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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Stuff found in the Temp folder's is typically junk and nothing more. From your screenshot it looks as if they are leftovers from an installation package that unpacked them into Windows\Temp and didn't remove them once the installation was done which is a usual occurance especially if the installation required a reboot.

  2. The ink cartridges are proprietary in shape and size and are therefore no interchangeable. However you could get an ink refill kit and keep using the same old cartridges. Some people state that the ink refill kits are good, yet others say they're not - personally I've never used a refill kit.


    Oh yeah, there's a legitimate online site (don't remember the site address) that sells name brand ink cartridges that they fill with their own ink for like 50% less cost.

  3. Make sure the popup site hasn't "hacked" and installed itself as a trusted site in your Firefox settings in:

    Tools->Options->Content->Block Popup Windows->Allowed Sites


    Blocking the popup source site in the HOSTS file should get rid of it for good.

  4. Yes it can be difficult to understand, and doesn't need to be debated! It isn't a debate of "why is it hard to understand."


    When IPB updated the forum software some time ago from simple Quote abilities by only clicking the Quote button, and changed it to having to click Quote+Reply it caught a few people out by surprise including myself which I'm not ashamed to admit.


    If you look at how some people quote other posts simply using quotation marks it's pretty clear to me that they haven't figured out the knack of using Quote+Reply. And since most people aren't going to have the patience or time to figure it out on their first few posts they most likely aren't going to play around with something that isn't straight forward.

  5. if it wasnt, you can try this program...


    What program, you provided no link.


    You'd need to use some restoration software if there were any critical files in that folder such as important documents and such along those lines. However be forewarned that regaining all of the files via restoration software probably won't be 100% successful. If you have a backup version restoring them from either a .zip archive or a backup disc (CD-R, CD-RW) will probably be the quickest route to getting your files back, if you've been periodically backing them up - if not this is your wakeup call to start regularly making backups of important files off the main hard disk.

  6. Yeah it was confusing to me for a good long while on Hydrogenaudio until I just flat out asked how to use it and quickly got a reply. It wouldn't hurt to have a site-related pinned/closed topic just on the subject of using the buttons properly because they're damned confusing at first compared to other forum software.

  7. If you don't know exactly what it is leave well enough alone, I also have it installed and I'm taking my own advice of leaving it alone. At the very least do some research or ask on some Microsoft led forums before possibly removing something that Windows needs and the end result being crippling your OS or even worse having to format and reinstall Windows.


    I think CCleaner really shouldn't be showing all of these hidden components because someone will be foolish enough to start removing them without even knowing exactly what they're for, they're hidden in Add or Remove Programs for a reason. But if a shoot yourself in both feet option is there to stay, so be it.

  8. I would like it if and only if it was visible at all times. I literally found it rather annoying in a matter of seconds with it constantly disappearing and having to click 'alt+space' to make it appear again. Not for me.

  9. Welcome to the CCleaner forums!


    I don't have the answer to correct your problem. However, it seems rather odd that CCleaner would rename the Recycle Bin. If it did which I highly doubt this would be the first of anyone mentioning it and having that particular problem, however anything is possible.


    If your problem is going to be taken serious you need to provide some basic information:

    • Operating system version, and installed service pack.
      e.g.; Windows XP Service Pack 2.
    • CCleaner version you downloaded and installed, and did you get the setup file from www.ccleaner.com.
    • Have you used any "tweak" programs, or registry cleaners.


  10. Look it up at http://www.processlibrary.com/. For things not found there which are .exe files using Windows built-in search to find the .exe and right click it when found and select Properties to get an ideal of what it is.


    Note: It's much safer and allot wiser to simply disable Startup programs via Start->Run->MSconfig.exe versus actually deleting them should they actually be needed or wanted to start with Windows again.


    Better tell your friend not to get too hasty deleting stuff, as deleting the wrong Startup apps can cause problems. He could even post a HijackThis log on here to get advice of what's safe to disable from Startup.

  11. The download is only like 800kb.(even on your connection it wont take to long :P)


    Putcha dukes up, thems fighten words maken fun of my ole' dial-up. Joking of course!

  12. I am absolutely stunned that MS Support blamed CCleaner


    I however am not. Don't forget the Hotfix Uninstallers problem that's caught just about all of us out from the beginning when the $hf_mig$ folder was emptied accidently of course. And the more current IE7 Beta and WMP 11 Beta uninstallers being deleted, therefore for MS to blame CCleaner doesn't suprise me - but if they're going to outright claim CCleaner is destroying something that it doesn't or never has then it's a very low blow and a cheap shot.

  13. eldmannen, im obsessive about this, so i scan with about 8-10 scanners every week. i use ccleaner everytime i leave my computer, and i scan with adaware and spybot every single day. i feel pretty confident that im clean. :)


    I think you're wasting allot of time and stressing your hard disk by doing it that much - just my personal opinion. However to support that much scanning I do understand "obsessive/paranoia" scanning could and may very well be necessary if someone isn't the only user of a system and doesn't trust other users on the PC whom may not exactly have the best healthy computing practices, e.g.; they'll download anything and click anything without ever pre-scanning it with an antivirus nor an antispyware app. It happens to be one of my pet peeves of scanning downloaded files, and files from disks/discs before ever opening them therefore I right click and scan such files in those instances. I just remembered a incident from a year or two ago when a childrens CD video game was stupidly shipped unscanned by the manufacturer with a nasty Win32 worm ready to infect unprotected systems.


    I personally only scan for viruses once per week using eTrust EZ Antivirus, and once in a blue moon I'll do a quick 'only infectable files scan' using AVG Free. I only scan with Ad-Aware and Spybot S&D when they're updated, and very rarely with Ewido AntiSpyware.

  14. DVD burner/reader

    CD burner/reader


    I would actually just go with just one burner/reader and it would be a do-it-all DVD burner/reader. Why? Because the new high density DVD format's (plural) are going to be released "supposedly at the end of this year," and you may want one of those in a year or two.


    no monitor


    Do you already have a good enough monitor? That's one way to save a good chunk of money if you do.

  15. So-called "tweak" sites say to "use" a pagefile that's 2.5 times your installed memory. However in my opinion it's just some old legacy crap from the Win9x days that doesn't make much of a noticable difference. Other than that using a customized pagefile can cause a horde of memory related issues such as; an app that typically never gives any problems may all of a sudden start barking about being out of memory.

  16. How about someone posting a real screenshot of it, you know with the taskbar visible and all because the screenshots on the website aren't revealing much to me.

  17. I did try it before in the past and it caused more problems than it claimed to fix.


    The same here, I remember trying a previous version as a trial basis on my old Win98 computer some years ago and shockingly the butcher they call a registry cleaner in the app removed more than half the registry - good thing I always have registry backups.

  18. theres another one. on the top right hand corner. nobody circled that one.


    I only noticed that one immediately after I submitted the amount I found - too late. The strange thing is at first I didn't really notice any until I studied the image then they started appearing left and right. It's like one of those stupid wood carvings that say cheesy stuff like "LOVE" in white letters.

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