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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Those talking about services, updates and such need re-read the first line that was posted:

    an old computer with Windows 98

    My guess would be some app is wanting to auto-update, e.g.; antivirus, antispyware, malware, etc. And the suggestion that Mike had about changing the connection in Internet Explorer is what I would've also suggested because it stops auto-updating apps from auto-dialing the modem.

  2. If you don't pay the fine Cingular will issue a warrant and have you arrested. Not buying new stuff when you're happy with your old stuff is a felony I think.


    Yeah and they could easily loose a hell of allot of profit when someone bitchslaps them with a lawsuit for several millions of dollars. Companies never learn.

  3. What online dialup service can You get without theyre software


    1. You install their software, get the dialup access numbers for your area and save them into a text document.

    2. Uninstall their software.

    3. Click 'All Programs->Accessories->Communications->New Connection Wizard' to setup a new Dial-up Networking connection and input the ISP info including the access numbers, your user information (name, password, etc).

    4. Done, you'll connect via Microsoft Dial-up Networking without the ISP software.

    Note: This doesn't work with all ISP's!

  4. Certainly, but that doesn't work for the Uninstall ("Add-Remove Programs") section...


    I misinterpreted (or was guilty of skim reading). However just deleting Startup entries without an undo does bug me.

    In fact, a while ago I requested a 'Regedit Jump" option, so that you could easily jump to the HKLM\Software\Mocrosoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall regkey in order to make sure what exactly it was you were having CC remove.


    Ah, something like Syinternals Regjump, but instead built into CCleaner. Sort of the way it also works in RegSeeker (well sometimes it works in RegSeeker).

  5. $12.99 for six months and then what is it priced at?

    One of the reasons I'm so reluctant to switch ISP's is because some of them actually require the usage of their software - something which I've never liked and never will.

  6. Nope never heard of that app, and most DRM'd songs can be burned to an audio CD. If you don't want to deal with the negatives of DRM'd music don't buy it. Paying $1.00 or more per song at lossy quality which is DRM'd is silly when the lossless audio CD version can be purchased for less depending upon the number of tracks, and you can choose to rip it to any non-DRM'd format of your liking as much as you like for as long as you like without restrictions.

  7. Great.....guess they didn't see the pics of that Dell laptop exploding. :blink:


    I guess we are both thinking along the same lines about that then, I was wondering how much of a boom an electric car would make if several of it's batteries all of a sudden wanted to explode.


    Actually in my case an electric car would do just fine (well maybe not in Iowa's below freezing winters, anyone got a one ton battery warmer) because I don't leave the city often, and thus wouldn't need very long distance capabilities.

  8. I know that the walmart site gives their music in 128kb wma format. That is such low quality that even the first time you burn it to a disc it sounds like crap.


    WMA at 128 k/bits doesn't make my ears happy at all, to much artifacts for me, and doesn't start sounding good/acceptable to me unless it's at 192 k/bits or higher if using WMA VBR mode, but still then I wouldn't choose it. For lossy audio formats it's hands down LAME MP3 (compatible with anything), and Ogg Vorbis (gaining more and more hardware support). For lossless audio it's WavPack.

  9. must admit I am very suprised that none of you techies has come up with a cure for this problem


    Since there's been no response with a cure it would suggest that we don't know what the cure is, we are after all just CCleaner users ourselves, we don't develop the application.


    However; when running the Cleaner portion of CCleaner it will periodically clean the Muicache, which Windows will promptly rebuild. As for Shared DLL's causing it to freeze the only thing I can think of would be if you have a corrupt DLL (or more than one) - but that is just pure speculation with no concept of it being a fact, so don't take it to heart.

  10. Good suggestion, however the phone company will and should check the line for free here in the U.S. and they're responsible as well for making sure it's in good working order.



    * And going even one step further replacing the phone line going into your modem may be of some help.

    * Something that perplexed me for days a couple of years ago was when my answering machine phone wire become faulty (didn't know about it for two whole days) it caused all sorts of connection problems - even though it was in a completely different room and wasn't even connected to the PC modem, therefore checking the connection of all phones in the house is a must.

  11. Last I checked you can bypass the iTunes protected music by burning the song to an audio cd then ripping it back to the computer as a mp3.


    The problem is that is transcoding, and will loose allot of quality. It's best to not support any DRM'd music in the first place, and thus there won't be a problem with it!

  12. There's an electric "sportscar" being built in California U.S.A. which I had seen on t.v. once maybe last year. The problem with the electric cars of today is they're so expensive compared to a regular car but then again they aren't produced by big name manufacturers that can build 250,000 units a year. Another thing some people may not realize too is when charging electric cars the energy that charges it isn't green friendly, everything has a drawback.

  13. You could uninstall the NetZero software, reboot, and reinstall it to see if that actually fixes anything, good luck. Aside from the connection problem I think all dial-up is pretty much the same, and if you can connect via dial-up networking without using or installing the typically crappy ISP software all the better.

  14. ummm 7-Zip also has a GUI. it doesn't look as great as WinRAR's GUI but it gets the job done.


    Yes I'm aware 7-Zip has a GUI.


    Seems the server is overwhelmed. :(


    Yup! Too bad it's just for one day only and is only on one website because allot of people that want it may not end up getting it.


    Try the free offer page http://www.win-rar.com/bestoverallutility/ in Internet Explorer, it takes forever to load but at least IE doesn't give up on attempting to load the page like Opera and Firefox do.

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