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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. Yes Recuva can recover deleted files from floppys, as long as you have a floppy drive to read them with and they are formatted to a file system that Windows can read.
    If they were formatted with Windows then they are probably FAT12, FAT16, or possibly FAT32 format, all of which Recuva can read.

    Be aware that floppy discs are prone to degrade over time, so if these are old discs they may be unreadable anyway, have you tried reading them already to see what is still on there?

    They could/can also be quite easily damaged, which is one reason why they went out of widespread use. (Although you can still buy them and new drives to use them).

    Obviously anything written (or partially written) to a bad sector will be lost.
    Likewise if the floppy disc is physically damaged then you will be out of luck.

    Recuva does not write anything to the drive that you are attempting recovery from.
    (Unless you specifically tell it to recover what it has found to the same drive, and that isn't a good Idea as you may/will overwrite what you are trying to recover).
    Presumably these are 3.5" floppys? So if you want to be sure then just slide the write protect tab so that the hole is open, as long as you can see through the hole nothing can be written to the disc.
    Presumably you would want to write any files recovered to more modern media anyway, such as a USB stick.

    TBH I have never (yet) had to try and recover from a floppy, although I have successfully recovered files from other FAT# formatted media.

    Hopefully all goes well and you can get some or all of the deleted files back.


  2. Recuva would be among the last options I would try in a case like this.

    You say that it's a WD but it would help if you can also tell us the  model, and size of the drive.*

    Did chkdsk abort with an error, or did it just seem to be 'stuck'?
    Sometimes chkdsk can take a very long time, especially with large capacity drives, and although it looks to be stuck is still working and will eventually finish.
    So if it was just stuck then you may want to try chkdsk again and this time leave it for much longer when it seems to be doing nothing.

    I have used Recuva successfully to recover the undeleted files from drives that have become 'RAW' (no file table) so have had to be reformatted as NTFS, but you say that yours is showing as 'NTFS' (which means it does still have a file table) and so there may well be an easier fix.

    As you do have a drive letter 'M:' then it may be that the file table is corrupted.

    For that I would use the free MiniTool Partition Wizard, here is their guide for fixing a file table
    There is a download button on the page to get the tool.


    If you have no luck with the suggestions in that guide then come back and we can talk about reformatting the drive then using Recuva to get the undeleted files back.

    *One further question:
    The drive designation 'M:' is usually/often used for a shared drive, eg. shared by multiple users in a company or educational setting.
    This wouldn't happen to be a 'NAS' (Network Attached Storage) drive would it?
    You can buy these for home use, (WD sell various NAS drives), but they are designed to work differently from regular hard drives.
    Of course you may just have used M: for a regular drive, the use of drive letters is a convention and not set in stone.

  3. There have been a few people reporting these ALPHA error recently and it has been flagged up for investigation, I've added yours to the list.

    You will need to contact support for licencing activation errors, only they can deal with licencing.

    You can use the form here to raise your request:  https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    Please be aware that support are very busy at the moment and although you will get a ticket number when using the form, and an acknowlegement email, it's taking much longer that usual for a person to reply. (A week or longer).

    Please also note that as it tells you in the email opening another ticket may put you back down the queue and so further delay the response.
    (That's just the way that the automated queueing system works).

  4. I would double check before deleting that they are in fact duplicates, ie. what search settings did you use.

    For example if you only searched by name then 'Photo-01' in one directory may not be the same as 'Photo-01' in another directory.

    When searching for duplicate images I tick 'Content' only (and 'Size' gets ticked automatically).
    That way I am sure that what is found are exact duplicates.


  5. Support are currently taking a long time to reply, over a week is not unusual, even 2.

    PS. Sending more that one email can slow things down even further.
    (If you do that then they are automatically collected together by the software and treated as a new request at the date of the last one you sent, so at the back of the queue again).

  6. Aborting/interrupting a drive wipe can cause issues, depending on just how it was done.

    A couple of questions, there are a number of different things may have happened here so the answers will help us give the right advice.

    1- What size is the drive and is it a HDD or an SSD?

    2a- Were you wiping the entire drive or just the Freespace?
    2b- How many passes had you set? (One is sufficient and multiple passes just take more time, especially on the TB sized drives we can get nowadays).

    3- How did you 'cancel' the wipe? (eg. Used the cancel button in Drive Wiper, closed the CCleaner window, ended task in Task Manager, switched off the computer, other?)

    4- What message is Windows showing you when you try to access the drive, if it is showing one at all?

    PS. If it's connected by USB then I assume that you have tried simply unplugging/replugging it?

    IF it was an entire drive wipe then you are not bothered about saving any files, so the easiest option is probably to initialize/format the drive.
    (You may then want to wipe it again, 1-pass, to completion. Data can still be recovered from a reformatted drive - which can be useful at times).

    If it was a Freespace wipe then the best way now to save/recover the files that were on it will depend on the answers to the above.


  7. There are a lot of previously deleted files on a C: drive, it's the System Drive so Windows is writing and deleting files there all the time.

    You would have been better narrowing the search if you could rather than searching the whole drive for everything ever deleted.
    eg. If they were in the Documents folder then just search the Documents folder not the whole drive.
    (The second page of the wizard search 'In a specific location'. That wouldn't restore the folder structure but would find less individual files, see below for recovering folders).

    I am not sure exactly what you have done here, but Recuva wouldn't overwrite existing folders on the Target drive (the one you are recovering to).
    Are you sure that they aren't still there amongst the 200K recovered files?
    (Or have you perhaps done a 'Select All' to remove the 200k files, and so deleted the folders yourself along with the 200k recovered files?).

    Is there currently anything on that external drive?
    Put it to one side and don't use it, we can get to that later.

    I suggest that you proceed as follows:

    Recuva can recover the folder structure, but it is an advanced setting and not in the wizard.

    1. Connect the (new) Target drive to the computer.
    2. Open Recuva and click 'Next' through the steps, setting the path to narrow the search, then 'Start' to start a scan.
    3. Immediately "Cancel" that scan - It's not what you are wanting to do here and will not recover the folder structure.
    4. The Recuva window will come back, ignore any results there and in the top right click on 'Switch to Advanced mode'.
    5. In Advanced mode the 4 boxes at the top should now show 'Local Disk (C:)', 'Scan', 'the path that you set in step 2', and 'Options'.
    6. Click on 'Options' and select the 'Actions' tab.
    7. You can untick most of the options there, (except maybe 'Deep Scan' but it will take longer if left ticked), they are not what you are looking to recover.
    8. At the bottom tick 'Restore folder structure', which will attempt to recover the folders as they were.
    9. Click OK, then Scan, and proceed with the recovery.



    If you let us know what, if anything, is still on that original target disk that you have put to one side then we can think about how you need to work on that to get those folders back (if they aren't already still there).

  8. Firstly, you say that you compared the Custom Clean settings but are you running Custom Clean or Health Check?
    Health Check does not use the Custom Clean settings.

    There are 2 things that can clear logins as you describe.
    One is only in Custom Clean, the other is shared by both Custom Clean and Health Check.

    In Custom Clean the thing that normally clears logins is 'Session' for the browser.
    If it is ticked for the browser that you use then untick it. (or untick it in all the browsers listed).

    The one that does both is the Cookies, you can put cookies on a 'Cookie Allowlist' so that CCleaner does not clear them.
    You can manage individual cookies in Options>cookies, but I believe that in this case you may be better adding all the cookies for the websites where you use the 2FA.
    The easiest way to do that is from Health Check (once done there Custom Clean will respect them as well and leave them alone, the Allowlist works in both).
    I posted this last week which shows you how to do that:

    PS. 2FA is a security measure, having to log in again with 2FA each time you visit is obviously more secure that not having to.
    Many sites that deal with finances have 2FA and will log you out whatever cookies you keep or don't keep. eg. Banking sites normally require 2FA every time you visit.

  9. The asking for activation was a bug in CCleaner v6.15.10824 that was pulled from release - it has been fixed with CCleaner v6.18.10838.
    That bug has been fixed and entering your key in v6.18.10838 should now work as it has always done and it won't ask again.
    (I had that bug myself on 2 different machines, both are OK now).

    However you now have a different issue in that CCleaner is not accepting your key and thinks that it doesn't exist.
    That is a pretty specific message, not 'expired' not 'dectivated', but simply 'doesn't exist' at all.
    Obviously the key does exist, support were able to quote it back to you.
    Just to double check - you are copy/pasting it and not typing it in?

    I do have another though that can also give a 'does not exist' error:
    Make sure that you are using the same name that you registered when originally purchasing the licence.
    It may be that it's the name you are using that 'doesn't exist' on the system because it isn't the name that you registered.

    Both typos and using a name other than the registered name are common mistakes that we see.

    Other than that then just why the licencing system thinks the licence doesn't exist I don't know but that would not be a file/setting on your machine, if it thinks the licence doesn't exist then it's something at the licence server end.
    Only support can access that to try and see what the problem actually is.

    We are aware that support are taking very long times to reply at the moment, one thing to note is to only 'reply' to the emails they have sent you.
    If you send seperate, new, emails then it will slow the system down even further.

    Your CCleaner should be working in Free mode until you can get a resolution.

    I have flagged your problem up to the CCleaner staff.

  10. Can you post a screenshot of it?

    Or at least tell us is it version 6.18.10838?

    Also if you go to Oprions>License key does it say that it's 'Active'? (Don't post a screenshot of your key here).

    I saw a similar thing with the previous v6.18.10824 which was pulled and replaced.
    This is what I saw at that time with v6.18.10824, it's Professional but for some reason Health Check didn't think that it was:
    (Note that if you do somehow still have v6.18.10824 then it will probably at some point ask you to re-enter your licence to activate it; that's why it got pulled).

    It was fixed with v618.10838.

  11. Support are taking quite a long time to reply at the moment. (A week or even longer).
    Please have patience, note that sending more emails can delay things more.

    Having said that,  Recuva functions exactly the same in Free mode as it does in Pro mode.
    (Unless you are trying to recover from a virtual hard drive, which very few people ever use these days).
    It will find and recover exactly the same whether it is the Free version or the licenced Pro version.

    Personally - I think that buying a licence for Recuva Pro is currently a waste of your money.
    Functionally it does no more than the Free version does. and so you are just paying for (currently very slow) support.

  12. There weren't really any files there.

    it's just that one particular list for what's in the bin that for some reason Windows stops clearing when you empty the bin, so it just keeps growing longer.
    That list itself will take very, very, little space however long it gets.

    The rest of File Explorer isn't affected by it, which is why when you open the bin it shows correctly as being empty.
    I guess that's why Microspft have never bothered to fix it - even though it's known to have been happening for years it doesn't really affect anything,

  13. To get you started you should just be able to use your existing licence/key to register CCleaner on your new machine.

    You should then contact support and tell them what has happened.
    They will take the necessary steps.
    They may issue a new key and cancel the old key if you/they feel that is needed.

    The contact form is here, Please only send one, note the ticket number, and be patient, it can take them a long time to reply at the moment. (week? longer?)
    But if you activate it with your existing key then your CCleaner Pro should be working on the new machine whilst you are waiting.

  14. @Craig Dog I have now been able to replicate the new screen that you are seeing.

    It shows for me in CCleaner Pro if I am offline, or if the servers can't be reached for some other reason, when I run a Health Check scan.*

    Before seeing that, but after the scan, the screen says - 'Somethings not right but we can fix the issues we were able to find'.



    So it's just letting you know that it might have been able to do more if it could reach the server(s).
     That 'more' would be checking if there were any updates for your installed software.

    *PS The only way I can (reliably) get it to show those messages is to open CCleaner whilst online, and then go offline before running the scan.


  15. Macrium R.E. booting OK here from the dual boot menu following the update.
    (Updated OK on both my laptops with no 403 errors).

    I already have a USB but am wondering if the changes in the update mean a new USB now needs to be. or should be, written as well.
    I probably will when I get round to it. (I don't have the dual boot set on my second laptop so can do it from there).

  16. 'They' are the CCleaner programme developers. (The same ones who call themselves 'We' in that new message).

    As for the wording I wouldn't bother about it, it's just saying that it finished.

    It's only words, it might just as easily say 'Finished Cleaning', or 'Cleaning Complete', or any one of a thousand different phrases.

    But it is more accurate isn't it? Your PC is a machine, it doesn't have any feelings good or bad.

  17. My misunderstanding of what you were asking about then, sorry.

    They do like to play about with the screens and wording in Health Check.

    I think that what you are seeing is probably related to this from the last version release notes:


    We extended testing of the new Health Check flow to more users, which improves guidance during the cleaning and optimization steps. 


    That 'to more users' tells me that not everybody got this, and explains why I'm not seeing that new wording:

  18. On 04/12/2023 at 01:02, Nergal said:

    You can control cookies in options

    I think your issue is wiping session though, try unchecking that.  Both are part of custom clean. Healthcheck ignores those and does it's own thing

    Just to note that Health Check now respects the 'Cookies to Keep' as well.

    It even has a way to set them up from within  Health Check.
    Do a Scan in Health Check and then click Privacy, then 'Manage allowed websites'

    You then get this screen where you can add websites, or even the whole of your Bookmarks list, to the Cookie Allowlist.
    Note that once cookies are added from here then Custom Clean will leave them alone as well.
    The Cookie Allowlist works in both Health Check and Custom Clean.
    Note - You should still use Options>Cookies if you want finer control of individual cookies.

  19. They have taken those bundlers out of the Speccy (and Recuva, and Defraggler) installers, but you appear to have got an old installer from somewhere,
    Presumably from a link on another forum or website.

    Speccy is now at version 1.32 so I'm not too surprised that an old v1.29 installer would still have the bundler in it.

    Download the installer for the latest Speccy v1.32 version from here and Defender won't have a problem with it: https://www.ccleaner.com/speccy/builds

    PS. Defender is not saying that the bundler in the v1.29 installer is malware just that is a Potentially Unwanted Application.
    Potentially - you may not want/need it, but you might do.

    PPS. If you did get the v1.29 installer from a forum/website then you might want to let them know that their link is out of date.

  20. You don't like Health Check, that's fair enough and you are not alone in that.

    But you still have the choice to use the 'Old Style' CCleaner if that's what you prefer.

    Set CCleaner to open to Custom Clean by default (instead of opening to Health Check) and run Custom Clean with one click,

    Custom Clean is what CCleaner was before Health Check came along.


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