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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. The reason would be the stuff cleaned hasn't re-appeared as of yet, therefore there wouldn't be anything for CCleaner to remove. Also some entries deal with MRU locations in the Windows Registry therefore CCleaner won't list anything in the Cleaner Progress on the right side.

  2. seems like imageshack.us is down!

    i could get there but couldnt upload a single thing.


    There's also XS.to which I've been using more and more because Imageshack seems like it's bogged down more than often the last few months, even pages in forums load slower due to Imageshack running slow at times.

  3. Contig is alright and all but I've completely abandoned it after it was last updated because it kept showing some license agreement which I had agreed to many times, it became too annoying to keep using.

  4. System restore points are extremely valuable, both for advanced users and novices.


    I agree, it's saved me a few times. Although it has sometimes caused some grief too like breaking shortcuts, etc., and the one thing I don't like about it is when it renames files or folders such as some.dll becoming some(2).dll which I think needs to be remedied in a hotfix.

  5. i love metal and only metal. i recently found out about a show on Adult Swim called Metalocalypse. it ROCKS. the band in the show(Dethklok) makes some pretty good songs too.


    When is it on my fellow metal head?

  6. One thing I did forget, for large companies on a network a commercial defragger may be useful to defrag all computers via an admin system, but for us end-users that offers not much of an advantage.

  7. Well some can have a boot-time defrag, which I think Disk Keeper has in the commercial version - note Windows uses a scaled down version of Disk Keeper.


    VoptXP another commercial defragger has some extra features like wipe empty disk space, optimize page file, etc.


    I personally see no reason to even mess with 3rd party defraggers.

  8. If everyone is going to post their favourite extensions/plugins and we please follow how rridgely started this thread by including:

    * Name of the extension/plugin with URL link.

    * A description.

  9. Not the PC manufacturer, the display card manufacturer, "ATI", etc. Unless of course if Toshiba manufacturers their own display cards.


    PC manufacturer websites including Windows Update typically have old outdated not recommended drivers when compared to the display card manufacturer website.

  10. I didn't get far into your dxdiag.txt log file until I noticed this:


    DxDiag Notes


    Display Tab 1: The system is using the generic video driver. Please install video driver provided by the hardware manufacturer. Direct3D functionality not available. You should verify that the driver is a final version from the hardware manufacturer.

    Windows generic drivers evidently aren't allowing DirectX to function fully.

    I'd say you need to find video drivers from the display card manufacturer. The manufacturer can be found in Device Manager by selecting Properties on the display card.



    In Device Manager you can also update the drivers from there over the Internet, although doing it that way means you won't have a choice in what drivers are delivered to your system, e.g.; the newest version. You should look on the manufacturer website for Windows Hardware Lab Certified drivers.



    What hell is with that screenshot it states your monitor is running at 1hz, wtf.

  11. Like DjLizard has done yesterday... A huge jump from Dial-a-fix 0.60 to Dial-a-fix 1.0.


    I was a late adopter of Dial-a-Fix, however after the first usage it fixed allot of crap that was wrong on my system that I didn't even know about which has my system humming along and running much smoother, well actually running like a brand new fresh installation of WinXP. Dial-a-Fix should be given an award for software of the year or some other prestigious award.

  12. Possibly McAfee's Web Shield or whatever they call it nowadays.


    Another possibility is some sort of proxy ad blocker that's using a block with a wildcard term like *ad* or *ads* the problem is those letters are in download which will effect allot of websites, and also the CCleaner.com downloadbuilds.asp page.

  13. They can come out with those insane disc sizes but they'll take forever to burn. Also if the disc gets damaged and unreadable there's going to be a hell of allot of data that gets lost in the process.

  14. If it was added, I can see unexperienced users checking it and then coming here complaining about losing their restore points.


    That's why as rridgely already stated it could be under Advanced. And like everything else in Advanced it would have a pop-up with a warning, if people fail to read the warning they themselves would be responsible.


    However, some of the confusion that people continually have by posting similar threads over and over again could be negated if CCleaner's setup would install a beginners guide and/or a help file, something which I think is long overdue versus relying upon an online source.

  15. Back on topic, the first link didn't seem to want to work but I found this Wiki with some cool pictures of the Millau Bridge:





    After seeing that pic I remember that bridge from a t.v. show that was one hour long showing it's creation.

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