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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. You can but most, including me, would recommend a clean install (ie uninstall an remove all traces of FF2 first) to avoid any potential problems with such a major update. You can use the FEBE extension to back up your bookmarks and extensions before uninstalling and then use it again to restore your bookmarks. Most recent FF2 compatible version here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ad...s/versions/2109
  2. Purely from a security point of view I would recommend updating yes. Plus it's been around long enough now that most irritations can be sorted, whether by tweaking or extensions. I am intending to get round to it asap (although I've been saying that for ages lol).
  3. But technically they're not, they haven't been releasing security updates for it for some time.
  4. Not yet, deliberately held off for a while but have been intending to for a couple of months now, just haven't got round to it (clean install followed by all that messing about setting it up how i want, updating extensions and finding alternatives for those that don't work etc etc ).
  5. Big congrats to you and new wife
  6. JDPower


    The main program is free (I just tried it out) but you have to register for access to the secure delete functions. Didn't really offer much additional cleaning to CCleaner though did find an additional Flash Player folder that it cleaned that CC doesn't (C:\Documents and Settings\****\Application Data\Adobe\Flash Player\AssetCache)
  7. JDPower


    So basically the same as CCleaner then (Although given the past history of rival product posts being deleted I wouldn't be surprised if the post disappears soon anyway)
  8. 100% agree with that, can't believe it still handles the backup location the way it does. Also agree that double clicking in the uninstall section should run installer not rename entry - it is the uninstaller section after all, not the rename section. Its something I'd never noticed before as I don't use that section but does seem a strange choice of behaviour.
  9. I actually tried that a couple of weeks ago and it didn't work here but good idea for those that use the sites alot when it does work.
  10. JDPower

    Gmail spam?

    I don't often use my gmail account but think in the two or so years I've had it I've only ever received 4 or 5 spam emails at most
  11. That is a minor wording bug with CCleaner that has never been corrected. Those cookies are NOT deleted, and neither is anything else, just running analyse (as you would see by running analyse again and they will still show up). If they show up when you run analyse they should show up in CCleaners 'Options>Cookies' section
  12. This gets asked all the time - the answer is that CCleaner is a safe reg cleaner, just because another cleaner finds more allegedly invalid entries doesn't mean those entries are safe to remove (in fact usually quite the opposite)
  13. Lol, thats a good way of putting it, I normally just get called a miserable sod
  14. Would also disable any antivirus/antimalware/firewall, definitely not a good thing.
  15. You're more forgiving than I would be
  16. Can I suggest removing your email address, its not a good idea posting it on an open forum.
  17. This has been discussed before, feel free to use the forums search function. The compress old files option will not improve your computers performance in the slightest, in fact quite the opposite as compressed files are slower to read from disk (and as far as I know windows doesn't actually uncompress them if they do get used). That option is only there to free up some disk space but if you are running out of disk space far better buy a larger hard drive, or move any unused files (music, videos etc) to CD or external drive.
  18. Why on earth would they release that, surely no-one would bother buying it (unless by accident in which case they'll be pretty pi$ed off)? According to this ComputerActive article Windows 7 could be released in October: http://www.computeractive.co.uk/computerac...n-drawn-windows
  19. I still use Sygate too - still passes all firewall tests I throw at it and, as you say, is light on resources so have no intention of changing for the time being. Besides the thought of spending weeks teaching a new firewall what to allow and block is not something I wanna deal with unless I have to
  20. You reckon? So if you won a Ferrari in a competition it would be a worse than if you'd just forked out a hundred grand on one?
  21. In answer to your question - yes there is disk activity when deleting the restore point and I used JKDefrag's analyse to check the system volume information folder contents had gone.
  22. Not sure I entirely understand, all I can say is that no restore points are created here using CCleaner or disk cleanup to delete restore points. If you are saying that is what normally happens when you use TuneUp to delete restore points then it is probably TuneUp that is automatically creating the new point when deleting them all, not Windows. And CCleaner does delete the last restore point on my system without a problem, doesn't just rename it. (Apologies if I'm misunderstanding what you're saying)
  23. What OS? That certainly isn't what happens on XP, Windows just deletes all but the most recent one so there is always one restore point left (don't know how Vista handles them but doubt it's much different). And on that point I think this is how CCleaners handling of restore points should work IMO (ie not allow deletion of newest restore point), do we really want a stream of angry CCleaner users with problems and unable to do a system restore because they'd used CCleaner to delete ALL restore points?
  24. It was a clean install, it was replacing AVG Just because you don't have an issue doesn't mean no issue exists.
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