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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. No dna,can reproduce and survive such high heat.Well you could say that it is alien compared to all other life forms on Earth!


    That's what scientists are theorizing. However what if there could be fire-based life? I guess I've been playing Final Fantasy games too long.


    If E.T. were to find us they'd probably take one look at our planet, the wars and turmoil, and say:

    "It's not nice to meet you! Goodbye we'll be back in one billion years. Upon our return we'll see if your species is still in existence and hasn't decimated yourselves and your planet, and if you've actually evolved. And BTW we're taking Michael Jackson back with us, we lost him sometime ago."

  2. tha last tip i have is that in options it would be good if there was at "start ccleaner att startup" so maby it can auto run and clean or something.


    Auto cleaning when the computer starts is already available, see screenshot:


  3. the long range satellites their sending out now can detect life easily, did u not pay attention in science class. think the first one they sent to mars could tell us. and that was a long time ago


    And just how is a sat going to detect something that may be living very deep within a cave that may be surrounded by some material that can't be probed from space, and has to be investigated on foot. Sure the current space hardware and such may be able to detect allot of stuff, however in my opinion it's going to take boots on the ground (people) with a brain to make an informed decision versus depending upon some robotic machine to decide what's interesting or not.


    If the sats were so good, then why would America be so poised to send people to Mars by the year 2030 (I think that's the year Pres Bush wanted it to be accomplished by). If sats and all the robotics were so good there'd be no reason to even send people into space.


    Of course everyone has their respected opinions.

  4. i reckon in our lifetime they will find a planet with life on it


    Well in order for humans to find life I'd think we'd first need to become a species that can build a spaceship that is capable of lasting for thousands of years that allows countless generations of people to live in space without ever relying upon the Earth to even stumble upon the remote chance of finding even a microbe, fungus, plant, etc., on another planet or moon.


    I don't necessarily think a NASA robot is going to find definite traces of life even if it has the most sophisticated software installed and an artificial intelligence ("AI") that verges on pure brilliance, because I think it's going to take that human thing called exploration and sticking our noses into everything to eventually stumble upon it.


    With that said in the vastness of the universe I doubt very much that Earth is the only planet with life on it.

  5. I updated late lastnight although I noticed Filehippo.com had the full download at some point in the afternoon when I checked. It took Mozilla sometime before the auto-update found that a new version was available.

  6. You can also try PageDefrag


    I was also thinking of PageDefrag, and pagefile.sys. If it is pagefile.sys and you use PageDefrag it will probably take a few minutes for it to defrag that file. Of course it could also be some other files that are locked and in-use by Windows that PageDefrag can of course defrag on the next boot.

  7. I don't think Winamp is that smart yet, it's just as dumb as any other player out there if you move a file that's in a playlist it won't be able to find it.


    One solution is to save the playlist in the artist directory, e.g.;

    If you have some Queen music save the playlist in the Queen folder (had to make a Queen reference because they rocked last night on VH1 Rock Honors). That way if you move the whole folder the playlist will still work. I always make sure when making a backup CD or DVD that I open the playlist in a text editor to make sure it isn't using absolute paths.

  8. im gonna have to go see how the prices range. wheres the best place to shop for parts? i would just go for best buy... any place better in your opinions?


    Try to shop locally if possible, because:

    * It financially helps your community.

    * Returning an item you don't want is quick and easy because the place is just across town.


    At Best Buy, Staples, etc., you can get ordinary run of the mill things like hard disk(s), keyboard & mouse, Printer/Scanner, CD/DVD writer drive(s) if you don't want something specific like a Plextor CD/DVD drive, etc. Make sure you look at the stores weekly flyers in your newspaper because you can buy some things when they're on sale, do try to save a few bucks by getting things on sale.


    For RAM I would personally choose crucial.com (someone else may know another reliable online source). When it comes to RAM don't try to save a few dollars by going el cheapo because you'll regret it later.


    The only brand preference I have is when it comes to computer speakers, I'll only use Altec Lansing. However what I've seen in stores like Staples is their "lower-end" stuff, however their website has the good stuff.


    Of course you also need to consider if some of your current equipment like Printer/Scanner, etc., is good enough to continue using because you can save allot of money if some of your hardware is suiting your needs fine.

  9. Microsoft Backup:

    Already built into Windows. However it uses a proprietary format, and if Microsoft Backup stops working (it has on me before) you can't restore your backup which is why I don't rely upon it anymore.



    Has the ability to create and save profiles as well as create a shortcut to the profiles for quick and easy backups in the RAR or ZIP archive formats. You can use it to add single files or whole directories. I now create all my backups with the RAR archive format via the profiles I mentioned.


    Microsoft SyncToy:

    Helps you copy, move, rename, and delete files between folders and computers quickly and easily.

  10. tbh my comp really needs a reformat but its just tedious.


    Yeah but on WinXP it's less of a pain installing drivers and such because it will look on the Internet for a newer driver, versus what I remember on Win98.

  11. If you download from the official CCleaner download page and not some download website, you'll find that there are two other builds being offered:

    • Basic - Includes all currently available languages, no toolbar
    • Slim - English only version, no toolbar

    This whole toolbar dicussion that keeps popping up is a very moot point since there's two other builds available without it.

  12. For a monitor I myself wouldn't go below 19 inches which I happen to have now, however if/when I ever get another monitor it will have to be even bigger than 19 inches, as well it will have to be widescreen. I may just get a high-end laptop because I'm tired of desktop PC's that take up so much space.

  13. Really? I've never heard of this problem before. Why are people renaming it in the first place? <_<


    Don't know why it's a problem, however I would image people are renaming the setup file so that they know exactly what it's for. I however keep my downloads very nicely organized such as downloading CCleaner v1.29.295 into: D:\Setups\CCleaner v1.29.295


    I do know after using some other peoples computers that they have a jumbled mess and download everything .zip, .exe, .mp3, etc., into one download folder with zero organization - it would drive me crazy.

  14. I'm don't keep up at all with current hardware and what's considered the best therefore I can't recommend any particular brands and such, however I do know this:

    • Get a good and powerful Power Supply that can handle anything you throw at it hardware-wise.
    • Get a good dual format DVD writer drive, e.g.; DVD-/DVD+
    • Get a good display card that you won't need to update/replace for many years.
    • Get a large enough hard disk that will suit you for many years and do go a little crazy by getting one larger than you think you'll actually need, and partition it (using NTFS of course) to completely separate the operating system and program files from your music and videos because a format that removes all music and videos just plain sucks. Or get a couple of hard drives.
    • Get a PC case that has very good ventilation.
    • Get a good monitor that you know will suit your needs for many years and even a future PC.


  15. I don't know why it doesn't work like that other than you can't have the setup file named the same as the main .exe file in the setup file. Funny thing is I remember a long time ago when I started using WinZip Self Extractor it would warn about naming a setup file setup.exe if setup.exe already existed in the .zip file. Of course an easy solution would be for Mr.G to add a comment on the download page about not naming/re-naming the installer ccleaner.exe to avoid this constant reaccuring problem.

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