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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Some interesting points...

    I'll have a look into the $hf_mig$ folder specs.



    I was just getting ready to PM you. :)


    Can you please post the Uninstaller folders that CCleaner cleans? CCleaner should not touch the $hf_mig$ folder.


    Read Me

    Read Me

    Read Me


    Thank you,



    Some interesting points...

    I'll have a look into the $hf_mig$ folder specs.



    Does the CCleaner option "Hotfix Uninstallers" clean the $hf_mig$ folder?

  2. "If the version installed is from the branch with fewer cumulative changes (in this example, it would be the GDR branch), the package installer caches the more cumulative versions (in this example, the QFE version) in %WINDIR%\$hf_mig$\KB######\. If a hotfix for one of those files is installed later, the package installer will ?migrate? the previously updated files to the QFE versions in order to maintain consistency.


    In addition, versions for a higher service pack level (if such versions exist) are also cached so that the software updates can be reapplied when the computer is updated to the next service pack. After the service pack installation, the package installer checks the cache directory at %WINDIR%\$hf_mig$\KB######\ to determine whether there are any software updates to be migrated to the new service pack level. If there are, the package installer installs these software updates from the cache. This method does not use the Xpsp1hfm.exe file that is used in dual-mode packages described previously. Instead, this functionality is built into the package installer itself." (MS Corp)


    My understanding is that "%WINDIR%\$hf_mig$\KB######" is the cache folder, not a hotfix uninstaller. CCleaner should not touch this folder.


    As for removing the uninstallers...sometimes hotfixes will mess up your computer, and you do need to uninstall them. It is a good idea to test your hotfixes before removing the uninstaller. I'm not clear why removing the uninstaller would break future updates. Microsoft tells you how to remove uninstallers safely.


    This is very interesting. Any feedback is appreciated. :)

  3. This is a serious mistake in CCleaner (which is otherwise an awesome program that I use, expect for the Hotfix Cleaner).


    CCleaner cleans the hotfix "uninstallers". If you don't want to uninstall your hotfixes then you don't need the uninstallers.

  4. Everthing came out clean. 0 errors, and what not. Did the Process Idle Tasks thing. Defragged, and I think that the startup was a little faster but I haven't timed it yet to see by how much (or if at all for that matter).


    Rriddgley.....are you going to split this thread? It's completely hijacked! :P Thanks.

  5. Downloaded Version 1.27.260.


    It was the standard build.


    And I am using the following Spyware programs.


    Microsoft Anti-Spyware


    Spyware Guard


    AVG Free Edition


    Uninstall CCleaner. Reboot. Then reinstall CCleaner. Choose to download either the Basic Build, or the Slim Build. The Basic Build supports multiple languages, and the Slim only supports english. Reboot after installing. Now run CCleaner, and fix Issues. If the problem continues follow these instructions.


    To work around this problem, turn off SMB signing on the server:

    1. Start Registry Editor.

    2. Locate, and then click the enablesecuritysignature value under the following key in the registry:


    3. On the Edit menu, click Modify.

    4. In the Value data: box, type 0, and then click OK.

    5. Quit Registry Editor.

    6. Restart the computer.


    If these instructions are not clear, ask for clarification before continuing. I hope this works! :)

  6. I downloaded it about 3 days ago from the official site so I assume it is the latest version. And my PC is constantly screwy in some way, especially with all the Delayed Write failures :(


    Okay, what build did you download (there are 3)? Also, are you using Norton by any chance?

  7. I have also been wondering about this. I have made a donation during the beta of 1.27, but I have never received any email. Receiving an update announcement was one of the reasons I donated.


    PM MrG. You didn't miss out on anything. We just got the upgrade to the standard build.

  8. The reason I suggested the DirectX update was due to the fact that other than the CCleaner entries, most of the other entries pertained to his version of DirectX. I figured an update would replace most of those invalid entries (not to mention updating it is just good practice).


    But yeah, I have a feeling (and hope) that DAC will fix up the bulk of his problems.


    I see. I didn't pay any attention to the other entries, and I forgot that you suggested the update. I couldn't figure out why he was updating it, but now I understand. :D


    If I had remembered your suggestion his post wouldn't have confused me. Sorry lokoike I didn't mean so sound under-minding...just a moment of forgetfullness. ;)


    Thanks for clearing that up. :P

  9. Sorry for not posting back. I've tried the uninstall/reinstall a few times, but I never went into safe mode, I downloaded CCleaner from File Hippo, and I've done the same for the previous two (three?) versions as well (since I began using it). I'm downloading the DirectX 9.0c right now (49 megs, yikes!). I'll try safe mode tomorrow or maybe the day after, and then I'll post another screen of any issues that continue to appear.


    These Issues aren't appearing on other Users on this computer. But there are other's from the other User that don't appear on this one.


    I don't want to try that last download until I have no other options. Simply because I'd rather try everything else that can be done involving CCleaner and programs I already have (DirectX).


    Definitely another post this coming week.


    Maybe CCleaner should scan over the entire computer rather than just that users folders.


    Updating your DirectX is good, and all but it will not fix your problem. DjLizard's suggestion using Dial-A-Fix to fix your permissions will fix your problem.


    And yes, I think everyone wants CCleaner to include all users. ;)

  10. Mine isn't the same link as yours! :P Mine goes to the page with EZAV on it. ;) That MS page link you gave shows multiple AV scanners so who knows what yy4me would end up choosing such as the horrible Norton AV.


    Lord Have Mercy!!!! I copied, and pasted it from another thread...thought it was a direct link. Well, in that case.


    Scratch my link, and use Andavari's! :P


    Andavari catches my typo error, and now my link error's. ;) Many thanks my friend.

  11. To the point: The easiest and one of the most effective antivirus programs is eTrust EZ Antivirus, it simply doesn't get much easier to use a antivirus program as the default settings are properly configured to deal viruses a lethal blow. You can currently get a fully functional free 1 year trial of eTrust EZ Antivirus by going here. Also it's less likely to give false positives versus the likes of AntiVir which has been known for giving false positives.


    :lol: We gave the same link called here. I should given a description with the link. :P

  12. CHKDSK certainly won't hurt anything, but I doubt it will fix anything for you, since you have already proven CCleaner is your problem. :(


    Even if you do reap any benefits, it won't be anything close to a whole minute knocked off your boot time. Actually, defragging might be more beneficial than running a disk scan, assuming you have done quite a bit of installing and recopying files to your fresh new install of Windows.


    Run CHKDSK first, just in case your HD has any physical errors. That way, Defrag doesn't try to use any damaged sections of the disk. After you do that, run CCleaner, and then, finish off with a disk defragment, and see if your booting time goes down any. Just don't expect anything too dramatic!


    I did defrag recently, and already analyzed again today (just to be sure)...but it doesn't need to be defragged. I'll run the chkdsk now.

  13. But let me remind you on something:

    there is more and more Mozilla Firefox users and FF is having more and more security flaws. But there is so many FF users and most of them learn how to help to FF community! IE is now having less and less users... This is good for IE and it means that in future will be less vulnerabilities (that is in theory!!!).


    That's a very good theory. I like your analysis. :) If you choose to use IE install SpywareBlaster, and DSOStop2 in order to improve your security.

  14. Why intentionally deceive the users?

    This bothers me too. The fact that the yahoo toolbar isn't mentioned as part of the standard build really bothers me. It makes MrG look shady, and it's a shame that he is creating this image for himself. :( It's false advertisement, and I think that it's illegal. Actually, I know that it's illegal.

    By the way, this isn't meant to flame; I am simply making a point.


    Point taken. And many probably agree. ;)

  15. Thank you for the quick answer, I need all the help I can get. I have not downloaded it yet, too nervous. How long does the cleaner take to do its job? Can't find that answer anywhere.

    It just takes a few minutes.

    Now I see that I will end up with a new toolbar?

    I suggested the basic build, and the slim build because neither of them have the toolbar. Click the link that I gave you and download whichever one that you need. Slim build is english only, and the basic build has multi-language options. Pick the one that you need.

    What would happen if I uninstalled ccleaner after it does its job.

    You won't be able to reinstall the backup (although you probably won't need to anyway). And why would you want to uninstall it. You should run it at least once a week.

    Perhaps reinstalled it every few months.

    Too much work, and not necessary.

    Would that cure the toolbar problem?

    Download one of the toolbar-free builds, and you won't have a toolbar problem.

    I really don't want to see all that extra stuff on my home page. That is not by most important concern.

    huh? What extra stuff?

    Between this issue (and, do I understand that ccleaner is changing things too?) and the AnviVir issue, I'm a wreck. Thanks for your input.


    CCleaner is cleaning crap off of your computer. CCleaner means CrapCleaner! ;) Follow the steps that I gave for downloading, and running CCleaner. Then decide which Antivirus you wish to use.


    Any more questions? :)

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