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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. 18 hours ago, DaveV said:

    I dont think so, but what is the specific url??

    It would be more useful if you said where you had downloaded CCleaner from, so we can check what is being offered there.

    Can you post a screenshot of the one that you have installed? Then we can see if it is indeed the portable or not.

  2. Browsers change all the time, and so the cleaning of them changes to keep up.

    Yes, there are now some 'cookies' and other files that appear all the time when they didn't do before.

    They are being cleaned, but cleaning something doesn't always mean deleting it (you don't need  throw a box away just to clean out whats inside it), or if they are deleted then they just get recreated again straight away.

    Have a read of "Files that re-appear straight after cleaning" here:


  3. 11 hours ago, econig said:

    I updated or deleted what I could but two of the programs were Microsoft system files.  Still hangs

    Presumably the 2 system files were the C++ Redistributables? Those are OK to update.

    So what do you then have left to be updated, ie. what is it still hanging on?

    Whatever app it is then I would open that app and try updating from within the app itself.

  4. You are only seeing simple choices because you are using the simple option.

    That's the Wizard, which it the 'easy use' option so only shows you the most common filetypes.

    If you cancel the Wizard and use Advanced Mode then the search box will list more document formats under 'Documents', or you can reject those and enter your own filetype to search for.

    eg. to scan for only Quarkexpress '.qxp' files:


  5. Good to hear that you seem to have sorted it out.

    The old "Have you tried turning it off and then on again?" became a cliche for a reason - it often works.

    Nowadays I would modify it though.
    Intead of turning off and then on again do a 'Restart' from the Power button in Start.
    With Windows 10 and 11 a 'Restart' clears more of the Windows Kernel than just Shutting Down and Rebooting clears.

  6. I have flagged your request up to a staff member.

    Please be more careful when making posts and do not show security/licence keys and/or other personal details in plain view in the posted text or screenshots.
    (I have cleaned them up for you).

  7. I'm not entirely sure just how the 30-day trial system works these days.

    But if you have made an email typo when signing up then you wouldn't have got the confirmation, and your support request is a query from an 'unregistered' email, and so will be on a lower priority than registered customers.
    Support should get back to you but as a lower priority request it may take a while longer, particually if they have a lot of queries from already registered users.

    PS. I've redacted your email in the screenshot, it's never a good idea to put it in plain view where it can be 'harvested' - unless you want a lot of spam emails.


  8. No that are not the same.

    The Heart is Health Check, which uses it's own cleanng rules, and checks for software updates, etc.

    The other is Custom Clean, which as the name says you can customize what gets cleaned or not.
    It just does cleaning and nothing else.

    The only thing that currently gets shared between the two is if you have set any cookies to be kept and not cleaned.

    I'm still not sure why Health Check appears to be affecting the time/date in your System Tray, but nobody else is reporting the same thing happening.
    I can only think that it is something unusual in your Windows settings on that machine,  Just what that 'something' may be is another question.

  9. Are you running the Registry Cleaner?
    If so then I would stop doing that, it is not meant to be used regularly.

    Registry cleaning is an advanced tool sometimes used when trying to fix an already broken machine.
    Using it regularly on a machine that isn't broken runs the risk of breaking something, or even bricking the whole machine, - you will find posts in this forum where exactly that has happened.

    Registry cleaning will not make your machine run any faster, or any 'better', and the space it may save is only a few KB.

    Windows 10/11 changes the registry too often to make using any registry cleaner totally safe.

    For the official Piriform advice on using the CCleaner Registry Cleaner see this: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804

    Here is Microsofts' advice on using any Registry Cleaner:

  10. I doubt that CCleaner would do that.

    If this is Windows 10 then have you changed the taskbar buttons to small ones?
    (Note this option is not available in Windows 11).
    When you use the small buttons you get a thinner taskbar, but it then only has space to show the time in the System Tray and not both time and date.

    Right-click anywhere on the Taskbar and select 'Taskbar Settings'.

    With Normal Taskbar buttons:
    With Small Taskbar buttons:

  11. The CCleaner staff do read the forum so it will have been noted.

    Personally though I don't see any error there that needs to be fixed, it's just a way of warning you that the file(s) might not be fully recovered and that you should check them.

    There again you should check all recovered files anyway, regardless of whether the UI warns you or not.
    Better still; get into the habit of regularly backing up your files and then you won't need to use a recovery tool at all.

  12. 7 hours ago, guitardis said:

    I just updated to CCLeaner 6.22 Free, and the second time running it, Driver Updater ran on it's own.  I didn't click on it, didn't even run PC Health Check because I go right to Custom Clean.  So something must have changed since your reply. I do my own driver updating: I don't want CCleaner to do it, and I don't want to be nagged. Please tell me how I can stop this from running unbidden. Thanks.

    As that reply of mine in a different thread was made over a year ago it would be surprising if things hadn't changed.
    From the v6.22 release notes:


    With CCleaner v6.22, we have expanded our cleaning capabilities, improved software and driver updaters, and bolstered regular maintenance. Now, we regularly scan your PC for junk, as well as outdated software and drivers. You can easily access the scan results by clicking on the “Health status” button in the top bar. 

    Note that some users may not see that "Health status" button yet. (I'm not seeing it here yet).

    AFAIK at this time, the scans will run automatically but nothing will be updated unless you tell it to by using that button.

    I do agree with you and personally I don't see any need at all for CCleaner to be doing such scans unless asked to by the user.
    If scanning for driver updates had been added to Health check, when run, then that would be fair enough.
    Adding such automatic scanning for all users, regardless of settings or use, is in my opinion both unnecessary and unreasonable.


  13. Mmm, dunno but that sounds like a self-justifying test.
    That's unimportant though.

    You do say that it's only happening with that one partition.

    The files did recover sucessfully, which is what counts, the UI just reported that it couldn't be sure that they had been fully recovered - so status 'Unknown'.

    Being honest I don't see anything wrong with that, it's just telling you that the status of the recovered files is unknown. So warning you to check them yourself.


  14. If the files have been successfully recovered to your satisfaction then surely that is all that matters?

    Note that your screenshot says Status  'Unknown', not good or bad just unknown.
    It also clearly states that no overwritten clusters were found.

    As for 'Partial' recovery that could simply mean that the original pathname was not available to be recovered, or something of that nature.
    You say it only happens with one partition and not others, is that partion a different format to the others?


    I deleted these files specifically for verification.

    Maybe I shouldn't ask, but what was it that you were trying to verify?

  15. The big question is do the partially recovered files open? If so then you have had a partial success.

    It may be that the unrecovered part is not that important.

    For example I've recovered images in the past that I could open (with Irfanview*) after recovery but only part of the image was there with the rest either a grey blank or a coloured jumble of pixels.
    As far as I can see the grey was where the original had been partially overwritten by a file that was later secure erased to ones and zeros.
    The coloured jumble was when the partially overwriting file had not been secure erased, so there was more than ones and zeros to recover but not the original image file.
    (* Only Irfanview could open them, other viewers that I tried would complain that they were damaged/incomplete).

    If it's only a very small part that was overwritten then it may not even be noticable at first look at the partially recovered file.

    As you seem to have video files there then you may be able to play them after recovery but there will probably be parts missing (probably the end).

  16. 4 hours ago, Lite said:

     I said that in version 1.53.2083 everything works as it should.

    Actually, no it doesn't. There was a bug with that status display and that's why it was updated to v1.53.2096.

    V1.53.2083 displays them incorrectly, they are not 'Excellent' they are unrecoverable.


    Recuva v1.53.2096 (13 Jun 2023)

    We're pleased to announce the latest version of Recuva with minor performance improvements and bug fixes. This release fixes an issue where Recuva was incorrectly assigning an "Excellent" status to securely deleted files. Now, the condition of these files is correctly displayed as "unrecoverable." 


  17. How long are you giving it? I believe that the Office update is quite large and so can take time.

    You could try updating Office from within Office itself.

    In fact you could do that for each of the softwares that Health Check is finding to update, that will show if it's a particular update to a particular software that is having an issue.

    Remember that CCleaner is only calling the update(s), if an update itself is faulty then that's the update not CCleaner.

  18. That seems to be talking about the 24/7 chat support in CCleaner Premium. (AFAIK there is no phone option though, at least not for home users).

    For those with CCleamer Pro or Pro+ it's email support.

    You can contact CCleaner support by emailing: support@ccleaner.com
    Or by using the form here: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    If you use the form you will get a support ticket number, make a note of it while it's onscreen, followed by an automated email reply, then later followed by an email from a real person.
    Note that although they usually respond the same day (within an few hours), at times they do get busy. So at busy times it can take a few days for a real person to get to your ticket in the queue, at really busy times a week or more has been known.

  19. We have seen this before,

    it's a magnification/resolution  issue and the buttons are off the bottom of that pop-up window.
    It's because the text gets magnified in a fixed size pop-up window - so ends up bigger that the window.
    If you compare your screenshot with the one below you'll notice that the text has also been magnified out of the right of the fixed window and so truncated.

    Dropping your screen magnification/resolution back to 100% will bring the buttons back into the pop-up window where you can then access them.

    It should then look like this:

    I beieve that the devs are looking into it, but no timescale has been given for a fix.

    PS. If it happens again you should still be able to close out of CCleaner using the 'X' in the top right of the main UI.

  20. Different cleaners do different things, and clean different things.

    Whilst no Registry Cleaner can be considered totally safe to use regularly, the one in CCleaner is considered 'mild' when compared to others because it is not as agressive in what it cleans.

    Even then regular use of CCleaners Registry Cleaner should be avoided.

    Registry cleaning is an advanced tool sometimes used when trying to fix an already broken machine.
    Using it regularly on a machine that isn't broken runs the risk of breaking something, or even bricking the whole machine, - you will find posts in this forum where exactly that has happened.

    Registry cleaning will not make your machine run any faster, or any 'better', and the space it may save is only a few KB.

    Windows 10/11 changes the registry too often to make using any registry cleaner totally safe.

    For the official Piriform advice on using the CCleaner Registry Cleaner see this: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804

    Here is Microsofts' advice on using any Registry Cleaner:

  21. 13 hours ago, SumGuy said:


    You're right, the entries are for extensions, but they aren't detected in previous CCleaner versions, so it's natural to be curious of their reoccurring presence after an update.

    Those Cookie file sizes are 0 KB before AND after being cleaned, even after running hundreds of browser tabs. Plenty of other 0 KB files also appear in the "cleaned" list that don't reappear, so we really can't tell if anything's actually being cleaned at all - containers or not...

    Another curious thing is that after cleaning with CCleaner v6.22, and then immediately running the portable CCleaner v6.21, I have 85 Chrome Internet Cache files that remain in the analysis that don't show in v6.22.

    Seems off to me.

    As per lmacri;s post above, they are the browsers own built in 'extensions', not the same thing as the user added extensions/add-ons.

    I suspect that they are 'containers', always there and empty unless something is put into them, I don't use Edge Chromium at all but still see them for Edge.

    The cleaning has been updated in 6.22, but are your cleaning settings exactly the same when using 6.21 portable?
    ie. Has the installed 6.22 had the Chrome cleaning modified from the defaults (which portable would use).

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