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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. If CCleaner is deleting the wrong files, what may possibly be the cause?

    Please note:

    This has not been confirmed by me for very obvious reasons in that I don't want files on my system disappearing just to prove it, it's currently just a theory.


    What's this about:

    In response to some threads where CC users have stated it deleted their My Documents folder, etc.

    Possible cause:

    Other registry cleaners stating CC's registry settings are invalid, especially those which cleanse the folders/files locations selected in 'Custom Files and Folders'


    My thinking is some registry cleaners may actually be removing part of the location of the Custom Files and Folders from the CC registry settings, thus causing the parent folder or files in it to get deleted instead of user selected folders/files.



    Let's say "Some Registry Cleaner" states this as "invalid" in the CC registry settings, and a CC user unknowingly allows "Some Registry Cleaner" with faith thinking it's "correct" to remove that which it states is "invalid" such as:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Profile\Local Settings\Temp|C:\Temp|C:\WINDOWS\Temp|D:\TEMP|


    and transforms it into something along these lines:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Your User Profile


    This would of course be seriously bad!




    How to avoid CC registry settings from being detected by registry cleaners:

    Input into registry cleaners the name CCleaner in their area to ignore/exclude/skip detection so that they leave CCleaner alone.


    How to have EasyCleaner ignore CC's registry settings

    (this application is known to detect CC's registry settings when using CC's Custom Files and Folders):

    1. Run EasyCleaner

    2. Click the large 'Registry' button

    3. Under 'Skip' type in: CCleaner


    How to have RegSeeker ignore CC's registry settings:

    1. Run RegSeeker

    2. Click 'Clean the registry'

    3. Click the 'Exclusions ...' button.

    4. Copy and paste the following at the end of the exclude.ini file:

    # Start of protection for CCleaner

    1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner

    1|Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner\Options

    # End of protection for CCleaner

  2. The only problem I had on Tuesday was the updating was super sloooooow and only downloading at what I'd imagine half speed via MS Updates.


    I posed the question a few weeks about wondering if Automatic Updates trickled downloads and DjLizard stated it did - hence the reason to fire up IE and visit MS Updates when they release their horde of monthly exploit fixes, well for us dial-up users at least. Something else, be careful having automatic updates set to full automation hence you may end up getting Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications installed unknowingly.

  3. Since a new version is released approximately once a month (give or take for bug fixes and such) I'd speculate five years unless MrG decides to skip a bunch of version numbers inbetween the up and coming 1.33 to get to 2.0. :P

  4. Yes, I am running norton firewall, I would like to uninstall and use windows firewall, but idk how to uninstall just the firewall from norton a/v. I think I may have read what you are refering to, the guy who figurerd out what was wrong uninstalled his norton firewall for zonealarm fw.


    That Norton stuff can cause allot of problems! Although this doesn't diagnose your system you can grab a fully featured 1 year trial of eTrust EZ Antivirus, or free all the time Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic, AVG Free, Avast Home Edition, and combine either one of them with ZoneAlarm and you're set.

  5. i want to backup this preferences because when i will go to reinstall pc i would like to install it silently with my preferences setted


    That must be done manually to save what you have ticked in the GUI.


    To backup your selections:

    1. Open RegEdit: Start->Run->Type in: regedit

      then click OK.

    2. In RegEdit browse down to:

      HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner

    3. At the CCleaner location highlight it so that it's selected and then click File->Export

    4. Browse to My Documents and save the file as "CCleaner Settings.reg" so that you know exactly what the file is for.

    This is of course only useful if you uninstall CCleaner and then reinstall it, e.g.; "Clean Install" however that isn't necessary as you can install new CCleaner versions over an already installed version which will retain all your settings. Note: It's wise to backup the settings immediately before you uninstall CCleaner so that your backup is at least relevant to your most current configuration.

  6. Well a fresh XP install would have gobs of restore points as soon as Windows Updates are successfully installed. All those "Software Distribution 2.0" restore points, or something along those lines on a fresh install are pretty much useless because there's no reason to undo XP critical security updates. And since I'm a fanboy of ERUNT I can tell you that its registry backups can and will save a system in some cases when system restore fails to restore the system to a previous state.

  7. picture quality? it all depends on how the data is encoded(unless it's a raw source).


    Yup! And what's seen in the early stages is only preliminary and "may" vastly improve. Too bad though that HD-DVD and Blu-Ray seem to be repeating the whole Beta vs. VHS thing all over again, but then again not too long ago so did DVD+ and DVD- formats.


    The consortiums/companies seriously need to support a one-format which would not only allow for all hardware to be compatible, it would also be far less confusing for the consumer.

  8. Just about an good av should detect it, and I highly recommend trying the EICAR test. It's good to try when switching to a new anti-virus, anti-trojan, anti-spyware product just so that one can get used to it's dialogs for dealing with a test virus, versus waiting for the real thing.

  9. Shut down Windows: C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe user,exitWindows

    Restart Windows: C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe user,exitWindowsexec

    Useful with a very big but which is: some anti-malware apps will detect them (falsely of course in this case) as something like "Trojan Exit Windows", "Trojan Exploit", etc., even if they're not used as a link - they could simply be in a text document and be flagged as infected/exploit/suscipious.

  10. Yeah and those hackers can also mislead MS in the wrong direction as well. In any event I highly doubt no matter what MS claims or whoever else about Vista's security there will most likely be holes and exploits in it.


    Also don't forget existing applications which may have vulnerabilities such as anti-virus, software-based firewalls, etc., will have to be updated/upgraded so as to not be an open doorway into the OS making it exploitable when it's supposed to be "secure".

  11. Perhaps a change in the forum software? Just yesterday or was it the day before it wasn't acting right with Opera when editing a post because there was no option to do a quick edit, whereas in Firefox there was no noticable change.


    Edit: Just noticed the problem I was having is now working correctly in Opera.

  12. could never remember what the shortcuts were to these.

    finally found a list on some site.


    Pretty helpful I copied them to a text file on my system, some of them I didn't even know.


    Oh yeah, the last line in the code has a typo you have it as writ when it needs to be write

  13. You mean flushing the icon cache causes the icons to go crappy looking?

    If so that's exactly what RegSeeker does on my system, but Tweak UI doesn't.


    And yeah the only way to get the icons back to normal that I've ever found was to use a System Restore point to undo the changes, or an ERUNT backup.

  14. I don't trust AOL and sure as hell won't subject my system to their software even if it's some rebranded commercial application, and from what JDPower posted above I think we should seriously take the post by TwistedMetal to heart yet again:

    It's from AOL. What good has ever come from AOL?




    The program itself is only a on demand scanner and email scanner.


    Hmm, interesting. So then why should anyone even bother with it when there's freeware fully function av's with a resident shield; Avast, AntiVir, AVG.

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