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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. I had problems with it, and will never use it again.


    My problem was when Microsoft Windows Live Safety Center wouldn't uninstall do to one or more files being deleted out of the Downloaded Installations folder. I then manually uninstalled Windows Live Safety Center and then visited the Windows Live Safety Center website again, allowed it to fully load, etc., and ran the Downloaded Installations remover again to verify it was the culprit, and it was. I even PM'd MrG stating it should be removed from winapp2.ini - however it's still there.

  2. as others said, try cleaning it out, try it in a different computer, and if its still sluggish, buy a new one.


    Agreed! It isn't worth formatting the hard disk and spending hours reinstalling everything, and then spending more hours re-configuring everything to your liking just to fix a mouse that may very well be faulty or dying. If you get a new one look into an optical mouse, they really are worth the extra money as there's no roller ball that needs to be frequently cleaned, etc.

  3. Guide: How to enable the CCleaner /AUTO parameter





    The below information is now included in the CCleaner Beginner's Guide in section "Command-line Parameters" (thanks TwistedMetal).





    Q: What is the CCleaner /AUTO parameter?

    A: It allows CCleaner to automatically clean your pre-selected items that are within the large Cleaner button.


    Q: Why doesn't the CCleaner GUI appear when using the /AUTO parameter?

    A: The GUI doesn't appear because CCleaner runs hidden in the background to clean your pre-selected items.


    Q: Does this also automatically clean the Issues?

    A: No. Issues ("broken shortcuts, and registry cleaner") must be ran separately for obvious safety reasons.




    The CCleaner /AUTO parameter can be used in and with:

    • Batch files (.bat).
    • Shortcuts/links such as; making one on the desktop named CCleaner (Auto).
    • Via the Windows Task Scheduler.
    • From within CCleaner itself which will allow it to run at every system startup and/or logon.

    This is the parameter to use in shortcuts, batch files, or in Task Scheduler (including the quotes) (three examples included):

    • "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO
    • "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO
    • "C:\Progra~1\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO

    To make it run at every system startup do the following:

    1. Run CCleaner.
    2. Click Options->Settings, then tick:
      Run CCleaner when the computer starts
    3. Done, you can now close CCleaner.
      Note: This will only clean the User Profile it was enabled on.

    To automatically clean All User Profiles on Windows XP (when each individual user logs onto their user profile):

    1. Navigate to:
      C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    2. Right click and create a New Shortcut and input one of the three example parameters listed above.



    Since the question comes up every now and then how to make CCleaner run on shutdown I've created a batch file that allows this to happen. Note: The batch file to my knowledge will only work with Microsoft Windows XP, it wasn't tested on any other version of Windows however you can probably easily adapt/edit it to work with other Windows versions.


    The download is CCleaner_Auto_Shutdown.zip and is available for download in the link listed below. The file was scanned for any virus infection before being uploaded to the CCleaner forums using Avira AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic, and ClamWin Free Antivirus.




  4. Welcome to the CCleaner forums lolol! :)


    You can use the /AUTO switch via batch files (.bat), shortcuts such as making one on the desktop named CCleaner (Auto), via the Task Scheduler, or from within CCleaner itself which will schedule it to run at every system startup or logon.


    This is what you'd use (including the quotes):

    "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO



    "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO


    To make it run at every system startup do the following:

    1. Run CCleaner.

    2. Click Options->Settings, then tick: Run CCleaner when the computer starts

  5. You have to wrap stuff in quotes such as in your case:

    "D:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO



    "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO


    or (Win9x/DOS compatible, no quotes needed):

    D:\Progra~1\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe /AUTO

  6. Beige box about 16" high, with a few slots on the front. A nice big button which turns green when I press it, and lots of wires sticking out the back. :)


    LOL! :lol: I love your description; plain, simple, non technical, and to the point without devulging too much information.

  7. I have seen that happen before but not from CCleaner, instead it was after using RegSeeker's Tweaks->Rebuilt Icon Cache. And it's very difficult to undo unless you restore the Windows registry to a time before it happened. That's about all I know about it, however I'd think if DJLizard see's this he'll know the exact fix.


    In the meantime you "may" be able to fix this by one of the following two methods (no gaurantee's however):

    * Restart Windows in safe mode so that it will load all icons in a lower resolution, then reboot into normal mode.

    * Download Microsoft Tweak UI, then click Repair->Rebuild Icons->Repair Now. And then restart Windows.


    It probably wouldn't hurt to run chkdsk on your hard disk as well:

    1. Start->Run->type in: chkdsk /f c:

    2. Restart Windows.

  8. A 2 1/2 year old Dell Dimension 8300 that has a butt ugly casing which pisses me off because of the protruding oval like things near the two dvd drives, and the ultra damned annoying difficult as hell to plug anything into two front USB ports and headphone jack. Whoever designed the case should be fired for being a complete idiot for obviously not testing their design before releasing it unto unexpecting consumers!


    The guts of it:

    • Intel Pentium 4 3.20Ghz w/Multi-Threading
    • 1 GB Ram
    • ATI Radeon 9800 128MB (the last ATI junk I'll own because I hate their crappy .NET Catalyst Control Center)
    • Two Western Digital 74.4 GB hard disks (way to small for my needs)
    • TEAC DVD+RW DV-W58E (CD/DVD writer drive, only writes DVD+ media which makes it junk in that regard, however it extracts damaged/scratched audio CDs rather well)
    • JLMS "LITEON" DVD-ROM XJ-HD166 (CD/DVD reader drive, junk, it's piss-poor when extracting audio CDs. I hate it and may put it in my old Win98 PC so that it can at least read DVD's and replace it on my XP Pro system with a dual format DVD+/DVD- writer drive or wait for the next generation of higher capacity DVD formats)
    • Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 (the last Creative junk I'll own, their software is a bloated and crashy joke, hence I only installed the drivers only and thus have no functionality of the rear surround sound or Dolby Digital)


  9. Other possibilites:

    • It could be dirt underneath the buttons (stop eating sticky cake and using the mouse), which would mean taking the mouse apart and cleaning it with a toothbrush and an air duster a.k.a "can of compressed air".
    • The USB port could be faulty, or not seated fully, etc. You could test another device on the USB port the mouse uses to see if there's any problems.


  10. Perhaps if you empty that Temp folder yourself, maybe then CCleaner will start removing the contents in it.


    You could also force the deletion of files in that folder by clicking:

    1. 'Options->Custom' and add that folder to 'Custom Files and Folders to Clean'

    2. Then make sure you have this selected, otherwise it won't work:


  11. Avast has skins which maybe some wouldn't like. are there any cons of AVG?


    Avast can be installed without skin support, therefore it will look like a normally GUI'd app instead of looking like a media player - it's allot easier to use out-of-the-box so to say if the skins are disabled.


    AVG doesn't have any drawbacks that I know of for a free antivirus other than becoming a bit chubby and needing a diet to get it down in size, however in my views it's currently tied with Avira AntiVir as my two favourite free antivirus'.

  12. That's the reason to make a backup of the system registry either with System Restore or ERUNT before using tweaks rather it's something on Kellys, or even some of the things in MS Tweak UI that may contain vague descriptions. It's especially important if you don't have any ideal of what all the exact changes will be. I still backup the registry on my system before using so-called tweaks, merely because I know if I don't it may take a long time to undo something.

  13. You have to de-select the cleaning of Office 2003 in:

    'Cleaner->Applications->Applications->Office 2003'


    And yeah for some reason allowing some cleaning programs the ability to clean the settings makes Office 2003 think it's installation is broken and it will ask for the install CD. This can be negated by copying from the first CD the hidden .cab files and the .msi files into a folder such as:



    As soon as you disable the cleaning of Office go ahead and reconfigure things such as Word 2003, etc., and then make certain you backup your Office 2003 configuration via the Start Menu group:

    'Microsoft Office->Microsoft Office Tools->Microsoft Office 2003 Save My Settings Wizard'

    That way if anything wipes out your settings you can quickly import them again by running Microsoft Office 2003 Save My Settings Wizard.

  14. How long did it take you to download Linux?


    1 year, 23 hrs. 59 mins. 59 sec. :P Just shy of going on two years! :lol:

    I really shouldn't be making fun of his dial-up since I too use it. :(

  15. That file will also appear if you have a Dell Printer/Scanner that's actually just a re-badged Lexmark.


    I don't remember completely since I just ignore the file on my system, but I could've sworn it said somethink like RealTek in it which baffled me because I don't have any RealTek hardware (soundcard, etc) on my system, but maybe I'm wrong. Don't know, ain't worried about it.

  16. Hi guys,

    #1 - I'm using CCleaner v1.29 - The shortcuts from the Recent Word docs aren't being cleaned

    #2 - I'm using Windows 98 and Office 2000 - Also, I don't use Internet Explorer so I don't have CCleaner running from within IE.


    There really shouldn't be a reason for CCleaner not cleaning out that folder because every MS Office entry it has lists this folder to clean:



    However, since it isn't working here's what I want you to do:

    1. Open Notepad. Note: If you already have the optional winapp2.ini file installed instead open it with Notepad!

    2. Copy and paste the winapp2.ini entry I created for you that's listed in the Code below into either the empty Notepad window, or into the already open winapp2.ini file.:


    [MS Office Recent Files]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\OfficeDefault=TrueFileKey1=%appdata%\Microsoft\Office\Recent|*.*FileKey2=%windir%\Application Data\Microsoft\Office\Recent|*.*; Description: This is a custom entry to only remove MS Office Recent Files,;			  it should work on any version of Windows and with MS Office 97;			  and above.


    3. If you don't have a winapp2.ini save this information into (including the quotes): "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\winapp2.ini"

    or if you already have winapp2.ini open just click Save.

    4. Run CCleaner and see if it will remove the Office Recent Files.

    I hope my instructions were clear.

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