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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Hi,


    i believe i am having a similiar problem as ibflav. I am trying to install adobe acrobat and it gave me an error saying i could not access the registry:


    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3}


    i tried changing the permission of it or renameing it using registar lite but with no luck.

    Could this be a spyware infection?


    Also i have tried to use Andy's Look.bat and look1.bat, but no results were generated.


    I will now post the hijack this log to "spyware hell - hijack this log analysis".






    Hi Quark,


    *Download DAF / Full Version.

    *Launch dial-a-fix.exe > click tools > click repair permissions > click go > when it's finished reboot.

    *(again)Launch dial-a-fix.exe > click green check mark (at bottom of screen) > click go > reboot

    *Now try installing Adobe (although you should install Foxit Reader instead)


    Here is the HijackThis thread if the above solution doesn't work.


    Read before posting

    HijackThis Guide

    Post HijackThis Log Here

  2. Yes, CCleaner is user friendly. Have you installed CCleaner already? If so, which version, and which build? We suggest that you install CCleaner v1.27 Basic build, or slim build (depending on your language needs).


    CCleaner Downloads Reboot after installation.


    Open CCleaner > (leave default settings for now) > click "Run CCleaner"

    Now click "Issues" (on the left) > click "Scan for Issues" > click "Fix selected Issues" : Answer yes to "Would you like to create a backup?" Save the backup in a place that you won't forget (desktop maybe).


    After a few days have passed, and you don't need the backup remember to delete it.


    Feel free to ask any more questions. :)

  3. Okay! Here's the running theme these days! :lol:


    Download DAF / Full Version.

    Launch dial-a-fix.exe > click tools > click repair permissions > click go > when it's finished reboot.

    (again)Launch dial-a-fix.exe > click green check mark (at bottom of screen) > click go > reboot


    Check all the boxes in "Disk Cleanup" then run disk cleanup. Now defrag then reboot.


    Now try CCleaner.

  4. I'm noticing a running "Theme" throughout the forum! :lol: Forum rules should be modified to the following:


    If you are having problems. Download/Launch DAF - click green check mark > click go (reboot) -- then Launch DAF again > click Tools > Repair Permissions > click go > reboot. (The other way around) Repair Permissions first!


    Persisting problems should now be posted! :lol:

  5. I did. And I went thru that sometime ago. I keep getting a message saying that Windows Update Site is not completely loaded, and that if I want the site to be loaded, I should click on Cancel.

    When I do that, I get a screen saying that I should be logged on as an Administrator.

    If I follow their instructions, I use the Windows Update function from the Start Menu, and log on as Administrator, but nothing happens.


    Maybe I gave you a bad link?


    Log on as Administrator > then click start > All Programs > Windows Update

  6. When I click on the link MS Updates - French, I get an error : approximate translation : error when loading the library/DLL of the ...


    I click OK


    and then I get a Firefox error, and Firefox goes down


    Use IE.

  7. Don't do anything except what's instructed. I will tell you when to test the outcome. This will speed things up a bit. ;)


    You repaired your permissions. Now reinstall SP4 like DjLizard suggested. The link is in DjLizard's post with instructions to reinstall in Safe Mode.


    Do that, and then I will post the next thing to do. :)

  8. Can you give me clearer instructions because it didn't work.


    Question: Replacer moves the replaced UXTheme.dll to the dll cache folder. Am I supposed to delete the UXTheme.dll from the cache folder?




  9. @krit86lr


    I have no ideal if this will work to improve your boottime or not, however it won't take long to perform.


    1. If you are using the NTFS file system run ChkDsk on all your hdd's using the command line version with these switches:


    chkdsk /v /f c:



    the /v option will remove unused indexes.


    2. Click Start, Run and paste this line in to Optimize Prefetch Data:


    %windir%\system32\Rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks



    This process may take anywhere from 1 to 15 minutes, or more to complete, don't use the computer while it's running. When it's finished the hard disk light will stop repeatedly flashing. You should then defragment your main hdd that Windows is installed on immediately after using this!


    3. Reboot to see if your boottime has improved.


    Hey Andavari, thanks!


    You may be onto something because my "System Idle Process" ranges anywhere from "97 CPU - 99 CPU". I've been meaning to look into that, but haven't gotten around to it.


    I'll try your suggestion, then start a new thread. This thread totally got hijacked! :blink:

  10. The info is usless mostly binary numbers and temporary folder things. I downloaded it from the main page of Ccleaner and before that from download.com.


    The error report in Event View will give you an Error Message. (Example: "An error was cause in xxx.dll windows will now close. We are sorry for the inconvenience".) And it will give you the source of the error as well as an Event ID.


    Open Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Application Error Records (Also check your System Error Records)


    I'm not sure that this will shed any light on your situation, but it could give us a starting point.



  11. I have long fought the issue of CCleaner listing the same long list of issues over and over and not resolving them.

    It goes through the Fixing process but doesn't fix them. They are listed over and over.

    I have read that going into the registry and manually changing the permissions resolves the issues. I had over 100 of them and that would have taken for ever.

    There is a program called "Dial-a-fix" that corrects all permission issues with a single click!

    This completely fixed the items not being fixed. Now every time I run CCleaner, it fixes everything.

    You can download the program here http://djlizard.net/software/dial-a-fix

    Just run it, go to "Tools" and select "Repair Permissions" and Go.

    What a find!!



    :lol: We use DAF all the time, and you're right...it's an awesome program! ;)


    Thank you for posting your solution. I'm sure that it will help someone in the future.

  12. Greetings!


    Re: "Everyone who donates ?10 ($20) or more will be sent all new releases before they're available to download on the site."


    I just contributed to the cause and was taken to a download screen. However, the file that was going to be downloaded was version 1.26. Since I had just downloaded v 1.27, I hit "Cancel". Now I am wondering if the version that I didn't download had some specal stuff in it that would report my email addrress back to the mothership so that the "new releases" would be sent to me. Have I blown it, or does my email address get sucked from PayPal, or does the mothership "just know"?




    You're okay. You'll get your emails. :)

  13. OK, I did move that folder into the root of C: and renamed it.

    Now, I need to be sure of what I should be doing next.

    Thanks a lot all !!!


    Just to be sure, the folder path should be "C:\DAF". Be sure that this is were you moved, and renamed it.


    Now reboot into safe mode with command prompt as instructed before (F8).


    (type) cd \daf (press enter)


    now (type) dial-a-fix (press enter)


    DAF should now be launched. Click Tools > click repair permissions > click Go



    Are these clear instructions?

  14. What's the hotfix unistallers?? Can I delete them with no problems?


    If you know the italian language please write in italian.




    Hi Hpaul,


    I used a free translation service. I don't know if this translation is good, or not. If it doesn't make sense I added the English explanation.


    _ se voi non desider uninstall vostro hotfixes allora voi non bisogno manten uninstallers. _ se voi 'fa funzionare 'CCleaner pulito in su uninstallers uninstaller registrazione chiave essere ancora di sinistra dietro. _ quando voi 'esplor per edizione CCleaner rilev rimanente registrazione chiave. _ quando voi selezion 'ripar edizione esso rimuov di sinistra sopra chiave. _


    If you don't want to uninstall your hotfixes then you don't need to keep the uninstallers. If you 'Run' CCleaner to clean up the uninstallers the uninstaller registry keys are still left behind. When you 'Scan for Issues' CCleaner will detect the leftover registry keys. When you select 'Fix Issues' it will remove the left over keys.


    Hope this helps!


  15. I wasn't sure how to use CCleaner yesterday but I took a chance anyway. I did make a backup just in case something went wrong and saved them on my desktop. after 3 scans it was finally clear of gunk. But I was wondering before I delete them later, before I do where can I go to find out if I need anything on them or not? Should I just delete them and not worry about a thing?


    BTW thanks for the advice and more advice is welcome!!! ;)


    Hi ICRMU,


    This is how you know if you may, or may not need anything on them. After a few days goes by ask yourself this: "Is my computer acting weird"? If the answer is "no" then delete the backups without worries.


    If the answer is yes, start a thread, and someone will tell you how to determine if you need the backup or not.


    Enjoy your gunk free computer! Sounds like you had a lot if it took 3 scans to clean it all. ;)

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