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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. I said it because I did not want to offend you by thinking that it is horrible or something.


    :lol::lol::lol: Even if you said it looked like week old dog poop I would have laughed - because I would've expected it from you, you're too predictable dude! It wouldn't have upset me at all.

  2. Seems people as of late are storing important stuff in temp folders which is a big no no.


    If you stored them and any other important files in a system temp folder in general you're out of luck unless some sort of undelete program can get them back which is a big maybe. You need to start downloading files into a dedicated download folder such as C:\Downloads or even into 'My Documents\Downloads'.


    Just about any cleaning program will wipe a temp folder clean, even the built-in Windows Disk Cleanup could give you tons of misery if you store files in a system temp folder.

  3. You are good at making graphics.


    It's called Copy+Paste+Blend. No real skills involved other than patience.


    I kinda like it but the top section is too bulky and bloated for my liking. Reduce the size of the CCleaner logo a bit and remove the links and it'd be spot on (IMHO)


    Actually I was trying to think of something to put in the big blank upper right area but couldn't think of anything. Yeah the logo is fat.


    I'd like to see some other people post conceptual images of their own. Let's have fun with it.

  4. Everyone has their opinion, and it's well appreciated. I myself am not into bloated skins in applications or being a separate loadable resource - hence the reason I always used the default Winamp skin from v2 to v5 that is up until I ditched Winamp completely, and it's why Ad-Aware and Spybot SD on my system use the default theme.


    I'm no programmer however I think the only graphic to add would be the logo and of course the icons which in reality wouldn't add that much KB to the .exe because they'd have to be 256 colour for older OSes without good display cards. The other colours (light blue, or whatever it is) can be done via the code in the application - I think.


    Anyways this is just wishful thinking and only a concept or dream if you will and was done for the fun of it, and since I was bored silly.

  5. Thank you, both of you! :)


    All you need now is new icons for the Cleaner, Issues, Tools and Options.


    MrG could use icons from Iconaholic (formerly FOOODS) if he asked for permission, or even some other icon site if they allow it! I surely can't do it because the icons I make always end up looking like total crap, changing a GUI is another thing though as I only spent about 40 minutes on the conceptual image above.

  6. Although I have no say in what CCleaner looks like, etc., this is a design concept I whipped together whilst playing about in MS Paint attempting to combine the look of CCleaner.com with CCleaner the application.


    What does everyone think?



  7. The cool thing is you can call the credit card company to block AOL from getting paid via the used credit card. The same can be done via a bank when using a Check Card. When I cancelled AOL I put a block on them for more than one reason because when I was a member crap would mysteriously appear in the mail (snail mail) from AOL such as books on how to do HTML, etc., that I never even ordered, but they sure as hell billed me for it. AOL sucks!

  8. When did Adobe & Macromedia merge?


    I was going through Add or Remove Programs and thought what the hell when it was listing the recently installed Flash 9 Beta as:

    Adobe Flash Player 9 ActiveX


    Upon inspection of the installed files this is what I found:

    ? 1996-2006 Adobe Macromedia Software LLC. All rights reserved.




    Damn Adobe is grabbing all sorts of vendors.

  9. The problem with FileKey4 (FileKey4=%ProgramFiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\reports|*.txt) is that in Ewido 4.0 it only creates a report if malware is found (that's the default setting anyways). Therefore if someone is letting it automatically scan via the scheduler they would only know from the main screen that something was removed, but since the scan log would be deleted they wouldn't know what/where the infection was that Ewido got rid of.

  10. ...sent MrG a separate cleaning entry just for Ewido Anti-Spyware.




    I also just realized that there is another key needed:


    FileKey4=%ProgramFiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\reports|*.txt


    This is where the new version stores all of it's scan reports so I figured that could get out of hand so I tried to add this key and it works great.


    Thanks again you put me on the right track,



    I know of that location and such, however it's one of those if'y things of do we delete it or don't we? MrG should see this thread because I made reference to it in the PM, so if he wants FileKey4 in there it's up to him since it is after all his program.

  11. Yeah, I noticed that new regkey in the registry so perhaps I goofed in sending the updated winapp.ini entry to MrG this early because I have both of these in the registry (mind you I didn't do a thorough cleaning of v3.5 I just uninstalled it and rebooted):


    HKLM\Software\ewido anti-spyware

  12. Rather CCleaner knows all of the below listed variables I don't know, I do know that it will recognise some of them.


    %windir% = C:\Windows

    %programfiles% = C:\Program Files

    %drive% = C:\

    %commonappdata% = The Common Application Data folder

    %applicationdata% = The Application Data folder

    %appdata% = The Application Data folder

    %allusersprofile% = WinXP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users

  13. I'm going to PM MrG with a separate Ewido Anti-Spyware cleaning routine (of course to cover all the previous named incarnations 'Security Suite', 'Anti-Malware'), because I just noticed a growing error.txt file in its folder about it not being able to contact the update server. I can only imagine it will become bloated over time. Hopefully he'll be able to include it in the next version of CC.

  14. Open winapp.ini (not winapp2.ini) and search for Ewido, then paste this as the last line:

    FileKey3=%ProgramFiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0|logfile.txt


    It should now look like this when finished:

    [Ewido Anti-Malware (Log)]




    FileKey1=%ProgramFiles%\Ewido\Security Suite|logfile.txt

    FileKey2=%ProgramFiles%\Ewido Anti-Malware|logfile.txt

    FileKey3=%ProgramFiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0|logfile.txt

  15. Any particular reason?


    • The memory problem/sluggish system performance I noticed with 3.5 after a scan is probably 30%-40% cured in 4.0.

    • The GUI in 4.0! Looks modern and sleek!

    • Much more information in the scan settings as to what it can scan

    Now if they'd only add a full featured anti-virus into it I'd think about buying it.

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