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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. I just did an Issues Scan, I hope my pc doesn't have problems after this.


    Your computer will run better better. Did you make a backup? Here are a few hints. Save your backups to your desktop so that you don't forget about them. After a few days have passed without needing the backup delete from your desktop. Here are the reasons.


    1. The backup will give you peace of mind until you become comfortable using the utility.

    2. The backups are taking up space on your computer. So once you're sure that you don't need them delete them to free up space.


    Hope this Helps! :D


  2. Hello,

    The following instructions will tell you if there is anything wrong with your keyboard.


    First, start > run > (type) dxdiag


    On the fist page, System, look for your version of DirectX...the latest version is 9.0c. Upgrade if you're not running the most current version.


    When DirectX opens check the box that says "Check for WHQL digital signatures" (it's in the bottom left hand corner). Now click the tab that says "Input". The bottom of the screen should say "No problems found". Under the heading "Input Related Devices" you can look at the information about your keyboard.


    Can you post the popup relating to zHotkey.exe? The following tells what it is:


    Filename: zHotkey.exe

    Name: CHotKey

    Description: Enables special keys on Chicony keyboards. Special combinations include Internet, E-mail, vol , vol-, mute, etc. Only required for extended features

    Recommendation: User's choice - depends whether a user deems it necessary


    Have you ran an "Issues Scan" with CCleaner, and fixed the Issues?

  3. Hi djw,


    Boot in Safe Mode, and logon as Administrator. Start > Run > (type) sfc /sannow (Note. space after sfc)

    Have your Installation CD ready, but don't insert it until you're prompted to do so. This is not an installation, but it will fix system files. You're for sure missing one .sys file, and if there are more this scan will replace them.


    Then post back for 2nd step.



  4. The Dial a Fix didn't work but I figured out that it was my darn antivirus that was preventing it from running. So I was able to disable it, install it and then enable my antivirus program again. Thanks for all of the help you have given me.




    I'm glad that you fixed it, and thanks for posting the solution. Did you install the Standard Build because others had that problem with the Beta version. It was supposed to be fixed in the final version. Although I think that the changes were made to specific Antivirus programs. I'll double check that.


    What antivirus do you use?



  5. Thanks again.

    It doesn't tell me what keys. But thinking about it I remember that some keys are reported every time again, no matter whether I delete them or not. So I think you are right.


    I'm glad that registration seems to be the issue.


    Option 1: If you want to be sure can run an Issues Scan > note the commonly occurring keys > Fix Issues/Create backup. Then immediately restore the backup. (This will determine whether or not the backup is working for you)


    Option 2: Run an Issues Scan > right click one of the common occurring keys > choose open in RegEdit. If it's an application that you use sometimes then you can be sure that it's re-registering itself.


    Hope this helps!

    K :)

  6. Hi Rijnton,


    If you're interested you can try this. I've never used it myself, but it has been suggested on multipe forums (that's the only reason I'm suggesting something I've never used). Read the information carefully because I don't know any tips to give you on the program.


    Registry First Aid

    Description: "If you are having problems with the Microsoft Windows Registry or want to ensure that you keep it fine tuned and error free, then you could find this useful."



  7. Hi Daniel.game,


    This is a quote from your post:

    "I do have a problem with my computer (actually I have not been able to use the Uninstall function from the Config Panel for a while." Do you mean control panel - Contr?ler le Panneau (sp?)? If the uninstall function works when logged on as an Administrator then your user access settings just need to be adjusted.


    And "yes" you need to run DAF again as Administrator, and reboot your computer.


    When you boot (pressing F8 repeatedly) you will choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt from the list. Then it will give you logon options. 1. Your username, and 2. Administrator. Choose Administrator then follow the instructions that I gave you for running DAF.


    Let me know if you have any question. :)


  8. The winapp2.ini file hasn't been updated for quite a while, what happened to TwistedMetal ?


    I was wondering the same thing. I PM'd TM a few days ago, and I didn't get a response. :(


    Yes that would be great if added, only if Mr.G actually payed attention to post.


    Will you stop saying that please? That is not correct information. Did you read the rest of this thread?



  9. Thanks krit86lr,

    My OS is Windows XP with SP2. I am the only user and always logged in as Administrator.


    Does it tell you what keys won't merge? It sounds like the keys are already in your registry if they're being used. Some applications will re-register themselves when you use them.


    If it tells you what keys won't merge you can check your registry to see if the keys are already there. It's possible.



  10. Hi folks I have MS AntiSW set to run at a certain time.


    Don't know if this has to do with the MS AS scan...


    When I get up and close the window it seems to close "slowly" almost and I say almost freezing. It closes very slow, the window.


    Then my pc seems to run slow for a bit. Then after a while my pc seems to start running better as I use it.


    Does this have to do with the MS AS scan?




    I'm not sure, but MS AS upgraded to Defender. You don't need to unistall MS AS because Defender will do it for you.




    Have you deframented lately? How many running processes do you have? How much RAM do you have? What OS are you running?


    :lol: Twenty questions, right?


  11. Hi Bama,


    You may be interested in DSOstop2 as well. It offers protection against the "Data Binding" Exploit. I'm not sure if IE7 has this vulnerability, but when you run the program it will tell you if you're vulnerable or not. If IE7 doesn't have the vulnerablilty you can just uninstall it. If you do need it the size is 46KB so won't take up a lot of space.




    Have a nice day. :)


  12. I use CCleaner already a few months and haven't had a problem with it until now. Today however I thought something went wrong after cleaning the registery with the Problems module. Although it turned out later that it had nothing to do with CCleaner, I first tried to do a restore, but that didn't go. When I right-clicked on the backup and on Merge, I got the following message (I translate it in English from Dutch, so it may not be exact):

    "Can not import. Not all data are written to the registry. Some keys are used by system or other processes".

    I also tried it in Safe Mode, but with the same result.

    Although I didn't need to do the backup, I still would like to know what is going wrong for later use.

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi rijinton,


    What OS are you running?




    One more thing. Have you tried to merge the keys as an Administrator? If if works reboot after merging.



  13. OK. Thanks for your patience.

    1. I was not logged as administrator when I run DAF

    2. Do you want me to post the last error I mentioned (ie the one when using the uninstall function of the congig panel - see attached screen capture) or all the errors identified by DAF ?



    Hi Daniel.game,


    I have not spoken French in 10 years, but I think that the error is "This object does not manage this property or this method". If I translated correctly you just need Admininistrator access. In order to not need to be logged on as an Administrator you will need to change your user settings to allow yourself more access.


    Try uninstalling, and installing logged on as Administrator. If it works then we can just change the limitations on your user account.


    One more thing, I didn't know you were French so download the CCleaner "basic" version instead of the "slim" version. Slim is English only. Apologies.


    Au revoir. Avoir un jour agr?able.

    K :)

  14. You can use Thunderbird to replace Outlook Express. But if you use Outlook Web Access, then you are using an Exchange Server. Exchange Server can only be accessed with OWA or Outlook. Thunderbird *may* work with Exchange Server, but there is no guarantee. Outlook is built especially for Exchange Server; TB is not.


    Hi pwillener,


    Thank you for the information (I didn't know). I sent an email to my studenmail, and it did appear in my Thunderbird Inbox.


    I'm totally clear on your reply. Are you saying that my email can show up in TB sometimes, but not always?




  15. Hi Avak 1924,


    Let's start with this. Download this link (easiest) to desktop, and install. When you open the link you need to scroll down to Mirrors/download locations and Articles. Underneath that heading choose "direct download".



    After downloading/installing you need to reboot, and logon as Administrator. Once logged on as Admin open dial-a-fix.exe...look to the bottom of the screen > click the green check mark > then click go.


    Now reboot, and try again. Post back, and let us know if it worked or not.


    Good Luck!! :)


  16. Hi djw,


    I do understand your concern, and yes you can run CCleaner in the future with a clear conscience. Here's a link to my first thread in this forum. Even though my computer catastrophe coinsided with my first time using CCleaner the two weren't related. I have since then used CCleaner daily, and I haven't had any CCleaner related issues. You don't really need to read it, but it's an example of a computer problem happening at the same time as running CCleaner, but CCleaner wasn't the problem. ;)




    Now will you double click on your Error event 7000? If it isn't a runtime error post it please, but if it is a runtime error please just confirm that for me before I give you a solution that isn't relevant to your situation.


    You said that you followed Andavari's suggestion. So you did run chkdsk?


    Thank you. :)


  17. It's all good. Odd that IE7 is putting cookies in a different place now. I wonder if it truely is a beta version thing or a new version thing.


    It's probably an IE Beta version thing. I say that because the problems have been going on for a little while now. Also the new version of CC doesn't have problems with IE6.


    Have a nice evening. :)


  18. It definitely isn't a CCleaner issue, but I need you to double click on Dhcp Error Event 1000. What does it say?


    Also are you using the XP Home Edition, or XP Professional. Do you have any service packs installed (if using Professional), and if so which one?


    Also, Andavari's suggestion to scan your computer is a great suggestion. ;)


  19. Yes, you can use Thunderbird with your school server.

    Thunderbird supports POP3 and IMAP protocols over normal and over SSL connections.


    Marvelous! Thank you so much Eldammen. I'll download it now.

    :D K

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