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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Awesome! Glad to hear it; although I'm sorry you're stuck with WinME. :(


    Try not to faint when you have to pay for WinXP; I just built a new PC for a friend, and when I got WinXP Home for her at Staples, it cost $200! Ouch. But it sure beats ME!



    Dude, you got ripped off. I see that you're from Illinois. I'm in Missouri. I go to University of Missouri (UMSL). In the student bookstore it's $100 total for everything for Windows XP.


    I would like to point this out to everyone. University bookstores have great discount prices for everything. They don't care if you're a student or not. They don't even check. FYI.





    P.S. I am so sad with ME, BUT "MY COMPUTER IS WORKING"!!! Happy Dance! Good Times!


    The upgrade version allows either an upgrade or a clean install. For the latter you have to insert the old OS CD at one point to prove you qualify. If you opt for the clean install, you can format to NTFS.


    I just did one last week.



    Thank you. Did you come across any problems/glitches that you didn't forsee?



  2. Im not sure why it didnt work. I use a D-Link Router, and a U.S. Robotics Card To connect.



    How do you know that it didn't work? Did you get an error message or something? Can you at least download Spyware Blaster for a little extra something if you can't get another firewall? The link for Spyware Blaster is in the Software forum under freeware.


    I am interested why your router firewall would be interfering with an additional firewall. I use a Lynksys router, and D-link ethernet/PCI cards. No problems here.



  3. I have a hardware firewall with my router.



    Do you think that the router firewall is secure enough by itself? I have the router firewall, XP firewall, and Norton's firewall.


    I've heard many different opinions about the security of different firewalls? Is there a way to know for sure?







    What's your secret? Why don't you find them necessary? Are you a MAC user?




    i having been trying the different firewall lately...

    norton firewall

    sygate firewall

    outpost firewall...


    i found that except for outpost pesonal firewall, the rest takes up a lot of resources...


    norton firewall have many process images... which takes up a fair amount of resouces each... but added up together, they takes up a lot...


    sygate firewall have a single process image... but it takes up more than 15,000K of memory usage alone...


    outpost firewall have a single process image... and take its up much lesser compared to others... but outpost personal firewall seems very difficult to use... i takes some times to play around with it...


    zonealarm have 2 process images... vsmon and zlclient... both take up around >6,000K of memory... rather huge...


    is there any other good firewall...?



    I installed Outpost on my roommate's computer because she didn't have one besides the router's firewall. It's good because it's added security (and of course free) B) But it's kind of annoying? When does it stop popping up to ask if a program can access the internet?



  4. If you have 2 hard drives moving the pagefile to the 2nd hard drive will reduce the time the computer needs to read and write to it. This can be helpfull on ram challenged computers such as mine ;) .



    Have you considered adding more memory to your computer? About 6 weeks ago I added memory cards to my computer, and it is AWESOME!!! Definitely worth checking in to. It's so easy that a novice like myself accomplished the task in 10 minutes.


    I hope that you try it!!


  5. Thank you! Those are very good instructions. I'll be giving it a shot.


    I'll keep you all updated!!

    K :D




    :D YEA!!! I have a computer again!! I'm so excited I wish that we all could go out for Happy Hour and celebrate.


    To make a long story short: I couldn't retreive my XP installation disks from ex-boyfriend; had to reinstall my old ME program; going to buy new XP cd next week; then a friend of a friend (IT guy) is going to format for me, and show me how to make backups of everything (including regedit).


    So, the solution to my problem has been found. Hope to see you all on the discussion board under better circumstances.


    Good Times!! Great program!! :P:D



    :D YEA!!! I have a computer again!! I'm so excited I wish that we all could go out for Happy Hour and celebrate.


    To make a long story short: I couldn't retreive my XP installation disks from ex-boyfriend; had to reinstall my old ME program; going to buy new XP cd next week; then a friend of a friend (IT guy) is going to format for me, and show me how to make backups of everything (including regedit).


    So, the solution to my problem has been found. Hope to see you all on the discussion board under better circumstances.


    Good Times!! Great program!! :P:D




    Thanks again to you all for your help and support. Much appreciated.


    Hasta Luego!


  6. I have never checked this one. What happens if I check it? I have been very cautious with what I check using this cleaner. Maybe I am not using it to its full advantage??



    I understand your concern. I agree with Andavari. If you do want to venture more with the program definately make a back up of everything first, ESPECIALLY regedit(registry). Also create a system restore point on your computer.


    I recently ran the program for my first time, and every box was checked. After that I was screwed because I didn't have backups. When it comes to your baby (computer), it's better to be safe than sorry. If something in your registry gets erased, but you need that key to run an installed program your computer won't recognize the program without the key. At least that is my understanding at this point.


    THE BEST ADVICE EVER IS...BACK IT UP ON A REGULAR BASIS!!! If you take safety procautions, any negative changes don't have to be permenant.


    Good Luck!! :D


  7. Okay, first off, formatting (as by now, you probably already know) is when you give your hard drive a file system. By doing this, you "erase" all of the information from your HD, including the OS and files. I say "erase" because most of the information is still technically there, but your computer just treats it like free space and writes over top of it. It is the same thing when you "delete" something from your computer; your OS just acts like the file isn't there, and writes over top of it later.


    Most people (myself included) format their HD before installing an OS, even if the file system is already there, to make it a fresh clean install. That way, if your current FS contains any errors, they will be fixed when your reformat it. One thing you can try is putting in your Windows installation disk and just choosing to reinstall without erasing everything; I think you choose the Upgrade option, but I don't remember, since I usually just do full installs.


    But if that doesn't work, it very well may be time that you do a clean install and start from scratch. Go into safe mode first and back up all of your important files. You can either do it manually, or use some sort of backup utility, such as the one included with WinXP (Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Backup). Burn your stuff to disks, or hook up an external HD and pop it onto that.


    Then, put in your Windows install disk, and restart your computer. Hopefully, your BIOS is set to boot from your optical drive, in which case the installation will begin automatically. If Windows tries to boot from the HD, restart again and do the F8 thing I mentioned in my previous post. Select Boot From CD (or whatever the option is called; don't have a WinXP disk on hand right now to test it out). After the installation has started, just follow the instructions given on the screen; for the most part, they're pretty self explanatory.



    Thank you! Those are very good instructions. I'll be giving it a shot.


    I'll keep you all updated!!

    K :D

  8. Sorry about the late reply, krit86lr. I feel your pain; I've had to wipe hard drives (although not always my own) of irreplaceable files and such. Hopefully, you won't have to do that.


    You said that you tried to run System Restore, and it didn't work. Here is something else to try:


    1. Hit F8 (over and over) whilst your computer is starting up, right after the BIOS has finished with the POST. If you aren't sure what I'm referring to, just start hitting F8 (maybe twice per second) as soon as you start up your computer.


    2. If you do this correctly, a list should come up. This list will have options such as Safe Mode and Normal Mode.


    3. Choose the option titled "Last Known Good Configuration (your most recent settings that worked)" and hit Enter.


    Hopefully, this will work for you. Sorry once again for not getting this to you sooner. I hope that you haven't already formatted your hard drive!



    Unfortunately I don't know what it means to format the hard drive. I'll look that up in a minute.


    I have chosed "Last Known Good..." a few times. Everytime that I've chosen that a message is displayed that says "There Haven't Been Any Changes".


    I'm at a loss. That message can't be possible. About 20X now I think that I've found the solution, and then it doesn't work. So now that you've mentioned it, I am going to research formatting the hard drive.


    Thank you for your concern. Over 40 hours without PC is very very bad.


    I'll take any further suggestions. I'll keep plugging along for another 24 hours. Then drastic measures will come into play.


    Does anyone know about the Human Interface Device Access Service. When I try to start it I get this:


    Error 126: The specified module could not be found.


    I found the files hidserv.dll, mouhid.sys, and mouclass.sys on my computer. What else could cause the module to not be found?


    Many Thanks,


  9. How true. Is it fixed now? let us know.



    Hi guys. From what I can tell I am not any closer. I'm not sure if I should cry or throw it out of the window.


    Here is the update (I was hoping to post the solution).


    All of my drivers are fine.


    he solution from Microsoft is to manually enter each registry key. I honestly don't think that I have the patience to do that.


    If I boot in Normal Mode I only have control through Task Manager. But I can't even open anything.


    All of the downloads that I've tried to run from a disk says that I need to be in Normal Mode, but it isn't possible. I can't even use my printer.


    I'm seeing an unistall coming on. I can't live too much longer without a PC.


    Thanks so much for your support and concern!!


    You all are awesome!!





    I'll keep you all informed. Hopefully I find the cure!!


    : )




    Yeah, I wasn't poking fun at you, it was just my warped attempt using another type of situation as an example. Having a PC go kaput is no fun.



    I knew what you meant. When I read it I was laughing so hard that I was crying.


    Between your comment and gunner's picture my friends and I were thoroughly amused.


    Many Thanks


  10. One last thought: Go to your device manager and see if you have any yellow question marks. If so, try to reinstall the drivers. Plug and play errors can at times be corrected that way.



    I just noticed your quote. I will never forget again. :P:D


    Although you make a very valid point my twisted sense of humor has been enabled.


    [enable twisted sense of humor]

    Imagine crashing your vehicle that is on fire and about to explode. You yell "help." Just a few feet away another motorist with a fire extinguisher available suggests that you must be more specific as to what sort of help you need and suggests in the future when you crash and your vehicle is on fire and about to explode that you say exactly that so other motorist can promptly provide the correct type of assistance.

    [/disable twisted sense of humor]



    :lol: You understand!!! THIS IS AN EMERGENCY!!! COMPUTER DOWN!!! THIS IS MY 911 CALL!!! :o


    Many Thanks


  11. Dear newcomer, welcome to the Internet!

    This is a discussion board, also commonly called a forum.

    When you start a thread on a forum, try to put an informal and useful text in the subject line so people know what the post is about, rather than "HELP!!" or in this case "Help Me Please".


    Have a great time, and welcome to the Internet!



    What was your suggestion to my problem???


    Thanks in advance


  12. Hi gunner, thank you for your quick reply. First, as soon as ccleaner finished I rebooted my computer; my problems honestly began at that moment. My computer was almost running perfectly before that, I was testing to see if all of the hype was true, and I gave it a try. Is it possible that I didn't uncheck something that I should have?


    In addition I have rebooted in safe mode, chose last time windows worked, and it says that no changes have been made. I've done this 5 times now. As for the system restore, I can't get it to turn on.


    Thanks in advance for any further suggestions.


    K ;)



    Okay, so I'm still not sure about something. Is it possible that I didn't use ccleaner properly? Could I have not done something correctly while operating the program?


    So I have a new question now.


    In Registry Editor


    System (folder)

    Setup (folder)

    Allow Start (Within in here is DcomLaunch, PlugPlay, etc...) The data column for everything in the Allow Start folder shows 'value not set'. Is this right?




    K <_<

  13. That's a new one and probably not cc. If you haven't made any major changes (hard drive, video,etc.) you should be able to boot in safe mode and go to last known good configuration, or restore the system to a time when all was well.



    Hi gunner, thank you for your quick reply. First, as soon as ccleaner finished I rebooted my computer; my problems honestly began at that moment. My computer was almost running perfectly before that, I was testing to see if all of the hype was true, and I gave it a try. Is it possible that I didn't uncheck something that I should have?


    In addition I have rebooted in safe mode, chose last time windows worked, and it says that no changes have been made. I've done this 5 times now. As for the system restore, I can't get it to turn on.


    Thanks in advance for any further suggestions.


    K ;)

  14. Hello. This is my first time posting. Last night I ran ccleaner 1.26 on Windows XP. I can only boot up in safe mode now. I have restored the registry backups about 10 times now, and there isn't any change. If I boot in Normal Mode it takes about 15 minutes to bootup. After that opening anything takes about 10 minutes, and every times out. I don't have internet access anymore in Normal mode (I have a cable connection). Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Service. In addition Services (Under System Tools) has stopped almost every service. When I manually try to start a service an error message appears stating that 'The plug and play service is not available'.


    Can someone please help me? I'm using my roommates computer to post the message. I can't receive emails at this time, but I will keep the forum open. I've been trying to fix this for 10 hours now.


    I know that ccleaner is a good program because everyone (Microsoft, etc...) reports that it is awesome. I must have done something wrong on my end. What can I do?


    Thanks in advance for your help.


    K- :o

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