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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. <ms> Hello and good day, this is Microsoft Technical Support

    > Hi

    <ms> What can I do for you?

    > I need some help with my computer, it is running Windows XP with service pack two.

    <ms> Alright, whats your license key?

    > Oh s**t, my cat caught herself on fire, wait!

    <hang up>


    :lol: Seriously? They asked you for your license key? They have never asked me. <_<

  2. Maybe it is just for companies, since it asks "Company/Organization Name".

    Lie. They don't know.

    If I write Free Software Foundation, they'll send a bomb! :D

    :lol: Probably

    They also ask phone number, I dont like that!


    Yeah. That part didn't bother me so much because MS has my number because I call all the time.

  3. Microsoft is giving something for free...


    Wait, there is no crocodile that is gonna beat off my hand or something?


    Actually, I'm pretty sure that there is a crocodile! :o


    Be careful. Keep an eye out. :D


    I just did the Free USB thingy. If I get it in 6-8 weeks then it worked. If not, then it was a scam. What's the new moto Eldammen? "You don't know until you try" ;)

  4. ......didn't say it crashed my machine.......My machine doesn't crash (yet) I said ccleaner does not work since upgrading from last 2 versions...that's all.......the system requirements for ccleaner include windowsME.....When running analyze, it scans, progress bar stops/blank screen. If i click clean it will clean and tell me how much and what it cleaned.....Don't like to clean without knowing what's there. Issues scan works fine.......


    ......but thanx for your help!


    I was just giving you hard time. Didn't mean to be offensive. :(


    But I didn't mean your machine crashing, I meant that when I had ME most of my programs crashed alot. That doesn't mean that ME really is your problem. I was joking about that part.

  5. .....well I've had to uninstall ccleaner from my system. It no longer operates in safe mode. Blank screen after analyze continues.............Gonna try another cleaner


    Windows ME? That's your problem right there. ;)


    When I had ME all of my programs crashed...all of the time. I hope that you find something that works for you. :)

  6. I see you are busy with it. (I did by mistake not enable notification by e-mail, so assumed no replies were send)


    For now I will use the cleaner only and leave alone the register clean.

    Sure hope you will be able to figure it out as I love Ccleaner.




    You'll have to wait until MrG makes CCleaner compatible with x64 OS's. ;)

  7. I tried the dial a fix and Ccleaner is still crashing. I moved most of my software from my c drive to my d drive maybee Ccleaner only works with the c drive.




    You repaired permissions with dial-a-fix, and it didn't work? You don't need to move your software.


    First, try this: Reboot in Safe Mode, logon as administrator, and run CCleaner. If that doesn't work.


    Try this: Have your installation CD ready, but don't insert it until you're prompted to do so.


    start > run > (type) sfc /scannow (there is a space after sfc)

  8. The following instructions are 3 possible solutions in one. It will take about 10 minutes. You do need administrator access to perform these tasks. If your user account isn't the administrator then logon as administrator. Print these instructions for easy navigation. If you have any questions please ask before continuing.


    1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.

    2. Locate and then click the following key in the registry:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\3ware Storage Controller\Cache Control (If this key is not in your registry skip to step 5)

    3. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    4. Type 0, and then press ENTER.


    5. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

    6. In the right pane, right-click the value SystemPages, and then click Modify.

    7. In the Value data box, type the following value: 0xFFFFFFFF and then click OK


    8. Locate the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanserver\Parameters

    9. In the right pane, right-click enablesecuritysignature, and then click Modify.

    10. In the Value data: box, type 0, and then click OK.

    11. Quit Registry Editor.

    12. Restart the computer.

  9. Some people intentionally remove that folder. (From another forum)

    "For example, consider the following scenario:

    1. You apply a security update that installs a GDR version of File.dll with a version number of 5.2.3790.1000 and copies a hotfix version of File.dll with a version number of 5.2.3790.1000 to the %windir%\$hf_mig$ folder.


    2. You apply a hotfix that includes a hotfix version of File.dll with a version number of 5.2.3790.0000.

    In this scenario the hotfix installation in step 2 installs the hotfix version of File.dll (version number 5.2.3790.1000) from the %windir%\$hf_mig$ folder instead of the hotfix version of File.dll (version number 5.2.3790.0000) from the hotfix package." (Franklin)


    "If I remember correctly $hf_mig$ folder is recreated when any new hotfixes are installed." (Franklin)


    "As I understand it, if you install an update, then later install another update that contains an earlier version of a file that's in the previous update, then you need it to migrate the later version of the file instead of installing the earlier version. Why this would ever come up I don't know, but it's Windows, it doesn't have to make sense." (Greenknight)




    I don't know how to confirm whether or not that folder gets re-installed with a hotfix. If someone knows how to confirm this, please hit us up.


    I'm also interested in whether or not the cache can be rebuilt if the folder does get re-created.


    I would like to add one more thing. :P


    Even though this folder may not be as serious as we think, it's still not a hotfix uninstaller folder. Therefore, it shouldn't be cleaned by the hotfix uninstaller option.

  10. On the home page it says 'Last updated on 28th February 2006 New'

    The latest download I can find is v1.27.260 dated 14 February

    Anybody know what the 28 February update is?

    PH :mellow:


    No clue. I saw it too, and was wondering the same thing. MrG hasn't posted any announcements.

  11. It isn't really a matter of running them both; it is just having them both. They are just libraries of functions that apps can use. As weird as it seems, it would appear that the functions in v1.1 are not included in v2.0. I could be wrong about that, but why else would MS want you to have both?


    You're probably right. If v1.1 functions were included in 2.0 then you wouldn't be prompted to install v1.1.



  12. yeah i told him on IRC because when i did, i couldn't register due to the problem. it was solved thanks to krit86lr for giving me an email with his ISP.


    ???his??? Who is "his"? :lol:


    It's "her"... ;)

  13. The only thing is the I'm not on a server. I'm on my personal PC.


    Can you go into your event viewer, and get the Event ID and Error Source and the Message?


    Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer


    click on Applications - you will see errors and warnings (double click on them for information)

    click on System - you will see errors and warnings (double click on them for information)


    This will narrow down the source of your problem as well as the solution. Let me know if you have any questions. :)

  14. My delayed write filures have been happening LONG before I installed CClenaer.


    I understand. If you want to fix the problem (problem being "delayed write failures") follow these instructions. If you don't want to fix the problem then please disregard this post.


    To work around this problem, turn off SMB signing on the server:

    1. Start Registry Editor.

    2. Locate, and then click the enablesecuritysignature value under the following key in the registry:


    3. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    4. In the Value data: box, type 0, and then click OK.

    5. Quit Registry Editor.

    6. Restart the computer.


    If these instructions are not clear, ask for clarification before continuing.

  15. What OS are you running? The $hf_mig$ folder is specific to WinXP SP2 and Windows Server 2003.


    Previous to SP2 the folder is called %windir%\$xpsp1hfm$\ I believe.


    I'm running WinXP Pro SP2. That folder isn't anywhere on my computer. I'm going to fix that later on today.

  16. I'm posting this in response to the $hf_mig$ thread going on in CCleaner Discussion. This tool may, or may not be useful in checking your system. I haven't tested it yet, but it can't hurt. ;)


    "Microsoft has released a command-line tool named Qfecheck.exe that gives network administrators increased ability to track and verify installed Windows 2000 and Windows XP hotfixes. This tool provides the following benefits:


    ? This tool helps customers who thought they had properly installed an update, but had not, and are now experiencing a problem. Previously, it was somewhat difficult to identify which fixes were installed on a computer. This simple tool easily enumerates all of the installed fixes by Microsoft Knowledge Base article number. Customers can then confirm that they have installed the appropriate set of fixes before using a valuable support incident and potentially experiencing unplanned down time.


    ? Many companies identify a common set of fixes that are required for all servers in a given data center. To help ensure that Windows 2000 and Windows XP hotfixes are applied in a consistent manner across many servers, this tool allows you to create logs for each computer in your organization that show which fixes are installed. Once those logs are created, you can easily scan them for consistency.


    ? There are rare situations in which, because of a network problem, a problem with the update itself, or a subsequent update that improperly overwrites a previous fix, updates could be damaged or removed in error. This tool ensures that not only have the fixes been installed, but that they are current on the computer.


    ? Microsoft has noted a significant correlation between maintaining a consistent platform across organizations and the overall stability and uptime of those systems. Microsoft believes that using this tool to regularly audit computers is a best practice that will help customers achieve higher reliability on their computers." (MS Corp)


    FOR MORE INFORMATION Read Me Downloads for the tool are also available on this page.

  17. It is the $hf_mig$ folder that is in question.


    Yes, most definitely. Especially since the $hf_mig$ folder isn't an uninstaller, but the cache folder.


    "...the package installer installs these software updates from the cache."

  18. I suppose I should have mentioned it in the first post, but when I hit the Analyze button to see what CCleaner will delete, it lists all the KB###### folders inside my $hf_mig$ folder. As we mentioned, it should not touch these.


    I noticed this in particular because I have already removed the %windir%\$NTUninstall* folders from my computer (the uninstall folders).


    As far as removing the uninstallers (%windir%\$NTUninstall* folders) breaking future updates as GreenWhite mentions, this is not the case.


    These folders as safe to delete, as MS says also. It is the $hf_mig$ folder that is in question.


    Nice catch! I just ran a search on my computer, and I don't have the $hf_mig$ folder - hmmmm.


    @MrG: Get back to us soon please. ;)

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