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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Well I'd have to say it isn't a good ideal to have it run at startup either, only because I've had a few software titles before that continue setup after the system restarts, e.g.; some software for hardware, antivirus, etc.

  2. Has Winrar got any advantages over 7-zip?


    • GUI.

    • RAR archive format can have a recovery record from 1-10%.

    • Backup compression profiles, which I have customized to do every single backup on my system, they're also ususable via a shortcut or in a batch file.

    • Able to update and add files, even to solid archives.

    • The ability to use HTML in SFX archives, e.g.; have a set font, bold text, coloured text, horizontial separation bar, etc.


    • Not free, even if it's being offered for one day.

    • RAR archive format is slower than the 7z format.

    • 7z format typically has better compression ratios.

    That's all I can think about it because I haven't fully dug into what 7-Zip can do, however if WinRAR disappeared or never existed I'd use 7-Zip.


    I wonder which WinRAR website is going to host this:

    Official International WinRAR website http://www.win-rar.com/ which I notice is down until 0:00 CET until Sunday 30th, or http://www.rarsoft.com/.

  3. Saints Row? A next gen free roaming game that looks to compete against the GTA series. All I'm saying is, 360 has plenty of good games, but are overlooked for Sonys tired series (I.E, Final Fantasy, MGS4, etc.)


    I don't pretend to know much of anything about XBOX 360, I just know the console has an award winning design that looks good and has decent specifications. However based on the ugly looking PS3 design I've recently seen its specs would make me choose it instead - but not solely on specs alone, because I know it will have a plethora of the games I like.


    That Saints Row game you mentioned in my opinion would have to absolutely crush the GTA series for me to even consider it. I literally compare GTA San Andreas as the modern day godfather of RPG's against any other free roaming do whatever the hell you want game, and in my opinion it will be difficult to beat.


    Although I'm a long time Final Fantasy fan since FF3 here in the U.S. I do find it very repetitious and it's always bothered me that I can't go literally everywhere I want such as in the GTA series, and the constant attacks and fights are what have more-or-less shifted me from a fantasy setting to the more realistic real-world-like environment of GTA.


    Don't get me started on the MGS series; killer graphics, too linear, too much damned talking followed by more talking, and a very short time to complete which is why I won't buy another MGS game but instead rent them.

  4. P.S. Devin is only eleven


    Many of the posts would suggest and confirm that.


    Soda pop/cola is a tasty treat every now and then, however if you drink enough of it in 10 or more years you'll be having a favourite drill at your local dentists office for doing root canals and fillings, it's one of the worst things you can subject your teeth to.

  5. For those that think staying awake for long periods of time is "cool" or some sort of stupid "competition" you need to read or print this:

    http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neur...eb3/Ledoux.html and do a more thorough search to research the side effects.


    To quote one line of text out of the article:

    Source: http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/bb/neuro/neur...eb3/Ledoux.html

    One of the possible side effects of a continued lack of sleep is death.

  6. I used to have seriously bad insomnia and started staying awake anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours from when I was around 5 or 6 years old up until I was 33 years old just last year. The insomnia seems to have cured itself, albeit probably due to me getting older, and now I can nod off into sleep rather easily.

  7. I've never used it and basically don't know jack about video editing on a PC. I just remembered seeing that AVS program from awhile back when downloading the freeware AVS Disc Creator. I'd think you can use it as a trial.


    You may want to check out a video forum.

  8. Are there any "official" or even some speculated designs of the PS3, e.g.; I'm talking about is there a picture of the thing I'd like to know what it's supposedly going to look like?

  9. I don't suppose Erunt's automatic daily backup would make it happen?


    I honestly don't think Erunt would be responsible for it. I would however think it's either an Ewido problem, or a Windows problem, or both combined.


    Checking the Event Viewer Log as Aaron stated is a good ideal!


    Also something else to try is to right click the Ewido icon next to the clock and exit it, then open the Ewido program files folder and right click ewido.exe and select "Run as" and choose Administrator (that is if it lets you do that), and see if it lists the processes.


    If it were me I would go as far as creating a new Admin user profile to install Ewido on since it could be something wrong with your user profile. Then run Ewido on that new Admin profile to see if it lists the processes, if Ewido still doesn't list the processes you can delete that new Admin profile.



    I am also wondering if DJLizard's Dial-a-Fix may have some sort of repair function for this if it's a related Windows problem.

  10. I tried it back when it was a free beta version, however I wasn't impressed with it at all. I personally don't like those type of combined/suite app's because if part of it gets buggy it could effect the whole product. Also there's free alternatives that you never have to pay for such as these full-featured freeware:

    Antivirus: Avast, AVG, Antivir

    Firewall: ZoneAlarm, Sygate Personal Firewall, Sunbelt Kerio Personal Firewall.


    If I absolutely had to have some sort of combined/suite security app I would however choose Windows Live OneCare over Norton SystemWorks. :P

  11. Give me any brand new game, and I can point out every polygon, every misplaced shadow, every 2-D sprite posing as a 3-D object... games have come a long ways, but they still have a long ways to go before they can fool me, or anybody else.


    The old relics like some 2-D stuff as some flat tree's in a game, drive me insane. I swear some games are using some sort of derivative of Nintendo's Mode 7 "graphics enhancement" from the SNES. GTA San Andreas has to be the most plagued game with problems like very late drawing of important objects like that tree you're about you fly a jet into. However, hopefully that will be corrected in the next GTA thanks to the PS3's power.


    In my opinion, the PS3 is by no means "the system to end all systems".
    Agreed, however it will be the system to end my usage of PS2 which is on more than my PC, I'm surprised it's still alive albeit it is my second unit.
  12. There's also the chance that you could contact a recording company to see if they'd let you use some of their music, etc., via a license - just tell them from the get go it's for a school project. Now rather that would cost any money or not I don't know, however it's the safe approach of dealing with a record company versus their lawyers. Funny thing is I remember all sorts of projects in school that used copy-righted music without anyone getting permission beforehand, that's however highly illegal.

  13. You may need to do this (#1 & #2 are typical, whereas starting with #3 it's more of a thing that only the CCleaner developer could troubleshoot):

    1. Download and install/reinstall the Microsoft Visual Basic Runtime Files, and restart your computer immediately after installation - even if you aren't prompted to do so. Then try to run CCleaner again.
    2. If CCleaner still crashes/freezes, you should do a clean install of CCleaner by first uninstalling CCleaner followed by a system restart, and then once your computer has started reinstall CCleaner.
    3. If CCleaner is still having problems after a clean install you can run CCleaner in Debug mode via this parameter in Start->Run:
      "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /DEBUG
    4. If that still doesn't resolve the issue you should take a screenshot of the exact details and post it in this thread so that the CCleaner developer can see what it is. Note: You'll have to click the Details link on WinXP to show the full crash data versus a summary.


  14. That happened with, it was listed on Filehippo before it was on the official site. I'll wait because when it's officially released it's a quick update via 'Help->Check for Updates...'

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