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Everything posted by nukecad

  1. Please start a new thread, this one is 5 years old. Please explain exactly what it happening when you try to install CCleaner.
  2. You might be better asking over at Macrium, it's their software that you were using: https://forum.macrium.com/
  3. nukecad


    How are you trying to do it, and what is not working? You should simply install the programme(s) on each computer, go to the 'About' section. It's in a slightly different place in each programme, in CCleaner it's Options>About, in the others it's Help>About. Click on 'Upgrade to Pro'. In the box that comes up enter the name you registered and the licence key number, and then click on 'Register'. Be careful with entering the key, we often see people mistaking letters and numbers, eg. I & 1, Z & 2, S & 5, B & 8.
  4. Good to hear it was that simple.
  5. The licence/registration server is a different one to the server that health check is trying to contact. Being able to connect to one is no guarantee that the other is reachable.
  6. A lot of the wording is quite annoying. Maybe it's a generation thing, maybe it's an 'appeal to non-technical user' thing. You assume that it's been discussed and not just left to the developer?
  7. Dunno, but it's interesting that it's both the laptops that can't connect. Could be something to do with the architecture (network cards?) of laptops as opposed to desktops?
  8. It's a security tool and is something that you do if you are selling or giving away your computer or hard drive. Wiping the free space, after you have deleted your personal files, ensures that those deleted files can't later be recovered by a programme like Recuva. In normal use it's not needed, and it won't speed up you computer or free up any space.
  9. The screenshot certainly says it's the Pro edition. But I note that it also says '(Unregistered)'. I'm not sure about that, it's possibly running Pro in the 14 day trial mode? I'd try entering your key again, being careful about the letters/numbers thing.
  10. Yes CCleaner will find/clear more of them than Edge will itself. That's because Edge will not clear Microsoft's own cookies, but CCleaner will. As for Trackers they are not what you or I would call 'Trackers', they are a type of cookie called a 'Tracking Cookie'. See here for more of an explanation:
  11. They are simply cookies. (technically 'Tracking cookies' but CC does overegg it a bit). See this:
  12. I can replicate that screen, IF after running the scan I then go into each category and untick the things it found to clean. Is that what you did? (Maybe to try and trick us?)
  13. Try making ccleaner.exe and ccleaner64.exe, or the whole CCleaner folder, exclusions in your anti-virus programme. Google how to do that for your particular anti-virus.
  14. Not sure why you got that invalid message if it's upgraded to Pro anyway? Can you confirm that it's now running as Pro and if it is I'll flag it to the staff/developers.
  15. If you already have a pro licence key then you simply download the free version and enter your licence key to upgrade it to Pro. You can get it from the 'builds' page: https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds Once installed re-enter your key. In CCleaner go to Options>About, click on 'Upgrade to pro', enter your name and key as first registered, and click 'Register'.
  16. There have been a few reports of this. Are you using the new Edge Chromium? If so then try the fix here: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/56994-update-freezes/?tab=comments#comment-315738
  17. The latest CCleaner version, released yesterday, now has a switch included for turning off Edge preloading:
  18. @hoodini it certainly doesn't look right does it? What happens if you carry on and click the 'Make it Better'? ('Make it better', doh! Have we got a childrens nanny writing that stuff, or is it the kiddies themselves?)
  19. That sounds as if the the ones that won't connect are having their connection blocked by the router. (Not sure from your posts if that's wifi or ethernet). It would seem to have different firewall rules set for wifi and ethernet?
  20. That sounds like a user permissions issue, check what is different in the main user permissions to the other users.
  21. Offering downloads of software before it is officially released is not reputable behaviour in anybodys book, and it's certainly not 'impeccable'. (Impeccable - In accordance with the higest standards; faultless).
  22. Whilst it can tell you what is taking up the space it can't tell if you want it to take up that space or not. Mine shows the files, but obviously only I know if I want them or not. Are you seeing something different?
  23. Cheers, reported to the staff. (They are online at the moment and would have seen it anyway, but a flag always makes sure).
  24. I tend to use Windows built in clipping tool these days, it puts clips straight into the clipboard and if you higlight things that goes in the clipboard too. Then just paste it into the post (right click or ctrl+v)
  25. It is probably something in your firewall settings (anti-virus) that is blocking it. Try making CCleaner an exception in your AV, or if you have custom firewall settings check what they are blocking. Health Check is meant for non-technical users. (Think granny who doesn't know anything about computers apart from that she can see the grandkids on Skype). If you are more technically minded then use Custom Clean which gives more control. EDIT not sure about the screenshot thing, is that alt+prtscr? I'll have a look when I get back to a computer instead of a phone.
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