think about privacy, but for the computer user it ends up just being annoying.

    Some websites will ask everytime that you visit regardless of what you said last time.
    Others do keep your acceptance in a cookie, so if you clear that cookie they will ask again next time you visit.
    If you don't accept then of course they will always ask again next time.

    You could tell both your browser and CCleaner not to clear those cookies, once you have identified just which cookies they are, but there is an easier way.

    The easiest way to stop being annoyed by them is to use a browser extension, or Ad blocker filter.
    Once installed you won't be bothered by cookie permissions pop-ups much if at all.
     You might still very briefly see the permission request but the extension quickly either hides it or  'accepts' for you.
    They can't catch every single one, so you may still have to accept one occasionally, but the good ones do catch most of them.

    I've used this one in Firefox for a number of years, (It's now owned by Gen Digital the group that CCleaner is part of): https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/i-dont-care-about-cookies/

    It is available as an extension for Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera, and Pale Moon - and as a filter list for AdBlock, Adblock Plus, and uBlock Origin for use in other browsers: https://www.i-dont-care-about-cookies.eu/

    Other extensions/filters are available that do much the same thing.

  11. Good to hear that cleared it.

    CCleaner should run normally for you now all the excess junk has been cleared.

    CCleaner can sometimes struggle, or stick, when there are very large amounts of temporary files that have built up over time.
    So as well as using CCleaner regularly it is also a good idea to run Disk Clean-up on the system files once a month or so, if only to clear those system files which CCleaner doesn't clear for technical reasons.
    (eg. The Windows Update files are something that CCleaner doesn't touch, because Windows may not have finished applying them all for days or even weeks after an udate).

  12. If it's there in Disk Clean-up then it can be safely deleted. Sometimes it does need a Restart to finish the deletion.

    Note however that, just as with CCleaner, some things may appear to come straight back again - see the link in my signature below each post I make.

    Does Health Check now run for you?

  13. Your screenshot shows that you are already in 'Clean up system files' there; but you haven't finished the job yet.

    It's showing that you have 16.8 GB of temporary files that can be removed. See below about 'Windows Update' files too.

    That's a lot of junk, and probably why CCleaner is sticking.

    So you have scanned the system files for temporary ones that can be removed - but you haven't removed them yet.

    From where you are on your screenshot you now have to click 'OK', and then 'Delete files'.
    But BEFORE you do that also tick "Windows Update Clean-up".
    (You can see here that mine is currently 4.84 GB that will be removed if ticked. Yours is probably a similar size).


    It will take a while for that 20+ GB to be deleted, once it has finished then "Restart" your computer.

  14. Did you run Disk Clean-up using the 'Clean up system files' option?
    Have you done a Restart (not Shutdown) of your computer?


    Once that has scanned for temporary system files then you have to click OK again, and then 'Delete Files' in the box that pops up.



    When that has finished deleting the temporary system files do a Restart (not Shutdown) of your computer.

  15. I also don't see any Avast file in C:\Windows\temp

    That will probably be because we have different settings in CCleaner.
    (I might do some testing later to try and track down which setting(s) that might be).



    CCleaner MUST guarantee that _avast_ is not a telemetry portal for Gen or anyone else.

    If CCleaner can't do that then I will be forced to uninstall CCleaner.

    Read the Privacy Policy and Product Policy that can be found in your CCleaner:

  16. IIRC there was an issue back in 2021 with the portable creating registry entries (something to do with updates?).

    That would tie in with the dates that @AnaRon says he has.

    PS. Are you aware that if the zip is on your machine rather than a stick you can run the exe directly from the zip without extracting it first? (I do it if I want to run Free rather than my installed Pro, runing it from the zip doesn't pick up my key).

  17. It sometimes happens - so the first thing to try is using Custom Clean to see if that will unstick/clean whatever Health Check is sticking on.

    If Custom Clean also sticks it should say at the top of the results window just what it is stuck on, make a note of that and then do the next:

    If Custom Clean hasn't worked then see if Windows Disk Clean-up can clear the blockage. Run it once, then run it again this time selecting 'clean up system files'. The second one can take some time particularly with 'Windows update clean up'.

    Once it's  finished try Health Check again.

  18. I'm not at home to check, but couldn't tell you if it had changed and now changed back anyway because I haven't been messing about in my registry.

    I suggest that as it changed at different times of day for different people (and I am pretty sure I know why that is, the time you installed/updated to a particular CC version) then you give it 24 hrs to see if yours changes.

    Remember that if this is a test as I suspect then it's  been going on since at least February when the first post in this thread was made.

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