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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Yeah it finds that extension and a whole lot more when registering filetypes in IrfanView. No need to worry about it though as it doesn't break anything whatsoever, and should you ever run into that .jp2 obscure filetype IrfanView will still open it, and if it doesn't the file associations are easy enough to re-register in IrfanView by clicking 'Options->Set file associations'.

  2. I hope the same thing doesn't happen again if someone finds Bigfoot or the Lochness Monster :P .


    With all the technology available there's still tons of species to find and catalog not only on land, but the biggest thing people haven't been able to exploit the deep ocean. Strange how we can send man to the moon, yet all these decades later still haven't even really scratched the "surface" of the deep ocean.

  3. I had more-or-less the same problem and figured out it was due to too many folders (well actually all artist folders) in the root of the My Music folder, possibly something to do with how Windows is caching or sorting the directories but I'm not sure. By simply alphabetizing everything in sub-folders (A-B-C, D-E-F, etc.) the result was no more lengthy delay opening the main folder or the sub-folders.

  4. It will clean everything you have check marked in the 'Cleaner' section, it's the same as running (you won't see anything on screen it runs silently in the background):

    "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO


    It won't however ever run the 'Issues' scanner automatically, that must be done via the application manually for obvious reason, one being if you wish to make a registry backup of the detected issues found in the registry.

  5. Funny how some software can affect different machines.


    That's so true! Possibly drivers, BIOS, or some other proprietary system stuff from a PC manufacturer.


    I know this is the last Dell PC I'll ever own as some of the issues from my first Dell PC way back in 1998 still plague me on a totally different system with a completely different OS, That issue being it pukes on playing commercial PC games without regard of any version of ATI display drivers I install, thank goodness for my PS2 otherwise I'd be without video games.

  6. I'm not sure if Netveda was to blame, but I can't believe it butchered up things to the point it did. It sure didn't like something about my setup.


    ZoneAlarm a few years ago was known to do that with some USB hardware devices plugged in, for instance the setup would mess up with my USB speakers plugged in - strange but true.

  7. Welcome to the CCleaner forums Stoffrld. :)


    You should remove your email address from plain sight because spammers can exploit it and send you hordes of spam.


    If you don't want URL's ("browsing history"), cookies, etc., deleted from your browser just uncheck the whole browser in CCleaner, it will be in bold blue text. That "should" have CCleaner leave it alone and not clean it at all.


    Of course this means you'll have to use the browsers own built-in cleaning utilities to deal with temporary internet files ("cache"), and cookies.


    If you want to save specific cookies in Internet Explorer do the following:

    In CCleaner: Click Options->Cookies then use the "->" button to move cookies into the Cookies to keep list.


    Also see the CCleaner Beginners Guide.

  8. i think that this program can do what you want. but it requires the .net framework :(




    Looks interesting, especially for creating a Windows Updates CD just for archival purposes. .NET Framework is required by allot of apps nowadays, luckily I don't have to download v1.0, or v2.0 anymore since I have them on CD-R.


    Although when installing Windows Updates even on a dial-up it's just a matter of letting it download all the updates while sleeping, that's what I did back in Sep 2005 and when I woke up all I had to do was reboot.

  9. He's actually referring to the icon labels themselves; not the icons. I've seen this issue here on CCleaner before (but was unable to locate the old post).


    Ahh, I'm thinking of something else then?

    I have seen where some icon flushers namely RegSeeker remove the ability to have Alpha-blended icons display correctly.

  10. I think it has something to do in the registry, however I could be wrong. You could try something like Microsoft Tweak UI, then in Tweak UI do the following:

    1. Click Repair, select Rebuild Icons.

    2. Click the Repair Now button. You may have to click it twice.

    3. Reboot.


    If that doesn't work start your computer in Safe Mode which will rebuild the icons at a lower resolution, and then reboot into Normal Mode to have them rebuilt again at a higher resolution.



    DjLizard's Dial-a-Fix may actually be your best first choice. In Dial-a-Fix do the following:

    1. Click Tools.

    2. Highlight Flush Icons.

    3. Click GO.

  11. I'm still wondering if you can download updates in a way they can be saved and reinstalled later.


    With the mode/mood Microsoft is in nowadays with WGA and all I don't know. I noticed that the security updates are only available via Automatic Updates, Windows Update, and Microsoft Update.


    Perhaps they still offer them on a CD. I don't know if they do or not because the last one I have is from 2004 which updated everything from Windows 98 to Windows XP.

  12. You aren't going to find anything of much use in the Firefox cache folder because it doesn't create typical file extensions like image.gif, audio.mp3, video.avi, etc.




    Anyways here's what you wanted to know:


    Windows XP:


    In Windows Explorer go to this location:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Your Windows User Profile Name\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\Randomly Created Firefox Profile Name\Cache


    Via Command Prompt:

    dir /s "%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"

  13. Correct CCleaner removes the Hotfix Uninstallers, but leaves a horde of invalid data in the registry that still points to those removed Hotfix Uninstallers. I've removed all of them that RegSeeker finds with no problems. In reality it isn't a problem that they are left behind, as that in itself won't cause any problems.

  14. Depending upon your MS Office version you could actually copy the setup disc to your hard drive to a location such as "C:\Drivers\Office" and when Office wants a file or whatever just point it to that location. This equals no more trying to find the Office CD!


    I know for a fact that some cleaners (not CCleaner) will mess with an Office 2003 .bak file and it will start complaining about it missing. If you do copy the office setup disc to your hard drive make sure you enable the view of Hidden files because MS hides the .cab files on some versions such as Office 2003.


    I'm not sure about "...\Temp\is-VOQJJ.tmp\gtapi.dll" it doesn't make too much sense that a program installation would require a file from a temp setup folder when it should have copied that .dll into either it's program folder or the Windows "%windir%\system32" folder.

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