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Posts posted by nukecad

  1. It's just the nature of software version releases, how they are done, and what an updater may know that you don't (or what you know that the updater doesn't).

    Quite often when you 'Check for Updates' within an app it will tell you that there are no updates available, even though they are there on the developers website.
    That's because they 'throttle' the distribution of updates to users so as not to overload their servers.

    Quite often an update will be available (if you know where to look) but that information not posted on the developers website for a day, or two, or even a week.
    Software updating sites know where to look for those updates and so can offer them even before they have made it onto the developers website.

    We see that one with CCleaner itself, certain known sites will have a new version available to download before it has been fully released on the CCleaner website itself.
    (They do sometimes get caught out if a last minute change is made before the 'official' release).

    As for versions already installed; it depends just wnat version the installed software says it is.
    Sometime the version number stored internally within the app is at odds with the version number as it is given on the website/file.
    For example one might say v18.1.0 while the other says v18.10, which is the 'latest' the eighteen one or the eighteen ten? (Of course they are usually the same but one has a dot missing, or one has a surplus dot)

    Occasionally a developer may update the 32-bit version of an app to a different version number that the 64-bit version, or vice-versa.
    That can also sometimes cause issues if they are usually the same number.

    So as you say if you only want to update when the developer tells you to then don't use any software updater.

  2. It's just that at the time when you first purchased the licence it was for a different thing than the current licences are.
    ie. you purchased a different product.
    Once that licence runs out and you renew then it should be changed to a new style licence/key.

    However I do note that in his post @DaveJustDave does stress "Customers who manually renew".
    Which leads me to assume that if you have an auto-renewing subscription then it will just extend the existing licence without changing it to a new one.
    TBH people with only PCs would not notice - unless/until they later came to try and activate it on a Mac or Android device like you now want to do.

    If you have had an auto-renewal of your 24 digit Pro Plus licence since August 2022 then I'd suggest contacting support and asking for it to be changed F.O.C. to a 20 digit one so that you can use it on Mac (& Android) devices as well as PC.
    I don't see why they shouldn't do that if/when asked.

    (Of course if you first got your existing 24 digit licence after August 2022, maybe from somewhere other than Piriform, then that may be a different matter).

    You can use the form here to raise a support ticket: https://support.ccleaner.com/s/contact-form?language=en_US&form=general

    Or you can email them directly: support@ccleaner.com

    Please be aware that support are very busy at the moment and although you will get a ticket number when using the form, and an acknowlegement email, it's taking much longer that usual for a person to reply.

  3. Ticking 'Custom Files and Folders' is only so that your 'Includes' get cleaned, all the other ticked categories in Custom Clean should work anyway.

    TBH what is being reported here is very odd, and something that I've never seen reported before.


    When I click "Custom Clean" the program does not respond at all.  It responds normally to Health Check, and Registry Clean.

    You'd expect CCleaner as a whole to either to work or not work, having Health Check (and Reg Cleaner) work but not Custom Clean is baffling.
    (I can only think it may be a faulty install/update?)

    @DennyF You are clicking on 'Run Cleaner' after clicking on Custom Clean?
    Can you post a screenshot of what you see after you have clicked on 'Custom Clean'?

  4. The data breach has happened, nothing can undo it. (PS. Many companies had customer and other data taken in the same MOVEit breach).

    As with any data breach it just means that you should be extra careful about any emails that you recieve, (But you should always be careful about emails anyway).

    What Breachguard does is check the web to see if any of your email address(es) has, or may have, been collected in a data breach and then turn up in a list anywhere on the web.
    It just warns you about it if they do turn up on such a list. Breachguard can't prevent them being posted on a list, or remove them from a list, it's just a warning.
    How useful you might find such a warning, or not, is for you to decide.

    You can basically get the same information that Breachguard will tell you by entering your email address(es) into haveIbeenpwned, Breachguard just does it without you having to check manually yourself.
    There's also one for passwords:

    Here's a review of breachguard from 2020: https://uk.pcmag.com/encryption/127704/avast-breachguard

  5. OK, the 24 character key is one of the 'old style' keys which indicates that your CCleaner Pro Plus licence was/is for 3 PC's

    The newer 20 character Pro Plus licences are for 3 devices, so they can be used on PC, Mac, and Android alike.

    It's a small but significant difference.

    I does mean that if you want to use the time remaining on your existing licence, but transferred so you can use it on a Mac, you will have to get a new style Pro Plus or Premium licence, and have the existing time added to that new licence.

    See here for an explanation of how to do that:

    Once you do have a new style key then you can use that same key to activate CCleaner on any combination of  PC, Mac, or Android devices.
    Just download/install CCleaner Free to the device and use the key to register/activate it as Pro.

  6. The process will be different depending on which licence you have, and when you purchased it:

    Is your current licence for Pro, Pro Plus, or Premium?

    How many characters including the dashes are there in your licence key?
    (Older keys have 24, newer keys have 20).

  7. Breachguard is not an antivirus, so it should not clash with your Norton (or with any other antivirus/antimalware app).

    Breachguard is not interested in viruses/malware at all.

    What Breachguard does is check the web to see if any of your email address(es) has, or may have, been collected in a data breach and then turn up in a list anywhere on the web.
    It just warns you about it if they do turn up on such a list.

    How useful you might find such a warning, or not, is for you to decide.

    Here's a review of breachguard from 2020: https://uk.pcmag.com/encryption/127704/avast-breachguard

  8. No Custom Clean is still working as it always has.

    Can you give more details of why you say that it is not working for you (but Health Check is).

    Is Custom Clean not starting at all?
    Or is it starting and then getting stuck?
    Or is it completing but not cleaning what you think it should be?

    If it's getting stuck that what does it say at the top of the results window when stuck?

  9. We only had a few reports of the MOVEit email, and the free offer of Breachguard for six months.

    Be aware that I believe the offer is for a free subscription to Breachguard, so if you keep it beyond the initial six months then it may automatically renew and charge you to keep using it.
    I'm not 100% sure of that, but you may want to double check if an automatic subscription renewal/charge has been set up for Breachguard.

    For some more details about the CCleaner emails, and advice about what to do if you have been affected in any data breach, see the thread here:


  10. If Irfanview can't display them then personally I'd regard them as unrecoverable.
    The fact that you also used a paid for tool with no success would tend to confirm that.

    I believe that 'Excellent' in Recuva just means that it has found the correct number of bytes to be recovered, so there is an 'excellent' chance of recovering whatever those bytes contain.
    But it can't know if those bytes contain the 'right' data or not; the only way to find that out is by recovering the file and then trying to open it.


  11. You get CCleaner for Android through the Google Play Store, and then use your existing licence key to activate it - if your key is valid for multiple devices.

    It needs to be a 20 character CCleaner Pro Plus, or CCleaner Premium key to be valid for multiple devices.

    Note that the older, 24 character, Pro Plus keys were for 3 PCs and not 3 devices, it's a subtle difference.

    If you still have an older, 24 character, Pro Plus key then you will need to get updated to a newer, 20 character, key so that 20 character key can be used to activate CCleaner Android.
    If that is the case then see this post for how to get updated:


  12. Those multiple Visual C++ installs are normal, you should also have others from different years.

    They are put there by Windows itself, and  by other software when you install it.

    Removing some may be possible, but removing any one of them may cause parts of Windows or other installed apps to stop working.

    They don't take much room or resources so it's best just to leave them all there.

    For more info about them see: https://www.howtogeek.com/256245/why-are-there-so-many-microsoft-visual-c-redistributables-installed-on-my-pc/

  13. Sorry, but no.

    Like I said we are aware that support is taking much longer than they used to take, but you are in the queue and just have to wait for it to be your turn.

    Think about it - If there was a way that someone could jump the queue then that would mean someone else gets pushed back and has to wait even longer.
    You wouldn't like it if others could somehow jump in front of your request so that you had to wait longer.

  14. You can do everything with the free version that you can with the pro version - except for some advanced stuff with virtual hard drives (which very few people use anyway).

    Are you having a particular problem with using Recuva that we may be able to help you with?

  15. Defraggler no longer has a pro version - there is just one free version that does all that Pro ever did. (That's why Defraggler is no longer mentioned in Pro Plus).

    Speccy and Recuva still do have Pro versions - but functionally the free versions are the same and Pro just gives priority support if you want/need it.

    The main difference at the moment between CCleaner Pro, CCleaner Pro Plus. & CCleaner Premium is the number of devices each gives you a licence for.

    Premium also comes with Kamo included, and with extra 24/7 support.

    To be frank I would weigh up how many devices you want to licence CCleaner on. and use Speccy and Recuva free versions (and Defraggler) as you like.

  16. Using havibeenpwned is a good way to check if you email, or passwords, have been stolen in a data breach and shared - either from this breach of from one of the many, many, other data breaches that do happen.
    It's free to check at anytime that you want to check, here are the haveIbeenpwned links again:

    If it's your password(s) that has been pwned - those are easily changed to prevent anyone using it to login to your accounts.

    With a pwned email address then it's more a case of your knowing that it's now out there in public - so you may get more spam sent to it, and more sent to it begging for money or scams attempting to con you into something.

    If you are going to be keeping that email address - because you don't have to abandon a pwned email address,
    But you do have to be more careful of anything you receive at that address - you should always be being careful anyway.

    The other problem that you might face with a pwned email is someone pretending to be you to people on your contacts list by faking emails as being from you.
    Of course to do that they also have to have had access to your contacts list at some time.
    Whilst it does happen it's not common, because they would have to have both your email address and your contacts list.

    If you are keeping an email that you know has been pwned then you may want to inform your contacts who have that email address, so that they can be careful of any emails supposedly coming from it which might not be from you but may be fakes.

    In the end having your email address pwned in a data breach is not that different from you yourself putting your email in open view where anyone can see it. (Which is why we edit them out of forum posts when we see someone do that).

    You can even think of it as being similar to your postal (snail mail) address being put on mailing lists and shared, so that you get more advertising letters and 'please support/donate to ....' letters  and leaflets sent to it through the post.
    Whilst we all accept that that happens with our postal addresses, we like it less when it happens with email addresses, simply because we tend to think of emails as being more private.
    The answer in both cases is of course to spot which is the junk mail, ignore it and throw it away.
    (Or change your address- that's much easier to do with an email address than moving house would be).

  17. 6 hours ago, CSGalloway said:

    I have been pwned -  3 different sources.  so what do I need to do to get the "free Avast BreachGuard" ??

    The free offer is for those who have had the MOVEit breach email from CCleaner - if that includes you then you will get a further email about getiing/installing the offer.

    The free offer is not just for anyone who happens to have been pwned in some other, unrelated, breach.

    Note that Avast BreachGuard will not prevent you being pwned in a data breach, nothing you can install on your devices could do that.
    What it does is check the web to tell you if your details subsequently appear of a list after you have been pwned.
    In other words it can only tell you after it's already happened.


    TBH I don't need something to tell me that,
    Data Breaches are a fact of life these days and so I just assume that it has happened to some of my data at sometime, act accordingly, and check havibeenpwned regularly.
    You have now checked and found that some of yours has been breached 3 different times now, and no doubt will be again at sometime.

    When (not if) you find something of yours has been pwned then you change it or abandon it and move on.
    If it's an email address and you can't abandon it, or don't want to, then you be careful about what you recieve there because you know that it has been involved in a breach so some spammer/scammer/con artist may now have got hold of it.

  18.  I'm not sure if this is the case here but:

    Companies are often obliged by other legislations to retain such financial data, and where that is the case that financial legislation takes precedence and they are not allowed to delete it even if/when the customer request removal.

    The "right of removal" of data is often misunderstood, it is not an absolute right and there are exceptions.

    See this from the UK regulator, in particular the section - "When can the organisation say no?".


    Obviously in different countries (and in the USA different states) different data protection rules apply.

  19. 7 hours ago, fadel825 said:

    The drive is an SSD.

    In that case I'd assume that the SSD has almost certainly been TRIM'ed, and the data is no longer recoverable.

    Sorry, but it's something that we see more often these days as more people have SSDs in their computers.

    It's one reason nowadays why it is more important that ever to have your files backed up to an external drive, or in the cloud.
    Having 2 or even 3 backups, to different drives kept in different places, is a good idea to keep your data even safer from accidental loss.

    However I would be interested in knowing just what you are meaning when you say that you have a "shadow copy"?
    Do you mean a Windows Restore point?
    If not a Windows Restore Point then what software was used to create that 'shadow copy'? Is it saved on your internal drive?, an external drive?, or in the cloud?

    Here is a bit more of an explanation of why deleted data cannot be recovered after an SSD TRIM:


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