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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. It proves rridgely's point that some threads just naturally evolve.


    Exactly, and it would be a never ending chore for the mod's and admin to constantly split up threads that have as you've perfectly stated just naturally evolve, and I think pretty much most regular to frequent forum members have and do fall into the category of being a reason a thread might be split. Although many forum rules state stay on-topic, who really follows that recommendation 100% of the time in 100% of all posts they make.


    But if some people want threads to be 100% Robot Efficient with no human interaction, and if the tiniest shift from being on-topic goes even slightly into an off-topic discussion which causes a thread to get split then so be it. I've personally seen such Robot Efficiency for years on other forums and they lack any kind of friendliness to them, and I'd have a better time reading a manual on how to watch paint dry.

  2. ...also along with upgrading to the newest version indicated by Tarun which is what I'd try first, are you trying to view the running processes under an Admin account or Limited access account? Although I see no real reason why that would be the problem but who really knows even if the developers of the application are seemly have to look into the problem.


    The only other thing I can think of and have no ideal if it's even a proper suggestion would be to use regsvr32.exe on the .dll and .sys files in the folder Ewido is installed into, e.g.;


    Can be used via Start->Run, or in a batch file, or command prompt:


    regsvr32 "%programfiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\context.dll"regsvr32 "%programfiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\engine.dll"regsvr32 "%programfiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\guard.sys"regsvr32 "%programfiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\help.dll"regsvr32 "%programfiles%\ewido anti-spyware 4.0\shellexecutehook.dll"


  3. now if they would only do that in the US!


    I was thinking People PC used to do something like that here in the U.S. before they became a low cost dial-up ISP, however I could be wrong because I don't remember if Internet access was a part of the "bargain."


    Wait a minute, doesn't AOL have something similiar to that? I could've sworn they had some $299 or $399 per year or one time deal that included a Windows-based PC with AOL Internet access - but the caught was you'd have to use their ISP service for one or two full years so as to not breach the contract. I started with AOL back in 1998 and wish there would have been something like that around back then because I spent like $3000 on my now old, ancient, crappy PC that's better used as a paper weight.

  4. I believe a handful of people have had the issue with previous versions, however I think you're the first with the newest release - that is if you're using the newest release. It seems to happen on some systems, but not all. As to why it happens I don't have a clue, and it would best answered by the CCleaner developer MrG.

  5. Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20060721/tc_nf/44765


    "This is a criminal act," said Hemanshu Nigam, chief security office at MySpace, in a statement. "This ad is being delivered by ad networks who distribute these ads to over a thousand sites across the Internet in addition to ours. We are working to have these ad networks remove this ad so that they do not appear on our site."

    That comment caught my attention, one would think they'd get rid of the whole ad company responsible for it - I certainly would.


    Not that I'm a fan of myspace because I've never visited it and never will and I'm going with the same approach as hpGURU's hpHOSTS file and I'm actively blocking myspace.com.

  6. Some music sites I've stumbled upon have links to a license (sorry I absolutely don't remember what it's called) that basically states that the music can be used in anyway you can think of so long as you don't profit from it by selling it.


    Ahh ha, here's some reading on what I'm babbling about:






    Check out the Vorbis.com music section for Ogg Vorbis (*.ogg) downloads that aren't restricted by any license:



  7. i don't care about Adblock or FilterSet.G but you did introduce me to IE-SpyAd as i have never heard about it. was easy to install(although i did have to edit the reg file to work with IE7). but i'm not sure if it works better than Spybot's IE plugin :).

    IE-SpyAd more-or-less blocks the same s**t that SpywareBlaster does, well SpywareBlaster is missing something like 23 or 38 sites (don't remember exactly).


    • Merging/Combining two files such as readme1.txt and readme2.txt into one file named readme.txt:
      Start a Command Prompt and type in:
      copy "readme1.txt"+"readme2.txt" "readme.txt"
    • If an mp3 won't play attempt to fix it in Foobar 2000 by right clicking it in the playlist and selecting Fix MP3 Header.
    • Make an all inclusive updater batch file (.bat) with the path to your update programs that will run most or all of your update programs for antivirus, and antispyware.
      "C:\Program Files\CA\eTrust Internet Security Suite\eTrust EZ Antivirus\autodown.exe"
      "C:\Program Files\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\Ad-Aware.exe"
      This works best on WinXP because it will wait for a particular program to exit before loading the next.
    • How to enable Error Correction in Windows Media Player ("WMP")
      Enabling Error Correction:
      1. Run WMP by clicking:
      Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Entertainment -> Windows Media Player
      2. In WMP click: Tools -> Options -> Devices
      3. Select your CD/DVD drive and then click: Properties.
      4. Tick both Use Error Correction boxes, then click Apply, and then click OK to exit.
      Repeat these steps for each CD/DVD drive you have installed that you wish to use with WMP.
      What this does:
      * It allows WMP to playback audio CD's that you only wish to listen to using Error Correction.
      * It allows WMP to rip audio CD's with Error Correction.
      * Allows you to rip your audio CD's more "securely" meaning it decreases that chances of errors such as glitches in the ripped audio files.
      If an audio CD has severe enough scratches, or is physically damaged you may not get a perfect copy. However with Error Correction enabled in most cases it "may or will" eliminate very annoying sections where errors can't be fully repaired - it's a "this is as good as it gets scenario."
      What is Error Correction (taken from the WMP help file):
      In Windows Media Player, a process to ensure that digital audio data is read from the CD-ROM drive accurately during playback or copying. Using error correction can prevent undesirable noises that are not part of the original material.
    • Displaying A Bigger Font In Burnatonce
      Here's how:
      1. Close burnatonce
      2. Open: C:\Program Files\burnatonce\burnatonce.ini
      3. Search for: Font
      4. Change the CommandLog Font to: Verdana
      5. Change the CommandLog Size to: 8.25
      6. Save the burnatonce.ini file.
      This is what it should look like when finished:
      CommandLog Font=Verdana
      CommandLog Size=8.25
      You can substitute Verdana with another easily visible font it you wish, just keep in mind that you'll need to run burnatonce afterwords to see if the font is legable in the program.
      Burnatonce is a freeware CD writing program, available at burnatonce.com.


  9. Could the "new ASE" operation have added "Deep Exploration" to a list of applications ?


    If you mean when you added it in 'Folder Options->File Types' I'd think yes that "may" be what did it.


    Also the key area HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.???\OpenWithList

    is what CC finds on WinXP when it constantly adds an extension into the registry rather a program opens it or not. The strange thing though is it wanting to remove a known working file type.

  10. If they're in your browser cache (temporary internet files) in Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Mozilla Suite, and a few other browsers then yes CC will remove the cache if that option is enabled on the large Cleaner button. CC will also remove such images from the global Temp folder, or the Temp folder of your user profile - this depends on your Windows OS version where such a folder is located.



    Some of the porn .jpg images have too long of a filename and end up exploiting a filename length limitation in Windows. That limitation is not being able delete such files via Explorer and has to be done using backend Command Prompt tools as people have found out when posting for help to remove those. Removing them is not always successful as seen in this perplexing thread that stumped me rather well.

  11. Just a guess on my part however "maybe" you need to configure some of the file types in 'Folder Options->File Types' so that those file types are "properly" registered in the Windows registry, then again you may need to make sure you're an Administrator on the system so that configuring those file types will work. Or perhaps easier: right clicking files such as .ASE and choosing to always open with a particular program may solve it.



    Or you've uncovered a possible bug in CCleaner on Win2000.

  12. Some Sony U.S. Exec stated it was going to be 21 times more powerful than the PS2 on a cable news show (CNN, Fox, don't really remember) earlier this year.

  13. Oh yeah a sucker is born everyday, those are gonna sell like hotcakes, the silly thing is my mom the other day asked me if she had to rewind rented DVD movies - imagine explaining that with a straight face.

    Notice the Firefox loading icon just above the power button on the right!



    Darn it, someone is really going to get flustered when they need to rewind a CD-R.

  14. Why are HOSTS files being used to block ads all over the net? Because uneducated children with no technical experience at all (such as yourself) go around propagating that it's a good thing, but it is not. Even Microsoft has said how the misuse of the HOSTS file can and will slow down your computer AND increase network traffic.


    Yeah but the article you quoted is talking about IP addresses, not URL's, however I myself don't like the concept of blocking IP addresses because eventually it does lead to a problem.

    The line in your quote that's in red (and another incident - wouldn't you like to know) has pretty much made me make up my mind on you - wouldn't you like to know that too? I'm not telling.

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