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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. I don't like WMP, imho its too big, bulky, sluggish and bloated.


    Personally, I use Winamp 2.81, which is good enough for me considering my relatively small audio collection.


    But I do also like musikCube, its cool. http://www.musikcube.com/


    Yeah it's all those things you stated in the first sentence, however it also depends on your system specifications as to how quick or slow it will operate - on my system it loads faster than Winamp 5.


    Winamp 2.x was alright in it's day but mostly as you noted for a small audio collection.


    I tried out musikCube after clicking on it in your signature one day last week. It was impressive and all but I noticed it didn't from what I could see support ReplayGain tags/values for volume leveling in Ogg Vorbis, thus I ended up uninstalling it. When/if it gets ReplayGain support I'll look into it again!


    that's pretty much what sucks about the whole ID3 standard. the ID3v2.4 standard has been out for 5 years(6 now i guess) and hardly any program supports it.


    Indeed, truth spoken brother! The whole ID3v 2.x issue is like hitting a brick wall, and then having it fall over on you afterwords, of course it isn't even an issue if someone only uses one audio player but as soon as switching there can be noticable troubles.

  2. I'm on WinXP, and know that 0.8.3 is the last Win9x/Me version!

    And yeah it's but I didn't use it long before going back to 0.8.3 which is the second time in a few short months I've did that. I downgraded because I couldn't find in it anywhere to write "compliant" 'ISO-8859-1 tags instead of UTF-16'. Also I noticed the ID3v2 tags it writes weren't even recognized by Tag Frontend w/TAG and I ended up mass auto-renaming five currently ripped cd's and ended up with chopped off names.

  3. so i suspect that WMP uses some kind of metadata system where the metadata is stored somewhere else and not in the files.


    That would explain some things, but I "think" I read some chart of paper recently where it used ID3 tags, I could be wrong though. I've got that Cannibal Corpse CD as well.


    Andavari I know you already know about this but to anyone else who wants to edit mp3(or any other format) tags this is the absolute best program to use.





    Yeah, it worked like a charm previously be it flat out refuses to use my formatting string for what reason I don't know because it used to use it in v2.35 but v2.36 won't allow it. Maybe I'm doing something incompatible with it.


    Well, I solved my issue and decided to go back to Foobar2000 well actually I upgraded from 0.8.3 to the newest build solely because of the plugin called Infobox which reminds me of the old official Simple Infobox plugin. I'm not going to mess with WMP due to the tagging issues.

  4. I have the free version of jv16 Power Tools, however, I don't understand how to use it other than manually removing entries.


    I'd suggest finding an online tutorial about it's usage with explainations because from what I remember it has some shoot yourself in both feet options. It's a bit dangerous to use a registry cleaning tool that you don't fully understand. Although auto as you stated may sound like an easy sort-of hands off approach I however wouldn't trust it for one millisecond, albeit Jouni is a good coder of registry cleaning apps.

  5. Also, here is a Kaspersky Forum thread where RejZor, whom I know from other security forums as an experienced malware researcher says:

    One of those two options ought to do the trick for you, I should think. :)


    That works.

    I didn't even get to try out KAV as I've never seen an AV bring my PC to it's knees like KAV did. The resident shield made everything pretty much useless on my system at the default recommended settings, just rebooting to get into safe mode to uninstall it was a long process. This completely surprised me because my system isn't exactly a slouch in the specification department with a 3.20 Ghz P4 w/MT, and 1 GB Ram.

  6. I have a USB port like that on my old computer and have never found out why it's like that. The only solution I had was to plug the device (which happened to be Altec Lansing USB speakers) into the USB plug that detected it.

  7. I'm pretty much a Windows Media Player virgin as I've never really liked it and such before, however things do change and as my thinking has changed since my entire audio CD collection is now backed up and encoded to LAME MP3 at the quality -V 2 ("old --preset standard") on my secondary hard disk for compatibility with every gadget I may end up using in the future. I'm thinking of actually switching to WMP since I wouldn't need anything else just for playback of mp3's, and I actually like it's ability to quickly add new mp3's, and remove those I've renamed or moved.



    What I've did so far, thinking it would remedy the problem with zero success:

    * Made sure all the mp3's weren't set as read-only.

    * Checked the various WMP options/settings to make sure I didn't have something disabled in there. Doesn't seem as if there is anything disabled.


    The problem:

    When wanting to re-tag or update an mp3 ID3 tag which only has an ID3v1 tag which ALL2LAME with TAG installed only supports. WMP doesn't write what I've manually inputted ("the additional information") such as the track title which is too long for an ID3v1 tag, and I add a comment yet every time I've did this WMP doesn't write anything into the mp3's, I've confirmed it isn't updating the mp3's by loading them into Foobar2000.


    Another question:

    As silly as this may sound, does the mp3 filetype have to be registered in WMP for it to change the tags?



    Changed sentence structure because it made no sense at all.

  8. You have to be careful with RegSeeker and know exactly what to exclude. It's one of those registry cleaners that may be too powerful, and if you don't know what you're cleaning you can easily cause problems. The safest registry cleaner I know of is in CCleaner, the large 'Issues' button.

  9. Do not attach .doc files to forum posts.


    Rather paste it in the post as text.



    To take a screenshot fo your error. Press Alt+PrtScrn, then open MSPaint (Start > Run > mspaint) and paste the image. Next, go to File -> Save As... and save it as a *.jpg



    Yup, and yup, I agree with both statements. I was gonna say something but decided not to.


    So that we don't seem like meanies welcome to the CCleaner forums Keith.:)

  10. It's a lesson learnt for me that port exceptions manually created for a program in windows firewall, must be manually deleted after program uninstallation.


    Any firewall is that way. Unless of course it was some bloated program which you'd use a System Restore point to get rid of. I don't know if an ERUNT backup would get rid of them or not. I personally don't allow Exceptions in Windows Firewall and have ticked on the General tab "Don't allow exceptions" and as of yet (knock on wood) I haven't had to enable exceptions.

  11. They have not been too successful in convincing regulators [at least in the EU] that forcing users of Windows to use MS's choice of Web browser [iE] and search engine [MSN] is a fair business practice. I find it hard to believe that they will be any more successful forcing an entire OS on consumers.


    Yeah the Windows Vista install CD should at least come with other clean browsers like Firefox, and Opera. And come with other clean email clients too like Thunderbird. And a choice of media players.


    They could include it on a secondary disc of add-ons that isn't part of the Windows Vista install CD which I think would be a very good ideal because it could also introduce people to free security software under license of course like; Ad-Aware, Spybot-S&D, Avast antivirus, AVG antivirus, AntiVir antivirus, ZoneAlarm firewall, etc. I realize that's just wishful thinking on my part.


    There's no reason for them not to include them because they could simply install just the IE core files needed by Windows, and instead allow people after Windows setup to auto-download and install from auto updates or a special MS website in cooperation with Firefox and Opera a browser of their choice including Internet Explorer if they wanted it. I think the more serious thing though is Internet Explorer, Outlook, and Windows Media Player shouldn't be so hooked into the system and should instead be just like any other installed program which is; easily and fully be uninstalled without going through hoops like editing .ini files to allow something to be uninstalled or having to resort to some third-party program to remove them.

  12. Would this have meant if I hadn't checked, that those ports would have been kept open?


    It's hard to know exactly since Windows Firewall doesn't come with the best documentation of it's workings, therefore I don't know if a missing .exe file can leave open ports or not.


    You probably already know this; under the Exceptions tab if that missing program is still listed you can highlight it, then click the Delete button to get rid of it.

  13. Are you sure it's CCleaner? You're the first person that I know of whom has reported such behaviour.


    There's some virus/malware that successfully targets Norton and can cripple/disable it, therefore as a precaution I suggest you make sure your system is clean without infections by following the Spyware Removal Guide http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showtopic=3505, and then post a HijackThis log in (not in this thread): http://forum.ccleaner.com/index.php?showforum=12.

  14. Strange.. Did you uninstall the old version and get the new version of the mcafee site? Thats what I did.




    First I installed over the existing version, that didn't work.

    Next I uninstalled SiteAdvisor, restarted FF, then installed the new version as a clean install and it still didn't work correctly. I think I'll just wait for version 24.0 since they update it regularly.

  15. Thanks for that link, I had to reinstall 22.0. Whoa, the first thing I downloaded from download.com in like 5 or 6 years.


    I just installed the new version of site advisor without any problems.


    I was hoping it would be o.k. on my end to but it wasn't, I wish it had worked for me. There weren't any safe/unsafe icons when using the search term "screensavers" on Google. Also that newest version wouldn't load the siteadvisor site.

  16. Avira UnErase Personal

    A new freeware product from the makers of AntiVir anti-virus products.

    URL: http://www.free-av.com/

    Supports: MS Windows 9x and above ("WinAll")

    • Recovers data that has been deleted from the hard disk.
    • Shows the percentage of how complete a file is.
    • Suggests to restore to a different disk/partition as restoring to the same partition the file was deleted from could be risky.


  17. 2. When surfing and I find a page I want to save to favourites, I just click, hold and drag the little blue icon in front of the address in the address bar, and drop it in favourites just above to the right.

    I use Internet Explorer.


    I didn't know that! Hey it works in Firefox too. :)

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