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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. How far along the progress bar is it getting, if it's showing any progress at all?

    Try disconnecting from the internet and then running Health Check.
    Let us know how that goes.

    Can you tell us what Windows version you are using.
    If you are running an antivirus other than Defener please tell us what that is and the version number.

  2. Good to hear that you got it working again.

    Occasionally the download of an install or update will go a bit wrong and cause something odd to happen, like that 'sticking.

    Downloading a new installer and  reinstalling using that new download will usually sort out odd little issues like that one.

  3. I don't have a Mac to check,

    One thought does spring to mind though -
    I note that in the Mac version of CCleaner the different cleaning sections are seperate buttons - It it possible that your browser is fully cleaning itself on closing (or is being cleaned by a script), meaning that there is nothing browser related for CCleaner to clean and so that button for cleaning the browsers greys out?

    (On Windows my Firefox browser is fully cleaned by my own batch file before I run CCleaner, and so CCleaner has nothing to clean for Firefox. It isn't a sperate button though in the Windows version).

    You could always try reinstalling your CCleaner to see if that changes that greying out behaviour.

  4. Very strange then and I can't explain that, other than possibly some kind of temporary glitch/redirect when downloading the update?

    I guess that we will never know for sure just what happened - nobody else has reported seeing the same thing  (at least not yet).

    I'd put it down to one of the many odd things that can sometimes happen with computers, and as you have now reinstalled CCleaner Free I'd just carry on as normal.

    If it should happen to you again, and I doubt that it ever will, then please screenshot what it installs and post that screenshot here so that we have something to pass on to the staff for investigation.

    I've mentioned this to them anyway, but at the moment there isn't much to go on.

  5. On 22/02/2024 at 17:48, Leandro said:

    I'm Usind Windows Defender and Avira....

    I can´t delete "C:\Windows\Temp\sentry_temp" ....

    You shouldn't normally use 2 AV programmes at the same time.

    However if you have installed a 3rd party AV then Defender turns itself off apart from an occasional scan.

    @APMichael picked up that you may be using Avira because there was a know problem with Avira moving the executable files of MS Office and other apps to a location where they should not be - C:\Windows\Temp\sentry_temp.
    Nothing that is needed should ever be in C:\Windows\Temp\.
    As the name says it is for temporary files, not needed applications.

    Once Avira had done that then if you ran a cleaner, any cleaner, it would clear Windows\Temp because that's what a junk file cleaner is meant to do, that cleaning would remove the needed files that Avira had (wrongly) moved into there.
    Which meant that you then had to install those apps again from scratch.

    We thought that Avira had (very quietly) fixed it and stopped moving the apps. but if you have that 'Sentry_Temp' folder then that is likely to be your problem here.
    It may be that you somehow have an older version of Avira. (or that the bug has come back in it).
    Are there any files in that sentry_temp folder on your machine? (maybe not if you have cleaned them).

    To be practical:
    Personally I would uninstall Avira completely - Windows Defender will then automatically take over again as you AV. (In my opinion Defender is a better antivirus that Avira is anyway). https://support.avira.com/hc/en-us/articles/360003162153-Uninstallation-of-Avira-for-Windows
    Don't forget to also remove any Avira browser extensions that you may have.

    If for some reason you don't want to uninstall Avira (and that's up to you of course) then make sure that is up to date and the latest version.
    Check on the webpage yourself, don't just click 'Check for updates' within the app: https://support.avira.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010656158-Current-Avira-versions

    Then make C:\Windows\Temp\sentry_temp  an 'Exclude' in CCleaner, and do the same in any other cleaner that you might run.
    Note that Exclusions apply to Custom Clean, so after doing that only use Custom Clean and not Health Check.

  6. OK, was it perhaps asking you for a 'Professional' licence rather than 'Business'?

    Despite the name 'CCleaner Professional' is for home use.
    'CCleaner for Business' is a different thing altogether.

    The Free version of CCleaner will sometimes ask you if you want to upgrade to Professional, so you can then access the extra paid-for features.
    It doesn't usually ask for a licence key number at that point though, and you can just cancel it if you don't want to upgrade.

    Is this screen the screen that you saw asking you for a number? If it is then just clicking on 'Back' would have taken you out of it.
    Or clicking 'Health Check', 'Custom Clean', or one of the others would have taken you straight to those.


  7. CCleaner does not ask you for money like that, have you installed something else by mistake?

    Can you post a screenshot so that we may be able to identify it? (Whatever it is).

    PS. Malwarebytes and CCleaner are very different programmes and do very different things.

  8. 14 hours ago, KevinZ said:

     I just went through trying to get rid of this thinking it was hijacked as well....BUT... CCleaner browser has upgraded to Startpage as the default search engine.

    That's what browser hijackers do.

    Do you have anything that makes you believe that the cause is a CCleaner Browser update rather than a hijack?
    (We'll ask to double check, but I very much doubt that this has been done as part of an update. For one thing if it had been then I'd expect to see a lot more shouting here).

  9. I think you are better asking on a technical help forum. I suggest Bleeping Computer there is a wealth of knowledge amongst the member there:


    When asking there include the make and model of your computer, and say what Operating System you are using.
    They might also ask for a Speccy report so that they can see which motherboard etc. you have, which can be relevant for diagnosing things like cooling fans.

  10. Obviously most are using the 'standard' resolutions, - otherwise we would be getting a lot more disgruntled users posting with this issue.

    There again by definition 'standard' means 'most commonly in use'.

    I would also note that Health Check was introduced as easy to use for less technical users (an early version of it was called "Easy Clean") and so it's aimed at the very users who are unlikely to be using non-standard resolutions.

    Hopfully that alternative cookies to keep method will work satisfactorarily for you, and others who may be having the same issue, it's just a bit more work to do it that way.

  11. Thanks, so that points up that it is your resolution settings that are the cause of the issue.

    I will flag this up to the staff to be looked at by the developers.

    However I will note that this particular issue with high resolution settings has been reported before - so it may be proving a difficult one to fix.
    (Of course the more people that report having an issue with Hi Res displays the higher a priority finding a fix will be given).

    In the meantime I would suggest that you don't use that particular page in Health Check, there is an alternative that you can use to put cookies on the Allowlist, but it's a bit more work to use.
    Go to Options>Cookies and you can manually sellect the cookies that you want to keep and then add them to the Cookie Allowlist.

  12. You appear to have resized (enlarged) the CCleaner UI to suit high resolution settings.

    What display resolution settings are you using?
    What display scaling are you using?

    I am not sure just why the pop-up box is being cut off, but that is probably again due to the resolution settings that you have set.

    Have you tried dragging the width and height of the whole CCleaner UI smaller if it lets you. (so that the privacy settings then fill their window).

    It should look like this (on standard 1366 x 768 at 100% scaling):


  13. 22 hours ago, billj9999 said:

    Screenshot showing Google Chrome no longer being shown as being cleaned. Still no response from "support".

    Actually that screenshot is showing that you have 'Old' Microsoft Edge Legacy (not the newer Edge Chromium), and even older Internet Explorer cookies that are being skipped.

    On 16/02/2024 at 08:17, billj9999 said:

     It is not like this is some rare program which only 1 person in outer Mongolia uses - this is Google Chrome !!!

    In fact you don't even appear to have Google Chrome on that machine at all.
    If you have then you do not seem to have CCleaner set to clear it, (unless it had already been fully cleaned before you took that screenshot).
    You appear to be using Edge Chromium as your browser.

    Having cookies from those two old and oudated browsers showing up on a home machine is unusual because Edge Legacy should no longer be on most machines, and Internet Explorer is even older and was removed years ago - Are you still using those outdated browsers for something?

    If these are somehow left over from years ago then try running Windows built in Disk CleanUp with 'Clean up System Files' selected. (or simply run it as Administrator) to see if that will clear the Edge Legacy and old Internet Explorer cookies.

  14. 7 hours ago, JohnH said:

    I have this problem too!

    can any one confirm that the automated fixes really are safe...and that they work?  I am running CCleaner Browser. Thanks

    I cannot vouch for the automated fix in the link that I gave above, I have never had to try it.

    However as this Startpage hijack does now appear to be a growing problem I do advise these steps - which I can vouch for:

    I'd try first using AdwCleaner, it's free from Malwarebytes and can remove such browser hijacks.

    If ADW does't clear it for you then I'd step it up the the Free (or paid) version of Malwarebytes itself and run a threat scan with that.
    A scan with Malwarebytes Free will not interfere with your usual antivirus.
    (If you want to run Malwarbytes Pro  in real time alongside another AV that can also be done but may need some settings changes).

    Note that the two can find different things, so you may want to run both ADW and a Malwarebytes Threat scan.
    (I run a Malwarebytes scan at least weekly and ADW about once a month, as part of my regular routine).

    If that still doesn't clear it from your machine then you can get free expert one-to-one help for malware removal.
    There are various web forums that offer the service, it's generally the same experts giving the help.
    Only use one at once, and follow their instructions carefully. If in doubt about any particular step the ask for clarification.
    As I have been giving Malwarebytes above I'll give the link to the malware removal help section on their forum first:

    You will find similar help sections at:

    If you want/neeed to access their help then which one you choose to use is up to you.
    Again - Only use one help/removal service at once, trying to use 2 at once will interfere one with the other.



  15. There is also a support form here: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    You do get an automated ticket number and automated email response if you use the form, and then later someone will email you.
    However if you have already emailed them then making more than one support request can just slow the reply down.

    I'm not sure how quickly 'real people' are replying at the moment, it was taking over a week last year but does seem to have got quicker again with some saying they had an email from a support person within a couple of hours of contacting them.

  16. A 1970 'null' date simply indicates that the licence was cancelled, replaced, expired, (or was removed as pirated).

    If you believe that yours shouldn't have expired then the best course of action is to email the support team at support@ccleaner.com.

    However before doing that you should note that with Recuva the Free version works exactly the same as the Pro version.
    There are no function 'extras' in Recuva Pro. (Well apart from the ability to recover from a virtual drive, and who uses those nowadays?).
    With Recuva your payment for a licence is simply for automatic updates (there hasn't been a feature update needed to Recuva for years now) and for priority support.

  17. There appears to be a Startpage hijack campaign/attack ongoing, we have had a few users report the same thing happening.

    I'd try first using AdwCleaner, it's free from MalwareBytes and can remove such browser hijacks.

    If ADW does't clear it for you then I'd step it up the the Free (or paid) version of Malwarebytes itself and run a threat scan with that.
    A scan with Malwarebytes Free will not interfere with your usual antivirus.
    (If you want to run Malwarbytes Pro  in real time alongside another AV that can also be done but may need some settings changes).

    Note that the two can find different things, so to be doubly sure run both ADW and a MB Threat scan.

    If that still doesn't clear it from your machine then see here for advice on how to clear it manually:
    (For CCleaner Browser use the 'Chrome' advice/options).
    That talks about "Abstract Start Page browser hijacker", but it sometimes calls itself "Perfect Start Page browser hijacker", and I wouldn't be surprised to see other name variants.

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