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Everything posted by Andavari

  1. burnatonce also can create .iso image files, as well as burn them.
  2. Andavari

    Opera Cookies

    I don't know of any way to allow CCleaner to not delete particular Opera cookies. Currently that would have to be done with Opera itself by: Click 'Tools->Delete Private Data->Advanced->untick Delete All Cookies' since you obviously don't want all of them removed. Next click 'Tools->Delete Private Data->Advanced->Manage Cookies' Note: In order to keep your cookies from getting out of hand you should periodically clean them, otherwise you'll be dealing with allot of them manually since Opera will only allow you to delete one at a time in 'Manage Cookies'. Edit: Forgot to mention: To keep your cookies and only deal with them in Opera you'll have to disable Opera cookie deletion in CCleaner by doing this: 'Cleaner->Cleaner Settings->Applications->Opera->untick Cookies' I'm using WinXP and the installer has prompted me for a selection since at least the version 7 days of Opera, I don't really remember what version started prompting for multi-user support. If you aren't using WinXP that "may" be why it didn't prompt you to choose which type of installation. In any event multiple people can share a single user browser, you'd just have to separate the bookmarks and keep them neat.
  3. You set up a folder with all the view options you want, then click: Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Apply To All Folders, then click OK to exit. To remove the address bar open any folder and click: View -> Toolbars -> Untick Address Bar. Note: You may have to use what I just told you listed above in 'Apply To All Folders' for it stick. In Windows Explorer when you have a folder open right click inside the field where the Search, Copy, etc., icons are displayed and select: Customize Inside of customize you can add or remove displayed icons or text. Right click a blank area on the Desktop and select Properties, then click: Appearance->Advanced Using the drop down menu you can change the 'Icon Spacing (Horizontal)', and 'Icon Spacing (Vertical)' to what you want. Note: Depending upon your system font size if you have icons spaced too close with a larger font the names will be chopped off when looking at them on the desktop (see example). If the font is too big you can change it inside Appearance->Advanced as well by selecting from the drop down menu 'Icon', there may be other things inside of Appearance->Advanced that need the font size changed. Click OK to save all your changes and to exit Appearance->Advanced. Now to save a Windows XP theme after you've customized it: Right click a blank area on the Desktop and select Properties, then click: Themes -> Save As You can save the customized theme settings onto the hard disk, a good place would be 'My Documents\My Themes'. You can also save it onto a floppy, or burn it onto a CD-RW for the other computer you want to use it on. In any event the theme won't be large in size at all. I don't know how to change this one, perhaps someone else does. Cursors are usually installed into: C:\Windows\Cursors However if it isn't located in there use Windows built in search to try and locate it, typing in the saved name for example mycursor.cur will narrow down the search but if you don't remember the name you can also search for *.cur. ---- Edit: As for exporting all this from the registry I don't know of anyway to do it. You may need to search download websites for software that will save those settings.
  4. Yeah, a waste of partitioning in that scenario as you explained. On my old system my D: partition is for the Win98 install files, archived Win98 MS security updates, and downloaded software. The E: partition is for .rar backups of my current WinXP system.
  5. No, it isn't necessary to edit the default installed .ini files, CCleaner is detecting it because it's left-over junk "obsolete software" from the uninstall program. When running the Issues scanner (registry cleaner) if CCleaner shows those Google entries allow it to remove them, and do create the backup CCleaner pops up when you click the 'Fix selected issues...' to a folder such as My Documents. After a few days you can delete the .reg backup created by CCleaner. Edit: If CCleaner can't remove the reference you can manually remove it using RegEdit. It will probably be listed under one of the following areas or both: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software
  6. I've heard that frequent defragging can shorten the life of a hard disk. I've also read from VoptXP's website a few years ago back when they had documentation available that keeping a drive defragged increases the life since it doesn't have to search the disk for files separated by fragmentation. It's that Yes and No that confuses allot of people which sticks us into the grey area. All I know is I defrag everyday and have done so for the past 6 or 7 years and it hasn't (knock on wood) caused me any grief as of yet.
  7. Andavari

    Send Files

    Too bad it isn't more like ImageShack or XS.to where no account is needed.
  8. I seen them mentioned that way as well.
  9. You can remove Paint from Windows components via (WinXP instructions): Add or Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components -> highlight Accessories and Utilities then click Details -> highlight Accessories then click Details and finally untick Paint and click OK. To remove Internet Explorer you'd have to use something like XPLite, I don't know of any other program that removes it. Hopefully englishmen who's a member on the forums will see this post and recommend what he did, as he got rid of Internet Explorer, but I don't know if he used a commercial program or a freeware one.
  10. That would be a feature request that you can post in the suggestions thread, and cross your fingers "maybe" the CCleaner developer will add it at a later time.
  11. Other people have reported detected applications that they removed, which detailed into having to remove left over remnants in the Windows registry. Before you edit the registry make a system restore point if you're on WinXP, and also a known good registry backup using ERUNT (freeware, no adware or spyware).
  12. Andavari

    Opera Cookies

    If you didn't install Opera into the default location C:\Program Files\Opera that "may" be the reason CCleaner won't clean it using it's default built-in detection routine however since I've never custom installed Opera anywhere else than what the installer suggests that is purely an assumption. The winapp2.ini entry I created located here is for Opera single users meaning it will only look into: %programfiles%\Opera E.g.; If you selected to install Opera without multi-user support it will work. If you selected multi-user support you'll have to rely upon CCleaner's own built-in detection, or modify my entry for your user profile, then again a batch file is also a quick and handy remedy to delete the files. Something I just thought of but don't know for sure is if other languages support the variable %programfiles%.
  13. It already has one. Of course in order to use it delete files as per normal to the recycle bin, and follow the instructions below. How to enable it: Run CCleaner then click 'Options', and then click 'Settings'. Enable Secure File Deletion. DOD (3 passes) or NSA (7 passes) is recommended for the most sensitive of documents. Now click the larger 'Cleaner' button on the far upper left, and then under Cleaner Settings->Windows->System place a tick onto 'Empty Recycle Bin'. Now when you delete files into the Recycle Bin as per normal and then run CCleaner it will shred/overwrite the files stored within the Recycle Bin. Other programs that can shred files are: Eraser (freeware) Spybot - Search & Destory (freeware, found in Tools->Secure Shredder) AnalogX SuperShredder (freeware, but it is slower than hell)
  14. /AUTO only tells CCleaner to run the 'Cleaner' which removes junk files. Registry cleaning via 'Issues' must be done manually for obvious safety reasons being that it's important to know what is being removed from the registry.
  15. What does w/e mean? It's just my personal taste in music I suppose (it's like the Pepsi cola vs Coca Cola issue) but hey at least you didn't put down Candlemass. If I had listened to Dimmu Borgir's current material 2001 release and above ten years ago I wouldn't have like them one bit! The synthesizer issue does pop up, however it's mostly death metal bands that won't use them, whereas black metal is more melodic thus it has a niche with those type of bands. Dimmu Borgir is melodic which is what caught my attention when listening to their 2001 release 'Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia'. Although the 2003 release 'Death Cult Armageddon' is what I'd called average and I rarely listen to it. I like melodic death/black metal versus outright brutality, well I mostly like melodic black metal as I'm sort of bored with allot of death metal that's available. I do however wish allot of bands were much heavier with deeper bass, etc. I didn't realize Dimmu Borgir had a new album, I'll have to pop into my local music store and listen to some of the sample tracks to determine if I'll purchase it.
  16. True! They are serious about security, however as soon as MS secures something either via the typical patch or service pack, or even a new version it's exploited. I guess it's just the consequences of being the most heavily used OS worldwide.
  17. Well I used Partition Magic many years ago on my Win98 system, and the good thing about it was that it would automatically change registry settings/values to point to the correct drive letter for things such as the Windows installation source, installer repair source disk/disc letter, etc., and without that functionality one could spend a long time manually changing such values. However if I were to partition today I'd wait until I wanted or needed to reinstall WinXP and just start fresh without any worries of something going wrong, or having to manually deal with changing registry values manually. Reminiscing: The benefit I got out of partitioning back in the Win98 era when OSes would suddenly become broken out of the blue was that the Windows installation CD setup files and .cab files could be copied to their own unique partition for installation, which for some reason always produced a more reliable and less buggy Win98 installation for some reason unknown to me. But that was a long time ago. Yeah, and one thing I never quite got was people recommending to place the pagefile onto it's own partition, I've personally never messed with the pagefile in WinXP however I did screw around with it in Win98 which always created a buttload of memory related issues.
  18. I've never used Win2k, however the Windows Firewall was made available in WinXP (SP2). It's probably as Tarun stated: bad spyware However if that system has no firewall at all, or an old outdated one I'd bet it has more than spyware alone and probably has other infections as well. Time to follow Andy's recommendations he gives in the HijackThis thread then! And if that much is broken on the system and you don't have the install CD to reinstall Windows your boss may be shelling out some $ for a WinXP install CD.
  19. I personally see no reason to even use Diskeeper Lite or Pro, or whatever they're calling it as DJLizard has already stated the "Ultra Lite" version is already a part of WinXP and in itself it's rather powerful if you use the command line version. Get crafty and create some batch files to do all your defragging and you won't have to look at an GUI'd app whatsoever, heck you can even have Windows shutdown, restart, or log off itself with no envolvement whatsoever other than running the batch file you've saved. I don't know about the Diskeeper version being faster than the WinXP version since my system always defrags each disk in either a few short seconds or few short minutes - but then again I defrag so often neither of my disks have time to get too fragmented. One app to definately add to WinXP's defrag capabilities is Sysinternals PageDefrag (freeware) hence it can quickly defrag files that are in-use during a Windows session during bootup.
  20. Those popups that are unsolicated advertisements stating you have a "worm, spyware, corrupted registry" etc., can easily be blocked by a software-based firewall (ZoneAlarm, Sygate, Kerio, etc.,), hell even Windows Firewall will block them. Another problem is if you're seeing those popups they may have inputted their rogue websites into IE's Trusted Sites which means you'd have to manually remove them or deal with the consequences of someone stupid enough to actually visit such a website with cough, cough Internet Exploiter. Those popups can also occur if the system either: 1. Doesn't have a firewall installed. 2. The system has a firewall installed but it isn't configured properly e.g.; it isn't blocking the proper ports, or the firewall is old and needs updated to a newer version that has fixed vulnerabilities in earlier versions. ------ Edit: If that system has anything as old as say Kerio v2.1.5 get rid of that old s**t and update it to something more current!
  21. I liked some of their older stuff, however in my mind they don't compare to Dimmu Borgir and Candlemass. At least you like music! I can tolerate just about any type of music - mind you the genres I don't like I can only tolerate in short dosages. There was a woman I worked with years ago that stated she hated music although she wasn't religious, etc. I thought she was the weirdest person ever, and when she stated one day at lunch time that she didn't like pizza either I knew she was weird. She must not have heard of the phrase choose your own pizza toppings. How weird is that?
  22. I liked AntiVir 7 however that update issue is exactly the reason I didn't test it for very long, the need to manually download a signature file should be a long forgotten issue.
  23. I'll have to tell my aunt that because at the time I was installing all the software on her PC I couldn't tell where the hell that noise was coming from. Of course since she's a computer newbie I'll have to make an HTML guide on how to do it.
  24. That's the exact reason when I order my system 2 1/2 years ago I had two internal hard disks installed, I didn't want to have to partition the disk anymore.
  25. I tried it one or two years ago, however since I didn't notice any improvements I undid the changes and deleted the app. Seems these type of apps don't necessarily benefit WinXP that much as I tried several with no noticable improvements, and many people say they don't work at all. However; I will say this though when I was an AOL dialup user many years ago I used a similiar minded app that changed my download speeds from 3 kbps max to around 5 kbps max. But the biggest speed improvement is achieved by blocking ad banners!
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