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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. A direct SATA connection has a faster transfer rate than USB.

    But once the data is transferred any app will still take the same time to work on/with it.

    So while direct SATA will be quicker writing to the target drive you may not notice much difference overall.

  2. Thanks for the explanation, good to hear that you worked out what it was.

    We have seen it before where there can be confusion with 32bit and 64bit versions having different version numbers.
    Once the developers are aware that a certain software has that issue they do usually make sure that the distinction is made.

    However in this case as you seem to have had both versions installed then the Software Updater would still have picked up that the 32bit had an update pending, and should have updated that 32bit (if you told it to) but left the also installed 64bit as it was.

    Sometimes people do want both the 32 and 64 bit versions installed on the same machine, for testing or other reasons.

  3. I believe that CCleaner was following Windows Disk Clean-up when they added that 'Downloads' section to Custom Clean.
    It is actually more granular than Disk Clean-up was, that just deleted everything in the Downloads folder.

    I was one of the many who did get caught out when Windows first put it in Disk Clean-up without any real notice, just a single line lost in the update notes, and it was ticked by default in Disk Clean-up.

    When Microsoft realised the problems that could cause they removed it, CCleaner didn't remove their more granular version because it can be useful.

    But I agree that it should have a clear warning if used, I seem to recall that we've suggested/advised that to the staff before.
    (There again many people seem to ignore such warnings anyway and just click through without reading them).

  4. There are a number of reasons why what CCleaner estimates can be cleared differs from what actually gets cleared, and you have to remember that what the Analyze/Scan comes up with is only an estimate of what can be cleared.

    Those reasons could include things like:
    Files that would normally be cleared but are still in use so can't be deleted, eg. files that weren't in use whan you Analyze that have started being used again.
    Windows files of a fixed size that CCleaner deletes to clear the contents, and Windows puts straight back as empty files of the same size.
    Synced files that CCleaner does delete, but get immediately synced back from the cloud. eg, synced Browser data and history.
    Files that Windows had listed as being there, but which actually didn't exist. eg. the corrupted Recycle bin issue.
    There are other possible reasons.
    See the link in my signature below this post - the section "Files that re-appear straight after cleaning:"  gives an explanation of what may be going on and how you can stop some of it.

    If you want to try and track down just what those files are then you have to use Custom Clean to see what an Analyze is finding (File list in Advance settings, or double click an category after the Analyze), Run Cleaner, and then Analyze again and/or check in File Explorer to see if they are still there/came back.
    That's a long job to check everything, and TBH isn't of much practical use anyway..

    I long since stopped bothering about differences between what Analyze/Scan says and what actually gets cleaned.
    Lets face it, with the large capacity drives that everyone has these days if you are scrabbling about to save a couple of GB space then you have bigger problems.
    It's not like 15 years ago where an average laptop would have a drive of 32GB capacity or even smaller, average drive capacity is much larger these days.
    If you are struggling for a couple of GB free space then get and fit a larger drive, you can pick up a top named 500GB or even 1TB SSD for relative pennies these days.


  5. That depends just what it is about billing that you need help with.

    You can use the form here to raise a support request:  https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    Please be aware that support are very busy at the moment and although you will get a ticket number when using the form, and an acknowlegement email, it's taking much longer that usual for a person to reply. (A week or longer).

    Please also note that as it tells you in the email opening another ticket may put you back down the queue and so further delay the response.
    (That's just the way that the automated queueing system works).

  6. It appears that the KB has been pulled, nothing official;y announced yet but users report that it is no longer trying to install.

    As the update isn't even needed on Win10 Home, which doesn't have Bitlocker,  it's taken them long enough to pull it.

    The biggest problem for a quick fix seems to be that many OEMs have put the recovery partition before the OS partition, that is contrary to MS guidance for OEMs and means that it cannot now be easily expanded.

    From MS:




    This update requires 250 MB of free space in the recovery partition to install successfully. If the recovery partition does not have sufficient free space, this update will fail. In this case, you will receive the following error message: 

    0x80070643 - ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE 

    To avoid this error or recover from this failure, please follow the Instructions to manually resize your partition to install the WinRE update and then try installing this update.



    When you try to apply this update on a PC that has no recovery partition, the update is unsuccessful and you receive the error 0x80070643 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE.

    You do not need this update if the PC does not have a recovery partition. In this case, the error can be safely ignored.  

    We are working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release. 

  7. M$ are going to have to come up with an easier fix, as you say resizing partitions is not something that most would want to get involved with.

    Of couse being M$ whatever they do come up with might (probably will) 'break' something else for some users.

    Probably the best would be to get the new image file update down to below 500MB if they can.
    It's my belief that modern programmers have got lazy about optimizing the size of what they create because there is usually a lot of storage space available compared to 'the old days'. (Just look at how much space the CCleaner folder now takes compared to what it used to be).

  8. To recover the non-deleted files from a drive that has had to be reformated takes a different process then the usual recovery of deleted files.

    See this for a step by step guide on how to do it (and a link to a video that shows it being done):



  9. 17 minutes ago, MM73 said:

    At this point it would also not be bad that you could add the exceptions to the exceptions manually in the CCleaner Cookie manager instead of looking for the cookies on the respective page in the list.

    You can do that.

    On the 'Cookies to keep' side right-click on the whitespace and in the context menu select 'Add'.
    You can then manually enter the cookie to keep.



    PS. That 'right-click the whitespace' trick to bring up a sub-menu is used in a lot of applications not just CCleaner,
    It's often worth a try whatever app you are using, to see if there are any extra options. Sometimes there are, sometimes not.


  10. Please do not put your email in public view, unless you want a lot of spam that is.


    The email address on my Profile address was used:

    When using the licence lookup tool you have to use the email address that was used to purchase CCleaner.

    If you are still having problems using the lookup then you should contact support for assistance.

    You can use the form here to raise your request:  https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    Please be aware that support are very busy at the moment and although you will get a ticket number when using the form, and an acknowlegement email, it's taking much longer that usual for a person to reply. (A week or longer).

    Please also note that as it tells you in the email opening another ticket may put you back down the queue and so further delay the response.
    (That's just the way that the automated queueing system works).

  11. Well I don't know why mine is 900 MB, it's just what was there and I haven't resized it.

    AFAIK it's always been that size since the machine was new with Win 8.1 Bing on it, but it's the kind of thing you don't really pay attention to unless you have to.

    It was originally a 1TB HDD in this laptop, and I did shrink the C: partition before cloning it to a 500GB SSD, but that's the only change I've made to partition sizes.


  12. It may depend how recently you purchased the single machine Pro.

    I would contact support and tell them that you made an error and purchased the wrong one, ask for your options to change from Pro to Pro Plus so that you can use it on more devices.
    They no doubt see that mistake happen many times.

    You can use the form here: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    Normally it would need to be a new purchase of Pro Plus and you would then ask support to 'merge' the old and new licences so that you don't lose any time remaining on the single machine licence that you have already bought.
    So while you don't normally  get a discount, you don't lose out as the 2 licence periods get added together into one longer period.
    And that longer licence is Pro Plus. (so in fact you win a bit).

    However if it's a very recent purchase then they may be able to do things differently.

    Family use is fine as long as the number of devices isn't exceeded. (How would CCleaner know who's device it is anyway?).

  13. 58 minutes ago, hazelnut said:

    Mmm, the guy there swapped out his Motherboard.
    All the others mentioned changed 'hardware' - unspecified what they chaged.

    As the key is stored (somewhere) on the MB, and the Digital Entitlement linked to it, then a new MB is a new, unactivated, computer.
    The licence goes with the MB, not with the case or the hardware that plugs into the MB.

  14. I have noticed that since MS stopped selling Windows 10 themselves a lot of the 3rd party online key-sellers are now offering Enterprise keys.
    I guess the stocks of old OEM keys are running out.

    How MS views this is unknown, but I have also noticed a recent upsurge on techie fora of people reporting that their previously activated Win10 is suddenly becoming not-activated (usually following a Windows update).
    It may well be that MS is cracking down on wrongly sold/used Win 10 licences.

    The usual warning about 3rd party sellers (of anything) - If the price is too good to be true then that's for a reason.

  15. Have you ticked the 'Include files and subfolders' when setting that path for C: ?

    If you have and it isn't finding anything then there are no exact duplicates to be found.

    Searching on 'Content' will only find exact duplicates.

    Remember that something that has been edited is no longer an exact duplicate of the original, it has been changed.

    While I know of (and use) duplicate finders that can find images that are 'near-duplicates' - ie.  similar but one has been edited (red eye reduction for example), timestamped/watermarked, cropped, or has a different resolution - I don't know of one that can do the same with video.

    The only one I can find that might help find similar but edited videos is this one: https://duplicatevideosearch.com/



    • Detect fully identical and similar video duplicates by contents.
    • Detect modified video copies based on cropping, formats, scaling and varied resolutions.


    I've never used it so can't say anything about it.

  16. That is the Software Updater, called 'Security' in Health Check', doing it's job.

    When you have CCleaner Pro Health Check will automatically check for updates to (some of) your installed software, and will attempt to update any found unless you tell it not to.

    Sometimes that will then cause Windows to show messages as the app's own updater launches and runs.

    That is what you are seeing in the screenshot above - the app's own updater is not passing a parameter to Windows that Windows wants/needs.

    You will need to check what app it is that Health Check is finding an update for, and then update it yourself outside of CCleaner.

    I don't have any apps pending an update at the moment but this is where it shows in Health Check if any are found:

    Clicking on that box will give you more details of what has been found to update, and let you untick it so Health Check will not try to update it at that time.
    (It will find the update again next time you run Health Check, and keep finding it unless/until has been updated).

    PS. If you can let us know just what app it is that is being found to update then we can flag it to the staff to be looked at.

  17. That will have cured it.

    You are gone from there now,  and the original post in thread #82 is now showing as empty with "Deleted User".

    Just looking a bit closer it wasn't even 'Likes' that were doing it, it was simply when anyone made a reply to that thread.

    If you look at the text of the 2 emails that you got sent, and then the text of the last 2 posts made there, they are identical.
    The site was emailing you whatever new got posted on the thread that you had started.

  18. 1 hour ago, johno123123 said:

    No, I've been receiving spam from that site for close on 12 months and only now have decided to do something about it. I am the OP of the thread,

    Light dawns and I believe I know what is going on; and more importantly how to stop it.

    Looking again, those emails that you posted look like automatic notifications from the ideas site.
    (The "via ideasccleanercom" gave me the clue).

    ie. 'Umar Kahn', and others are 'liking' your post there, (the heart button?) which is causing the site to email you a notification that someone has liked your post.
    And, because you didn't change the notification settings in your account, it's sending you a new one everytime that someone 'likes' it.

    I suggest that you go to the site and login, (if you still remember the name and password you used).
    Click on your profile button (top right) and then 'Account Settings'.
    At the bottom 'Delete Account', and then 'Delete forever'.


    If you no longer have an account there then it can't send you anything.

  19. {2 threads merged}

    Is this SSD internal or external?

    If it's an internal SSD then any recovery from it  is very unlikely, that's because of the automatic TRIM and Garbage Collection of internal SSD's.
    If it's an external SSD then you may have a chance, but with bad sectors involved again probably not.

    To attempt to recover files from a partition that has become RAW see the following:


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