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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Wow.




    Move the folder you extracted Dial-a-fix into to the root of your C: drive, and rename the folder DAF, for readability purposes.


    When you are at the command prompt,



    cd \daf



    Click on Tools, then Repair permissions in Dial-a-fix.


    Also, you may want to re-apply service pack 4, but you'll probably have to do this from Safe Mode as well.



    Hi DjLizard,


    Thanks for jumping in because his last post stumped me. I instructed him in my 2nd post to repair permissions (but I'm not sure if he did or not). I have a few questions.


    1. After following your instructions does he need to launch DAF again, and click the green check mark then click GO?


    2. Will he need to reinstall his VB runtime?


    3. After re-installing SP4 does he need to reinstall his updates?


    Thanks alot.



    Hi Daniel.game,


    I have a question for you too. Do you know how to "Move the folder you extracted Dial-a-fix into to the root of your C: drive, and rename the folder DAF, for readability purposes"?


    Remember if you're unclear about something to ask before attempting. ;)



  2. I ate a beaver as suggested in this forum, and was in need of an owl. I groped in the dark and that's the last I remember until I woke up a few inches shorter and in the hospital. I was shown this picture, and I demand to be compensated!! BTW, that picture scares me.

    That picture reminds me of Ghost Busters. :lol: (Back in the day <sigh>)

  3. My operating system is windows xp home edition with sp2 and I have the latest version of ccleaner 127. The other versions did the same thing. There is no error message Ccleaner shuts off and makes 2 beeping sounds as soon as I click on tools. The error message happens when any program crashes. Its the microsft crash error report. Which sends a crash report to microsoft.

    You can look at the error report in your event viewer. Maybe the error won't be useful, but maybe it will. I'm not sure what's going on. Sometimes an error report can give useful information, but not always. It's weird that everything else in CCleaner works except that feature. Where did you download from?

  4. :( Everytime I click on tools my CCleaner crashes. Everything else works fine I've tried reinstalling it and even added it to startup. Nothing seems to be working. I also added it to my firewall. It shuts itself off and sends a crash error to microsoft every time I click the tools button. Is there anything I can do to fix this.



    Can you post some additional information? Such as your OS, version of CCleaner, and an error message?

  5. HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!! A minute?! That is ridiculous! Something weird is seriously up if it has that kind of effect!

    I know. :( I've been trying to bear with it. I've considered only installing it when I need to run it, and then uninstalling but I run it everday. Also, I only reboot my comp after updates & installs. Otherwise I usually leave it on. And I for sure always try to leave it on now. I truly think that it's a cache thing.

    Honestly, I would PM MrG if I was you; hopefully he would look into something that has effects of that magnitude.

    OK, I will. But I'm still waiting for a reply from him from 2 days ago when I PM'd him. We'll see, it could be worse.


  6. Oh, I wouldn't go that far! After all, at least the non-Yahoo! Toolbar version of CC is tiny and uses few resources, unlike its Symantec brethren (I like that word today :D ).

    Yea you do, but it's funny. It makes the forum sound religious or something. :lol:

    But that is an unusual and very Norton-like performance hit for sure, and it's kind of sad to hear that it is due to our dear CCleaner.

    Norton-like performance, but for a different reason than Norton.

    So between your uninstalls of CCleaner, did you notice that this sluggish boot-up disappeared?

    The sluggish boot-up did disappear so I reinstalled multiple times to be sure that it was/wasn't CCleaner.

    And then did it immediately return after the reinstallation of CCleaner?


    How much time would you say CC appears to add to your boot-up?

    One minute...give-or-take a few seconds. (This is added time not total time) Do you want my specs again?

  7. Sneaky, sneaky... :ph34r:


    Yeah, I'm not really sure why it would slow down your computer; that is really a shame. I'll pick my brain on this one, but I can't promise an explanation. :(

    I'm not expecting an explanation (although it wouldn't hurt). I just accepted it for the greater good of my PC. ;)


    Does that put CCleaner in the same category as Norton?


    After writing that I realized that I sound like a Norton, etc... user. :o:wacko:

  8. Good Morning! Andavari,


    My mistake on the name of the program that you mentioned would be good to have. Yes, I do have Spybot-Search and Destroy, but that is one I do not run every week along with the others I run as a routine weekly check. I only use Spybot-S&D occasionally when I am suspicious of something. I could add that one to the weekly check if you think necessary, and maybe I will just do that.


    Thanks for your time,


    One thing, SpwareBlaster isn't something that you run on a weekly routine. It's always running (blocking things from getting into your PC), you just need to remember to update it periodically.


    I thought that this would be useful information so that you didn't think it would be adding to your weekly PC security scans.


    As for DSOStop2, you enable it once, and never touch it again. (But don't uninstall it) ;)

  9. Hmm... I suppose that is possible, but nothing of that sort was listed in the Version History, so I would certainly hope that MrG didn't "tweak" it and then not tell us.


    If it makes any difference, CCleaner 1.27 Slim hasn't slowed down my shut down, boot, or overall Windows speed in the slightest.

    I use CCleaner 1.27 Slim. I won't touch that Yahoo stuff, and I never will. ;)


    By the way, I have uninstalled/reinstalled 3 times. The cache thing was the only logical explanation that I could come up with, but it may not be true.


    BUT...the version history doesn't mention anything about a toolbar so maybe it was introduced in this version without us knowing. (hmmmm)

  10. Well, a newer version probably won't be out for a while (at least a month or so), since v1.27 is practically brand new. Also, CCleaner shouldn't cause any issues with your computer starting up, so if I was you, I would try disabling the option like I suggested previously, because it is very possible that v1.27 will work just fine for you.


    Since v1.27 solves some of the problems which 1.26 has, you are better off with having this newer version, as it is more stable and has more features. But once again, make sure you DO NOT download the Standard Build. Get one of the other two listed versions from the link I gave you, as they take less space and don't contain any adware.


    Hope this helps you out. :)

    Well, I wasn't going to say anything (except now I will becase it isn't just me), but CCleaner v1.27 has drastically slowed down the startup process of my computer. Plus, I don't check the option for "Run CCleaner when computer starts" because it makes more sense to run CCleaner before shutting down.


    But I don't think that a slower startup is enough of a reason to downgrade. I like the 7 pass file deletion among other things.


    I also just assumed that my startup programs cache's were getting cleaned, and therefore making my startup time slower.

  11. "Issues" doesn't list individual apps (such as WinDefender) in the way that the Applications tab under Cleaner does, because the Issues scan doesn't look for issues specific to particular applications. It looks for registry issues in all applications, assuming you have the corresponding boxes checked, such as Applications, Obsolete Software, etc. In this way, CCleaner can clean registry entries made by programs that aren't even supported by the file cleaning feature.


    Right, but you can right click an Issue and choose "open in regedit" then you will see which application that key is related to. I don't know why CCleaner would delete a program from the registry, which is why I wondered if the 64-bit OS had something to do with it. PM'd MrG, but didn't get a response (Eldammen is going to have a field day with that...haha).

    As far as tnt's problem goes, 64-bit support has never been listed in Version History as a feature, so I'm assuming that CCleaner does not work properly on 64-bit OS's.

    That was my guess, but couldn't get a confirmation on that.

    Thanks for clearing that up! ;)


  12. CCleaner comes with winapp.ini. That is the one you need to have. CCleaner does support a winapp2.ini file, but it may contain bugs and such, so it is recommended for primarily advanced users.


    The original winapp.ini contains applications that MrG has tested out and written the cleaning routines for. winapp2.ini consists of application cleaning routines submitted by users, so they may or may not work.


    Also, if you want, you can add in your own programs to winapp2.ini, so it is good for knowledgeable users who don't have some software not supported by CCleaner.

    Why do I need either file? I've gone this long without it.


    There are programs listed in my Add/Remove - Control Panel list that aren't listed in CCleaner's "uninstall" list, and I was told to add the missing programs to winapp. But is that winapp.ini, or winapp2.ini.


    I'll look around for the winapp.ini file now.




  13. Thank you Hazelnut!


    I have another question. Sorry, but I'm a n00b with the winapp stuff. I downloaded winapp2.ini yesterday. Is that the only one that I need, or do I need the winapp.ini as well? If winapp2.ini is an update to winapp.ini then Tarun's suggestion was implemented because that key isn't on winapp2.ini. But if both are needed then I'm not sure. I don't have the winapp.ini.

  14. Hi Avak,


    Thanks for the PM. You were right not to post that in the thread. ;)


    I am going to be gone for most of the day so for now do the following.


    Open CCleaner > Tools > Startup > (click) zhotkey.exe/CHotKey > delete entry - This will stop it from loading when you start your computer.


    Or you can wait for someone else to tell you how to reinstall the driver (zhotkey.exe) because that's the problem. But, if you don't use this application you should just get rid of it.


    FYI: Zhotkey.exe is a third party application, not Microsoft so DAF is not responsible. Although CCleaner, or your Antivirus software may have messed with it. This .exe is sometimes detected as a problem by Antivirus's.




  15. Sorry krit86lr are you using a different version to 1.27.260 because I don't see anything related to Windows Defender in the Issues section :huh:


    No I'm using the same version. My "Issues Scan" doesn't detect anything relating to WD, but tnt is saying that it does on his/her computer.


    I'm assuming that when tnt said the "problems" section of CCleaner, that he/she is referring to "issues".

  16. "My system started acting sluggish as hell"


    That's what starts happening to me. Also things will periodically freeze. Starting up, and shutting down my computer takes forever with installed themes as well.

    "I'd contribute to the UXTheme.dll patch"


    Is the theme patch a seperate download from the themes? If so, then that isn't my problem because I've never installed a seperate theme patch. But if it's included with the themes then it could be my problem.

    I suppose the WinXP File Protection warning isn't entirely a b.s. pop-up message.

    I've never gotten a warning message. Just a pretty PC that runs like crap. ;)

  17. Taron had reported a bug about MSN if am not wrong, he provided a solution on how to fix it and it hasnt been fixed for months, I still dont think it is fixed, or is it?


    Hi Eldmannen,


    I'm not familiar with the MSN bug. I use MSN, and I personally haven't had any problems. I included the list of changes in this version. The MSN that's in bold...is that what you're referring to? I'm curious because I use MSN, and would like to be sure that any bugs are fixed.


    Thanks for the heads up. :)


    What's new with this version?



    - Added secure file deletion.

    - Added Windows HotFix Uninstaller cleaning.

    - Added optional IE toolbar.

    - Updated application icon.

    - Fixed large file size issue.

    - Fixed Firefox cookie error.

    - Restyled Startup program list.

    - Added cleaning for:

    Grisoft AVG 7.0, TUGZip, AntiVir Personal Edition,

    Google Toolbar 4.0

    - Updated cleaning for:

    MSN Messenger, DVD Shrink, Spybot Search and Destroy,

    Adobe Photoshop CS2.

    - Updated translations:

    Hebrew, Romanian, French, German.

    - Fixed small font issue with symbolic languages.

    - Minor display fixes.

  18. Until you have made a donation, don't complain when its too late.


    Thank you ICRMU


    Rock on! I totally agree. Voicing a suggestion is one thing, but complaining/flaming is quite another. According to CCleaner's homepage there have been over 14 million downloads of CCleaner. If everyone showed some appreciation just 1 time (during the existence of CCleaner) by making a $20 donation then MrG could donate ALL of his time to meeting our every wish, and desire.


    He has met everyone half-way by making multiple installers, which is to say that he is trying to meet his needs as well as our wants.


    FYI: Flaming, and complaing isn't they way to get what you want. A more effective way to get what you want is to show support, and appreciation. ;)

  19. Hi everyone,


    I love all of the different desktop themes that you all have. I have periodically tried them myself, and loved them. But my computer gets really buggy anytime I install any of them. Is there something that I can do to have the themes without my computer bugging about them?


    Thanks in advance,


  20. but when i try to register, it says that it blocks all free providers...


    Depending on how important this is to you try the following.


    Buy a cheap email account. Hotmail offers a Free, and Paid ($10 I think) accounts. Then once you're registered change it the way Andavari suggested to a free account. Then cancel your paid account.


    I'm not sure that it will work, but if you really want to register with that forum it may be worth it.


    EDIT: I just thought of something that may work for you. Call your IP provider, and ask them about their email accounts. My provider didn't tell me that I had one. I had to call to find out. So it's possible that you are already paying for email service through your provider without knowing about it.


    Good luck!


  21. I'm not trying to be a drag, but if there is still time...uninstall WinME, and exchange it for XP. You only need the upgrade version if you have a 98 installation CD.


    There are many, many problems with ME. If you decide to keep it then you will find out what I'm referring to soon enough. Keep in mind that along with the problems you will experience that you are also stuck with the FAT32 file system.


    If you can/do exchange for an upgrade version of XP. Be sure to get instructions on how to convert to the NTFS file system.


    Good Luck!


  22. I have a 64 bit OS. When I run the " problems" section in Ccleaner my windows defender is removed. :angry:

    How come?


    Hi tnt,


    When you run the "Issues Scan" uncheck anything related to Windows Defender.


    I'm not sure that CCleaner works on a 64-bit OS. I'm waiting for a reply about that. For now just uncheck Windows Defender.


    I'll let you know what I find out. :)


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