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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Using winapp2.ini as a template to get you started in making your own entry for your particular temp folder you can tell CC exactly what to remove in that folder, such as: *.tmp, *.bak, *.junk, etc., without ever touching your .bmp file.


    However as a general rule of thumb and for the safety of your files don't store any important files in a temp directory - that's what the My Documents folder is for, also there's a wallpaper folder built into Windows which you could use located in C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper.

  2. Being a long time user of both EC and CC the main differences in junk files I think is:

    * EC will check each and every folder for junk files like .bak, .tmp. Not necessarily the safest approach, however if you know what to exclude it's not even remotely a problem.

    * CC only checks what's listed in it's .ini files, and is thus much safer out-of-the-box so to say because it won't accidentally remove something for example like Mozilla Firefox's bookmarks backup file "bookmarks.bak" simply because it doesn't look for it.


    However like Tony stated CC is more-or-less future-proof (for Win32 OSes that is) being that with winapp2.ini and any text editor anyone can write cleaning routines for CC to clean just about damn near anything, including recursively scanning folders for .bak and .tmp files.


    I'm however not in favour of one over the other because I honestly believe both are needed to more-or-less safely cleanse a system of junk files and invalid registry data.


    hazelnut, next time try reading before you reply.


    Hazelnut isn't a mean person at all. And I can gaurantee if you can't find something she'll be the one who gives you a link to it.

  3. i seriously doubt that Winamp could cause something like this. all it does is play music.


    Agreed, it's unlikely.

    and finally, go to Start > Run and type in "services.msc" without the quotes and go down the list to where it says "Windows Audio". make sure that the service is enabled. if it isn't Enable it.


    I didn't know that, just learned something new! :)


    why did you post when i was posting :(


    Yeah but you offered information I didn't even think about! Two minds are better than one! ;)

  4. This may or may not work:

    1. Right click My Computer and select Properties

    2. Then go into Hardware->Device Manager

    3. Scroll down to 'Sound, video and game controllers' and then right click it and select Scan For hardware changes.

    3a. If there's no hardware changes you can optionally open each sub-component by right clicking them and selecting Properties to see if the devices are functioning correctly. You can also check for updates.

    3b. If the devices are functioning properly and if there's no updates some of the sub-components can be temporarily uninstalled via right clicking them and selecting Uninstall, then reboot Windows and it will auto-detect all the hardware again and "perhaps fix it."

  5. MrG the CCleaner developer posted recently in a thread which I can't find that CCleaner doesn't touch the System Restore points so as Tony stated something else has caused the problem.

  6. Why don't you just make things easy for yourself by opening your PC case and moving the hard drive connections. Simply put change how they're plugged in by making your larger capacity E:\ drive the primary drive the C:\ drive the slave.

  7. Your shutdown would be better via a batch file however you have to give yourself enough time so that you can cancel the shutdown if you've accidentally click the shutdown link, or changed your mind, here it is:


    Save as for example: Shutdown_Windows.bat


    @echo offshutdown -s -t 20 -c "The system will shutdown soon"echo ----------------------------------------------------------------echo To cancel the shutdown press Enter on your keyboard.echo ----------------------------------------------------------------pauseshutdown -aclsexit


  8. If you're talking about Recent Documents there's two ways of dealing with them other than using CCleaner, these are WinXP instructions:


    Already built into WinXP:

    1. Right click the start button and select Properties.
    2. Then click the tab Start Menu and select Customize.
    3. On the tab General you can set the number of programs on the Start Menu to 0, which will stop WinXP from placing a shortcut to recently used programs on the Start Menu. You can also press Clear List to have what's already listed removed.
    4. On the tab Advanced untick 'List my recently opened documents'. You can also press Clear List to have the current list removed.

    How to auto-clean histories using Microsoft Tweak UI:

    1. In Tweak UI click Explorer, and then tick 'Clear document history on exit'. This will cause Explorer to clear the Recent Documents list, Start->Run history, and URL ("website") history when you shutdown, restart, or log off.
    2. Click Apply to enable the setting, and OK to exit Tweak UI.

  9. #1. It doesn't clean much at all. Mainly just default Windows stuff. IE, Recently used, and so on.

    #2. Another scan hard drive for useless files. Removes backups and so on. I DO NOT RECOMMEND DOING THAT!

    #3. I let it scan the registry, I do not like the list it came up with. A few listings seems like it could possibly cause errors and some will just remake themselves (no point in cleaning).

    #4. It's update with blacklists constantly. (That only doesn't sound good)

    #5. It doesn't support skins (Only Windows Default)

    I'm a long time EasyCleaner user and still use it!


    #1 It is playing it sort of safe, no sense in ruining a system.

    #2 Removes what backups, such as those with the .bak extension? You do know filenames and whole folders can be excluded from being listed in the results screen of the Unnecessary Files scanner don't you such as: autoexec.bak, bookmarks.bak, "my music\license backup"

    #3 The registry has an exclusion list (something that CCleaner needs), some of the defaults that need to be excluded are: ccleaner, layout.ini, ntevt.log, wbemsnmp.log, wmdm.log

    #4 The blacklist is how it knows not to mess with things like removing Help from the registry, it's just the built-in exclusion list versus people having to manually type in things to exclude, it's registry cleaner is actually pretty safe to use so long as you know not to clean something it may list as invalid when it's not such as the CCleaner settings which can easily be added to the user exclusion list.

    #5 Skins it doesn't support, however it can use a background colour such as a Windows wallpaper, etc., and since it doesn't have skins it does load fast. Albeit I think the big buttons it has are rather goofy looking which actually cause a problem on smaller monitors set with a resolution like 800x600.

  10. Just modify the winapp2.ini entry posted below in the code to where your Opera 9 is installed, e.g.; like changing the "%ProgramFiles%\Opera" to "%ProgramFiles%\Opera 9" and you'll have cleaning support. If you don't know what winapp2.ini is find out here.

    Seems like I keep having to post this over and over and over again.


    [Opera (Single User)]
    Detect=HKCU\Software\Opera Software

  11. At the rate they are loosing subscribers (left and right), and after the Time-Warner thing from a few years ago I don't see them being around much longer, of course they may form into something different altogether like a software vendor - who knows really. I don't really care what happens to AOL existence-wise because I felt cheated when using them as an ISP being overcharged and all for at least two years, good riddens to them forever.

  12. Dont waste your time with this crap.

    Since I used to have them as my ISP many years ago for a 2 or 2 1/2 year period I could have told you that! Now you know to avoid their crapware at all costs - even if it is "free". They couldn't pay me to install and use their software!

  13. If you made a backup to a different medium, e.g.; CD-RW you can use that to restore your files.


    If you use CCleaner again make sure you're only using the default settings by not using anything under Advanced and make sure you click the Analyze button first. If after analyzing it shows more of your files in My Documents as "junk" then there's either a problem on your system with the system variables or something else, or a problem with CCleaner.

    Don't worry it too much, you can get your files back even it has been deleted


    Some files yes and probably, however all files is unlikely. Whatsmore if someone doesn't try to recover the files rather soon and allows it to go on for many days the probability of recovery is even less because Windows will occupy that empty disk space with some other file, and if defrag is used the problem only gets worse.

  14. I have used many and I found eTrust to be the best I have used so far. Also, ClamWin is a must for a secondary scanner, as it does not have real time protection.


    Agreed! eTrust EZ AV is awesome.

    However other freeware AV's can be used as a secondary scanner if you install them without the resident shield such as AVG and AntiVir plus they scan allot faster than ClamWin.

  15. I wonder if it will be able to play MP3?


    It will have to support MP3, because if it or any other portable player doesn't it would immediately be a flop and fail. Of course it will probably only support WMA, MP3, and perhaps WMA Lossless. I also don't expect Ogg Vorbis to be supported since MS has their proprietary unopen lossy format WMA. As for lossless support I also don't expect FLAC support due to yet another unopened MS proprietary format being WMA Lossless.


    In any event I'm not even interested in it. And yeah it will most likely have DRM but MS seems to be a bit smarter with their DRM in that the licenses can be backed up at least unlike Apple.

  16. Cancel the service and pay substancial early termination penalties.


    They would have to jail me because I wouldn't pay them s**t if they themselves are responsible for breaching an original contract that I agreed to by changing it without any notice - I would actually sue them in a heartbeat if they f'd with me. Anyways it will probably bite them in the ass when consumers form a group and sue them as a whole versus on an individual basis.

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