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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. http://forum.piriform.com of course
  2. It's nothing to do with saving time but adding ease of use/convenience (or logic?). For the settings section I kinda agree but added it for completeness sake (though it did make me notice the pointlessness of having settings open on 'About' page rather than any actual settings). As for the rest, I quite often want to untick or tick something under the Application tab (never Windows tab) so would add convenience for it to remember tab focus. And I explained the reasoning behind wanting it for tools section, I would guess most users would use the system restore section more than 'Uninstall' or 'Startup' (I can't actually see any logic behind how they are currently ordered but thats a seperate issue). I'm not saying this is some big issue, just a refinement that could be easily added
  3. Is it deliberately stupid or is there a way to make it use Program Files like any other normal program? Have been trying to decide between Chromium and Iron as a secondary browser, had been swayed towards Chromium after trying it (mainly cos it supports themes unlike Iron and don't like the Chrome look) then saw the stupid install directory. Iron installs to program files
  4. Lol, glad I suggested it then
  5. Agreed, wasn't saying one was better than the other, just offering a (relatively unknown) alternative that was relevant to the topic
  6. Indeed and as for the temp folder, CC already cleans them.
  7. I use DShutdown, offers options for just about anything shutdown related: http://dimio.altervista.org/eng/
  8. As far as I'm aware it is and as I said I scanned the download with everything I had and uploaded to VirusTotal and was completely clean.
  9. What about if you use pskill from MS/Sysinternals which I found does the job on my XP Home in my batch files where tskill wouldn't work: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinte...s/bb896683.aspx Or even easier there's a link to download taskkill here: http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/ezine...ls.htm#TaskKill (Have scanned it and comes up clean and seems to work as it should)
  10. Thanks Hazel, very useful
  11. Did you read further down about the two pupils who fell asleep on a railway line?!?! I know its sad when anyone dies but surely a nominee for a Darwin award right there
  12. Screenshot also not working in FF2 EDIT: Or Chrome it seems.
  13. I think it would be very useful and time/click saving if CCleaner could remember the last clicked tab and section buttons after closing: ie when you close and reopen CCleaner: The last clicked cleaner tab (Windows/Applications) in previous session will still be the selected tab, most of the time it's the Applications tab I ever tick or untick anything in but always opens on Windows tab. The last selected Tools section (Uninstall/Startup/System Restore) from last use will still be shown when clicking Tools - This would be the most useful, and best example of my reasoning for wanting this. I never use the uninstall section but that is automatically what comes up when clicking tools, whereas regularly use the System Restore section so would be helpful to click tools and have the restore section already selected. Also the same with the Options section, do we really need the 'About' page every time we go to settings? Surely a simple to add refinement???
  14. Yeah, he/it chats away for a few minutes (am ashamed to say i watched and read it all lol )
  15. In my opinion of course : http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/sigmil/RevEng/404.htm
  16. I thought it probably wasn't possible but had never (till now) had the need for it. Don't see why it couldn't be added if possible, after all it's generally only more advanced users that start making their own winapp2 entries, especially more complicated ones, and the safety aspect is just as applicable to any winapp reg entry IMO. Well here's hoping
  17. Is it possible to use wildcards in winapp2.ini for reg key paths? eg, this works: HKCU\Software\Stardock\Fences\Icons|C:\Documents and Settings\JDP\Desktop|01.mpg But this doesn't: HKCU\Software\Stardock\Fences\Icons|C:\Documents and Settings\JDP\Desktop|*.mpg If not is it even possible that this ability can be added to CCleaner or is this an issue that simply can't be addressed for some reason?
  18. Yup, follow the instructions here: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=20120
  19. Stumbled across this on The Register and some of it verges on the unbelievable, though amusing: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/07/29/aboxalypse_now/
  20. FWIW this update was pulled (hence why its not listed on the Sun site) though it is still being hosted on download sites other than Sun/Java. It's due to be reissued within next day or so, not been able to Google any info behind it being pulled other than this from dslreports.com: Link
  21. (Deleted, talking rubbish lol)
  22. Also don't forget the instructions on the hosts file page regarding disabling 'DNS client' service:
  23. Same here - like the idea, dislike the implementation that by default hides the details till clicking through.
  24. Agreed and FWIW I have suggested an alternative solution in the announcement thread.
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